Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 321 The Power of Technology

Although the battle between Father Marshall and the knights is very cool and similar to the mage knights in fantasy works, in fact, these are all the power of technology and the power of T-type enhanced serum.

In addition to armor, the long swords and shields used by the knights have built-in energy circuits. The golden gems inlaid on the sword guards are new technology creations purchased on loan, dyed energy crystals, and are native to the Transformers world.

The energy inside and the energy circuit built into the long sword can give the long sword several different attack modes.

The golden flame that just came out of the long sword is even simpler. It has been said before that the T-type enhanced serum created by the T virus can bring telekinesis to the subjects.

The growth of telekinesis power can be doubled through technical means, but the fine control of telekinesis is very talent-intensive, and this special telekinesis, although invisible matter, can act as a medium for burning.

Therefore, the Crusader Knights referred to this and specially created a special sword technique of light.

It sounds strange, but it is only through the burning telekinesis attached to the long sword that the light flame effect just shown is achieved.

The burning light can be obtained by adding different chemical components. If you want golden light, you only need to embed the corresponding chemical vial in the interval groove to obtain it.

In addition to gold, they also have red, blue, purple...

The shield also contains energy crystals. By activating the energy circuit, releasing high temperature, and igniting the telekinesis, you can obtain a burning telekinetic field. With the action of waving the shield, you can control the burst of the telekinetic field to achieve any form of attack while impacting the enemy, even including energy weapons.

Although the effect is not as good as the direct soul-reading, disrupting the enemy's nerve signal and killing it with one shot... but it is handsome!

The knights of the Crusaders like it very much. They are all Crusaders who have undergone cruel operations and physical trials. It is not their intention to show off. It is to destroy demons and bring happiness to all living beings!

Not only the knights have high-tech equipment, but Father Marshall, as the leader, is armed to the teeth.

The loose robe on his body looks ordinary, and even has little defense. In fact, there are many built-in technologies.

The gold-rimmed cape he wore also had Wakanda's individual shield technology. As long as he lifted the cape in front of him, he could erect a golden shield. He even hid a force field transmitter under his clothes. When necessary, he could stand still and use the deflection force field to deflect everything that was shot at him.

The scepter that was as tall as a person also had a lot of technology hidden in it. The diamond on the top was a dyed energy crystal, much larger than the one on the knight's sword, and had a built-in magnetic field controller that could be used to remotely manipulate metal.

In Avengers 2, the evil Ultron also used this technology to pull up a half-meter wide piece of concrete and smash it at Captain America.

The scepter has nine attack modes, and the AI ​​will automatically protect the owner in critical moments...

This set of high-tech equipment is not cheap. Father Marshall emptied his savings and even borrowed some from a few people in the mysterious group of enthusiasts to get enough of this mechanical wizard suit.

After trying it out, it was amazing!

In the eyes of outsiders, this is completely a wizard!

Although his face had returned to that kind smile, only he knew the excitement surging in his chest.


The old sheriff carefully avoided the demon head that was still emitting black smoke and came to Father Marshall, who had already grown taller.

The other police officers had been ordered to deal with nearby alarm calls and seal off the scene. After all, the church had already started to burn, and it was really not suitable for idle people to approach.

Father Marshall came back to his senses and spoke, "I am praying for those killed by the devil, hoping that they can rest in peace and the souls imprisoned by the devil can return to heaven!"

"Yes, Father!" The old sheriff bowed his head slightly in a reserved manner. He lost his momentum when he blocked the road, and his faith in religion suddenly ignited in his heart.

He may still talk about God in his heart after more than 30 years of being a policeman, but before today, he did not believe that God really existed in the world.

Demons exist, so does God really not exist?

Are you kidding! The priest who truly performed miracles is standing in front of him, how can he not believe it?

The knights smoothly put their swords back into the scabbards. The golden gems on the sword guards flashed slightly. This was actually charging. The inside of the scabbards was covered with energy crystals.

These energy crystals made with modified technology did not have the high energy storage efficiency of the original ones, but after the number was piled up, the energy in the scabbards could still be used by the knights for several years.

Now, the knights have received orders from the headquarters, and they must change from free action to mission status.

Guard the demon's body and wait for the exploration team members to come and collect the body.

The old sheriff also had his eyes on the body. He lowered his eyes and said shyly, "Father, do you think this body can be handed over to..."

"I know what you want to do with this body." Father Marshall, who was old and experienced, saw the old sheriff's slippery character. He could tell what he meant just by starting the conversation. However, "The body cannot be handed over to you. There are too many things related to the devil. If ordinary people are not careful, they may be contaminated by the breath of hell and hurt themselves. The body must be handed over to a special person to deal with."

Hearing this, the old sheriff stepped away from the body and smiled awkwardly, thinking about how to deal with it later.

Anyway, as long as he is involved in this matter, no matter how he handles it, he will get the opportunity to retire early in order to keep his mouth shut!


More police cars drove up, arriving at the scene faster than the agents of the exploration team.

The leading policeman came down, and a young man in police uniform came down. His police uniform was not the uniform of patrol police, but the uniform of the chief.

He quickly crossed the simple blockade set up by several policemen, took over the blockade with more than 20 newly arrived policemen, and walked to the door of the burning church. He even ignored the imposing knights, and roared in anger: "Who can tell me what happened here! Beverly, you can tell me, right!"

"Leave it to me, Father!"

Hearing this, the old sheriff first comforted Father Marshall who was standing still, and then trotted around the corpse to the chief and explained the incident to the later chief.

"There is a demon in the church. In order to kill the demon, the priest accidentally destroyed the church. Good news, the demon has been killed..."

A timid finger pointed to the open space not far in front of the young chief.

The chief looked down and stepped back in fear. The horned head fell to the ground, facing him.

The black smoke was still coming out of the broken part, and the face was also black, which was somewhat unfriendly to people with poor eyesight in the dark night.

At this time, a group of suited people came outside the blockade. These people stepped very neatly, quickly reached into their pockets, and took out the forged FBI documents before the police drew their guns.

A group of men in suits came with a big box, and took away the demon corpse on the ground in a very stylish manner, blocking the mouth of the young chief tightly, and with the very real documents, this vicious case that suddenly occurred in Pasadena ended hastily.

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