Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 315 Demon

The sound of the suit being rolled up made the two women who walked into the living room turn their heads. John Wick blinked his eyes and saw the two people about to discover his movements. He immediately put the gun back to his waist and pretended nothing happened.

"What's wrong?" Jill looked at John Wick, whose movements were obviously out of shape due to his haste, and asked meaningfully. Mia, the hostess of the house, also stared at John Wick in confusion.

"It's okay."

John Wick waved his hand to indicate that it was okay, but he was gesturing to Jill in front of Mia.

"Is that so? Sit down first. I'll go get you a glass of water."

Mia, who was just an ordinary housewife, naturally couldn't see the meaning of the gesture. She nodded in a daze and walked to the kitchen with her daughter who was still sleeping in her arms.

"That's troublesome."

According to courtesy or the normal practice of federal agents, Mia's kindness should be rejected, but Jill was curious about what John Wick saw, so she didn't refuse.

When Mia disappeared from the kitchen, she walked to John Wick and whispered, "What's going on?"

John Wick's sight had never left the pink baby room. Without outsiders, he stared at the baby room and responded in a low voice, "A woman, wearing a white long dress, with messy hair, walked without any sound, and walked through the baby room. Is it okay to investigate?"

Jill also looked at the baby room with the door open, which looked normal, and walked in with her hand half raised.

John Wick followed silently, and the two walked into the baby room full of pink atmosphere, one after the other. After seeing the things in the room, even Jill was almost scared to draw her gun.

Because the room was filled with all kinds of dolls, those wooden dolls had weird faces and wide eyes, which were very unfriendly to the hearts of normal people.

The lifeless eyes and the smile arc deliberately exaggerated by the engraver were like sitting there laughing at the two people who wanted to draw their guns at any time, and their behavior was too funny.

Especially the biggest one sitting on the highest shelf in the room.

There is a bright red rose at the waist of the white dress, and the exaggerated smile is next to the messy golden braids. The weird makeup makes it look very grotesque and terrifying.

The room is unobstructed. There is no one except the dolls in the room, and there is no place to hide people. That's why it looks weird.

"Impossible..." John Wick did not let down his guard because he couldn't see anyone. Instead, he became more alert. He stared at the biggest doll, his eyes became fierce like a hungry wolf, and said word by word: "I will never be wrong."

John Wick, who is extremely confident in himself, does not think he is wrong. There must be someone walking in the baby room just now!

He dares to use his more than 30 years of killer career to guarantee that someone must have walked by just now!


Mia walked back to the living room with tea and bent down to put the three cups of tea on the tray on the table. →

She saw two federal agents standing at the door of the baby room, so she just reminded them not to walk around, but she did not doubt their identities.

My family is poor and we just moved here and don't have anything valuable. Thieves will not be able to resist doing some charity.

A man and a woman are here to rob people. There is no reason to suspect them. But there is something that may attract the attention of outsiders.

John Wick and Jill put on a calm face and walked out of the baby room and sat in the living room.

After drinking a sip of water, Jill also began to inquire and investigate.

"Miss Mia and your husband have been attacked by cult members. This time we come to know more details. I know this is painful, but in order to prevent similar things from happening again, please try to cooperate."

Mia was stunned when she heard the words and did not doubt it. She looked down at the healthy and growing child in her arms. Although it was painful to recall, she nodded and tried to describe what happened that night in her memory.

In the interval of describing the case, John Wick said, "Can I look around?"

"Of course, please feel free." Mia's eyes were red. She was recalling the pain and did not care about John Wick's request.

John Wick was authorized to start walking around the apartment. He went to many places. The most important thing was to make sure there was no place where people could hide. He carefully searched every corner and confirmed again that there was no one else in the house.

The intelligence showed that Mia lived only with her husband Gordon. No matter whether the figure he saw was a thief or a member of a cult, he had to find out, otherwise his nerves would keep jumping.

He had relaxed his vigilance before, but in return he received deep malice from the world. This time he would not allow such a situation to happen again.

Kitchen, master bedroom, second bedroom, utility room, bathroom...

All these places were checked one by one, and the vigilance was raised to the highest level. He even used the telekinesis of the t virus to search 360 degrees around, but he still could not find the hidden person, and finally had to return to the living room.

In the living room, Jill gently comforted Mia, who was frightened by the memories, "It's okay, these are all in the past, and such things will never happen again in the future."

Although these things would not happen again, Mia still felt vaguely uneasy and did not think that this was something that would end so easily.

She felt relieved that the federal agents were involved, at least her life was protected.

"I know it's weird to say this, but... those cults may have summoned a demon, and that demon seems to be watching me..."

Encouraged by Jill, Mia expressed the feelings that she tried to ignore but could not ignore. After saying these, she looked towards the direction of the baby room.

Mia is a devout believer who goes to church almost every week, even during her pregnancy. This is why she believes that there are demons in this world.

Jill looked at John Wick, who nodded after hesitating when he heard the word demon.

He didn't think that what he saw when he entered the door was an illusion. Even if there was a voice in his heart telling him that it was just an illusion, he couldn't ignore the weird feeling.

Jill turned his head back to Mia and said seriously: "Can you tell me more about... the demon?"

Soon after, the three of them appeared in the baby room, and all three pairs of eyes were staring at the largest weird doll in the middle of the top layer of the wall cabinet.

The doll was still the same as before, with a big mouth corner, and a strange smile seemed to be mocking the three people.

But what made people feel even more weird was that its eyes staring blankly in front of it, and I don't know when it turned into looking at John Wick!

When staring at this weird doll, John Wick exuded the aura of a predator, as if he was playing a game of momentum.

If there were demons in this world, the number of people they killed might not even be a fraction of John Wick's.

He once killed 218 people in four days out of anger, an average of 5 people a day, 3 people an hour.

How could he beat a demon that only killed 2 people in half a year!

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