Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 312 New World

What do you need to prepare for going to the new world?

Various response plans, various imaginative contingencies, a lot of resources that can cope with survival difficulties, and brave and fearless death squads.

The death squads are a nickname for the advance team by a few people in the World Development Department. They are lucky to be the first to see the new world, but they also take unknown risks.

The advance team is not an exploration team. The advance team is a team borrowed from the Super Soldier Corps. They belong to the Super Soldier Corps, but they have been working in the World Development Department. Their main task is to bring instruments and equipment to the new world and confirm whether the new world is suitable for human survival.

After confirming that it is suitable for human survival, the exploration team will go in to perform the mission. At this time, the task of the advance team becomes to provide military support for the exploration team.

Two years is not slow. In the intensive preparation, time quietly came to the opening day.

Duncan came to the base selected by the World Development Department for the new world, the Halifax base on the Nova Scotia Peninsula at the junction of the United States and the Electric Eel Country.

The group built an island within an island off the coast of Halifax. Before Duncan arrived here, the advance team and the exploration team had already assembled here in advance.

Duncan reviewed the two troops, but in fact he just looked at them for a while when he passed by the hall.

The advance team has a total of 300 super soldiers, and all of them have been injected with the second-generation black light serum, which makes them more powerful than before. They have also undergone surgical transformation and put on exaggerated iron can power armor. They stood there silently like a group of cold robots.

The style of the exploration team is completely different from that of the advance team. They wear all kinds of clothes.

White-collar workers, blue-collar workers, tramps, housewives, househusbands, hip-hop punks, medieval knights, all kinds of dress are available. In fact, their task is to integrate into the families of the new world and become a group of various people to facilitate the collection of some special information that does not exist on the Internet.

Passing through the blocked gates and entering the underground, Duncan greeted the person in charge one by one. After confirming that all the preparations needed have been completed, he opened the door to the new world facing the door frame.

Ripples like water waves spread out, and in the blink of an eye, the original wall became the door of another world.

The scientists who saw the opening ceremony for the first time were so excited that they trembled all over, but they were also discouraged. They had mastered the relevant knowledge of space-time physics, but it was difficult for both the instruments and themselves to understand how this ability was generated.

Perhaps the greatest chaos in this world is Mr. Duncan, the greatest president of the group...

While the scientists watching were sighing at the wonders of the world, the researchers of the World Development Department had already analyzed the world behind the door.

Behind the door was a lawn, the sky was very gloomy, and when you squinted, you could barely see the buildings outside the branches of the towering trees.

The World Development Department has been collecting data on buildings in various worlds. The scene on the other side of the cross-border door was immediately photographed and thrown into the computer for comparison.

The results came out half an hour later. The scene on the other side of the cross-border door was a small town in the Los Angeles area of ​​the United States. There were not a few people, but not many people either.

Moreover, the building in the picture was demolished in the spring of 1998 and converted into a commercial apartment, but the building is still there, which proves that the time on the other side is still before 1998, and there is also the possibility of coincidence.

The World Development Department will not ignore coincidences. They sent drones to the new world. The drones that entered the new world began to operate according to the preset program, surveying the town's topography and surroundings, and finally played the captured images in front of the cross-border gate.

Finally, it was confirmed that this was a small town called Pasadena in the Los Angeles area.

There are not many outstanding places in the history of this town, and it is synonymous with being mediocre.

After confirming that it was another parallel universe earth, a group of people gathered in front of the cross-border gate sighed as if they were disappointed, but soon cheered up again.

Because compared to the pure world, everyone wants to see a chaotic world, that is, a world with the ability to do things that technology has never done.

A colorful and gorgeous magical kingdom.

This is the best. If it is not, it will lack some enthusiasm because they are eager to see changes.

Even if it is confirmed that the other side is a parallel universe, the Earth cannot be taken lightly. The first group of people to enter that world are still the super soldiers of the advance team.

Under Duncan's gaze, three super soldiers wearing silver-gray frosted power armor passed through the cross-border door, and then froze in place. After a moment, the three turned around and made a gesture of finding an abnormality...

"Abnormal?!" The analysts in the base never dreamed that they would find the special point of the new world so quickly, and their expressions were particularly subtle.

The three super soldiers picked up the display screen of the drone and discussed with each other for a while before compiling a message to show inside the door.

[The moment we stepped into this world, we felt cold, and the constant temperature system of the armor did not alarm. Our hair stood up, but we couldn't find the reason. This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words, but it is indeed very abnormal. 】

After a while, another super soldier walked into this world, and he brought the next instructions from the World Development Department, "Continue to explore outside."

The super soldier looked back again and saw only a gloomy forest.

A round machine emerged from the air, making a humming sound. This is a signal transmitter, a device that can connect the information of the two worlds by catching the bug of the cross-border gate.

In the world of Resident Evil, Duncan temporarily lived in the base after seeing that the work of the World Development Department was gradually getting on track.

Four super soldiers came to the new world, explored from a forest next to artificial lawn, and soon arrived at the edge of the town and saw the style of Pasadena town.

They used the remote monitoring system of the helmet to see the surroundings of the town from a distance.

The time of this world was roughly delineated from the dress of pedestrians and the style of cars on the street. It was a pity that the time of this world was earlier than expected, and even the signal of mobile phones was very few. This world might not even have invented mobile phones.

One person also saw through the glass window of the ready-made clothing store that the "fashionable" female clerk inside was happily chatting with people on the knob phone, but the female clerk seemed to lose this mood after seeing him, and looked confused.

Soon after, the four people scattered around the town found out the basic situation outside the town and sent the information back to the main world through remote control.

Next, an exploration team led by Major Wick will enter this world to collect more detailed intelligence.

The advance team will set up a temporary camp around the cross-border gate to provide support to the exploration team at any time.

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