Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 307 A Different Staten Island

New York, which had been baptized by nuclear bombs, was in ruins. Times Square, once known as the crossroads of the world, was replaced by a huge bomb crater. Seawater poured into the huge crater, and the subway system became a sewer system.

This huge artificial lake became the embryo of the blacklight virus. Countless roaring evil spirits were soaked in the amniotic fluid. Looking at the crater from the Valkyrie, one could only see a huge black and red eyeball, which looked like a tumor growing on the surface of the earth, watching everyone.

Elizabeth Green, who wandered around New York State, often returned to New York and soaked in the huge artificial lake for a while.

The frequently used Valkyrie space shuttle had just approached New York when countless dark brown strange birds surrounded the plane, constantly pecking at the plane with their beaks, leaving dark red marks on the silver fuselage.

The pilot was accustomed to such a situation and continued to control the plane forward without panic.

After bypassing the artificial lake, the plane finally stopped on Staten Island.

Yes, the destination this time was Staten Island.

Staten Island in the killer world was chosen by the demons as a meat processing plant for the legal crime night brand, while in the zombie world, it is the main battlefield for the multi-party melee after the virus outbreak.

The blacklight virus, green flu, and monsters created by various weak zombie viruses that have been swallowed up are fighting on this island, and the final result is also obvious.

The polymers wrapped in blacklight virus are on the ruined building exterior walls, and the huge dark red tentacles are coiled between the buildings like climbing plants. There is nothing moving in the dead streets. The air is filled with the pungent smell of mold and blacklight polymer metabolic dust. Ordinary people will vomit and have diarrhea in three minutes without wearing a breathing mask.

The strange birds dispersed after they found that they could not peck at the Valkyrie. The plane landed on an open space and turned off the engine. The environment became strangely quiet, which made the atmosphere suddenly awkward.

Alex was still wearing the classic outfit, a white sweater under a black jacket, half of his head was wrapped in shadows, and his face was often unclear. Underneath, he was wearing a pair of jeans that changed with his steps.

This is his skin. He was not used to wearing normal clothes. He gave up after trying a few times.

"Okay, check the equipment, take the box, and let's go to the first coordinate point!"

Colonel Kwach also stood up after looking at Alex who stood up, took off the dagger behind him and walked out of the plane.

The other five super soldiers wearing power armor followed silently behind, and their footsteps first broke the silence of Staten Island.

Dong Dong!

After the main personnel of this mission walked out of the fighter plane, the super soldiers wearing ordinary equipment also took electromagnetic rifles and walked out of the plane, followed by the Amp mecha.

Five super soldiers will stay here with two mechas on the plane, and the remaining super soldiers will follow Colonel Kwach and provide assistance when necessary.

This island is very dangerous!

Everyone who has been in the zombie world for more than two months knows how dangerous this world is. The danger here is not in sudden shock, but simply the abnormally exaggerated power and speed of those monsters.

Dark red tentacles crawled on the ground. Colonel Quach led six people to walk in the city occupied by the blacklight virus. The mechanical flying insects responsible for exploring the way had dispersed. They were high-tech warriors, not medieval warriors. Of course, they would use technology to minimize risks.

Even medieval warriors would lead a dog to warn themselves.

The mechanical flying insects drilled into various buildings in front of them, using cameras and basic sensors to determine whether there were hidden blacklight zombies in the buildings.

There were no zombies in a large area of ​​buildings in front, but after passing a park and entering a residential area, the flying insects came into contact with zombies.

A zombie appeared in everyone's sight. The clothes on the zombie were still there, but they had turned into pieces of rags.

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It has gray-red skin, with tumors of varying sizes on the surface, growing from the right arm to the right cheek and even the top of the head. The five fingers on the left hand disappeared, replaced by spikes that were sharper than metal. There was still a little mark on the white spikes, like blood, or some other liquid.

Before it was seen, the zombie was still in a daze, but after the mechanical flying insect saw it, the sound of its wings vibrating also woke it up.

Turning its head, its cloudy eyes stared at the buzzing mechanical flying insect, and then it roared, and its body jumped very quickly, and its left arm turned into a spike and slashed, and the vision disappeared.

The action did not end because of the loss of contact with a flying insect. The production cost of this flying insect is actually very low. It is the size of a fist under normal circumstances, but it is reduced by using Pym particles. The cost of making mechanical flying insects in this way is lower than that of the original giant god.

The room was marked, and the super soldier who chose the spear pressed the button again, releasing thousands of new mechanical flying insects to replenish the lost flying insects.

There are many zombies in the building, and they don't just sit there in a daze all day long. Every night, they come out in groups and eat the flesh tentacles growing on the outer walls of the building as energy.

During the day, as long as they don't make too much noise, they will stay in the room.

But their mission was to go to the mother nest to obtain the freshest Blacklight virus samples. After fighting with the fighters there, the noise would definitely attract all the zombies hiding within a few kilometers nearby. Only by finding out the number could they confirm how many zombies they would encounter.

They walked around the area and released tens of thousands of mechanical flying insects they carried with them, covering many areas. The number of zombies that had been recorded was more than 600.

After nearly ten years of reduction, there were still more than 600 zombies, which was already a lot, and all of them were highly infected. Whether in terms of strength or speed, they were enough to threaten super soldiers who were not wearing power armor. Their only means of attack were teeth.

After a circle and confirming the number of zombies, Colonel Quach and his men had already stood outside the indoor stadium wrapped in blood-red tiny tentacles.

This indoor stadium was the mother nest that had been confirmed in advance. The infection level here and the surrounding area was very deep. The buildings were covered with thick virus polymers, emitting a pungent and unpleasant smell all the time, and also spraying red dust.

Alex took the box, then jumped up the tall building, stepped on the virus-covered wall, and ran straight to the top of the building.

This place is like another home for him, a little bit familiar, but also full of contradictions.

Those infected people only listen to Elizabeth Green, and they will also shout and kill him as a pathogen.

This mission is mainly to test weapons, and collecting samples is just a side job, so Colonel Quach and his men must kill all the guardians of the mother nest before collecting samples.

If there is no need to test equipment, it is the same to let the invisible drone collect.

Alex stood on the roof of the tall building and looked around, admiring this city destroyed by the virus. He followed only because he was curious about what New York looks like now.

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