Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 306 New Individual Weapons

Today, humans are considered long-lived. A few years is not a long time for anyone. After only three years of research and continuous optimization of technical methods, 90% of the knowledge of Cybertron civilization has been transformed into human knowledge. →

The pinnacle of Cybertron's individual weapons, rust weapons and solar weapons have also been thoroughly studied. The group has begun to study whether these weapon technologies can be applied to the military on a large scale.

Humans cannot use the life technology of Cybertron civilization. After all, people do not need coolants of various flavors and different types of engine oil. At most, they can use those things to lubricate car engines.

The weapon testing site is naturally placed in the zombie world. After more than five years of cleaning, the zombie world has transitioned from a chaotic world to a new balance. After several years of development, zombies have gradually formed an ecosystem unique to these terrifying creatures. The probability of encountering zombies when going out has become smaller, but the danger has increased exponentially.

Even for black light super soldiers, entering the ruins of the city without carrying equipment is a very dangerous behavior.

The weapons tested in the zombie world are weapons made after learning the light weapons technology of Cybertron. They are roughly divided into three categories: ordinary kinetic weapons, energy weapons and melee weapons.

Ordinary kinetic weapons are also very simple. Any weapon that fires metal projectiles is considered an ordinary kinetic weapon. These weapon groups themselves have a large reserve. After joining the Giant God Company, they even obtained the cross-era technology of 3D printing bullets, which increased the number of ammunition that soldiers can carry several times.

Energy weapons are similar. Particle beam weapons, microwave weapons, laser weapons... These groups have been researching them. Cybertron's technology can only be regarded as icing on the cake.

Only melee weapons are a little interesting. The melee weapons of Cybertron have technological attributes. In addition to the blades and shields with no special effects on the appearance, there are also solar weapons with built-in special technology.

The more representative ones are solar glaives and solar battle axes, that is, swords with built-in energy and orange-red light at the blade position.

The metal shield used by Cybertron looks like a few steel plates randomly put together, but in fact, there are energy lines inside the shield, which can limit the particle activity at the atomic level and make ordinary metals reach abnormal toughness.

Even solar battle axes can be blocked by these shields with technological enchantment!

This technology of limiting particle activity is not a rare technology on Cybertron, but a "talent" ability that every Cybertronian has, using energy and special biological force fields to reduce the frequency of atomic activity and enhance defense capabilities.

This also explains why the Decepticons' bodies are hit by an armor-piercing bullet, but a hole is opened instead of the whole steel plate bursting out trumpet-shaped petals like the muzzle of a gun.

This technology, as outrageous as the space-time bridge, has also been included in the priority research and development technology catalog, encouraging more academic newcomers to take this technology as a lifelong research goal.

Because Duncan, who is in charge of the group headquarters, is convinced that this is an outrageous technology that has been verified.

When this technology matures, they can build an unbreakable detector, which will definitely play a good role when exploring other planets with civilizations!

The development path of the technology still needs to be explored, but before understanding the principle, it does not prevent the group from using this technology to make weapons first.

Not only weapons, but also armor.

Colonel Kwach, who leads the Super Soldier Corps, always complains that his boys do not have suitable equipment. The enlarged and thickened electromagnetic rifle is actually not suitable for the current super soldiers.

The electromagnetic rifle is too big and too thick, which is very inconvenient to carry. The combat uniforms of super soldiers customized a long time ago have also found many problems in actual application.

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The squeezing of their huge muscles makes it extremely difficult to hold guns with both hands. In the zombie world, super soldiers prefer to hold machetes and folding shields and play close combat with those mutant creatures. Every battle is a trial, and the collision of flesh makes them extremely excited.

Colonel Quach has given feedback many times, and the separate logistics team of the Super Soldier Corps is also trying to make equipment more suitable for super soldiers to fight.

Now, after obtaining the weapon manufacturing technology of Cybertron, the super soldiers have obtained new equipment.

A full-body power armor, which is very thin and light in necessary places, but very heavy in some places.

In order to adapt to this set of heavy armor, the soldiers have to undergo certain surgical modifications.

The silver appearance of the first generation of power armor only gives people a heavy feeling. The arms, legs, and torso are all covered by the integrated armor.

Because this set of power armor uses Cybertron technology, it must have a built-in energy circuit, so the shape is relatively simple. The forearm is a large cylinder with a slight arc, and the legs are the same. The calf and thigh are like two wooden sticks, and there is a ball on the knee.

The appearance gradually becomes similar to a certain hammer, but the energy source also uses Cybertron's energy block technology, and there is no can on the back, otherwise it will be sued for infringement.

The power armor has an external equipment box, which can hold a shield and a sword. There is also a holster on the left waist, which contains a weapon that can be called a grenade gun.

In order to supplement the firepower, there is also a large-caliber firearm on the right waist, but it fires energy bullets. The battery can only allow the energy gun to fire five pulse bullets at most.

According to the young designer of this set of equipment, he designed it based on the heavy armor knight in a Western fantasy desktop game on the market. In the later stage, as long as a life-support device is added to the back of the power armor, it can meet the needs of space combat.

On this day, including Colonel Quach, a total of six super soldiers, wearing six sets of power armor with different details, and choosing different weapons, were ready to leave the Electric Eel Survival Base, cross the border, and airdrop to New York, where the infection is the most serious, for testing.

During this process, Alex Mercer, the head of the virus research department of the survival base, accompanied them.

By the way, collect samples of the Black Light Mother Nest, which has been developed for nearly ten years, to obtain fresh samples for the final stage of the new enhanced serum collection.

The survival base of the Electric Eel Country in the zombie world has never stopped the research on the Black Light Enhanced Serum. This research is very difficult. After Dr. Banner’s vacation, he returned to the Marvel World to participate in medical services, so there is only a group of scientific research lunatics in the zombie world who can withstand the pressure of human experiments.

Alex has traveled through several other worlds in the past ten years. In the end, he returned here and participated in the experiment of black light serum. At present, the biggest meaning of his existence is to earn money to support his sister.

Dana, the sister who accepted the new world view, is not so opposed to her brother who turned into a monster. The two now get along like an ideal brother and sister.

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