Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 304 Belated Release

After nearly five years, the war in the Transformers world has also lasted for five years. ]|I{•------» «------•}I|[

Although the shadow of war has not enveloped ordinary people, and few Decepticons have run to human gathering places to carry out massacres, the people are still a little nervous about the curfew at night.

Voluntary is one thing, and forced is another. People are still not used to this tense life that has lasted for so long.

If it weren't for the rapid development of all aspects of society in the past five years, which made people look a little motivated, and the police and soldiers have been patrolling in the city and suppressing unstable marches, the whole world would have been in chaos long ago.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

The holographic virtual games provided by the group have also contributed greatly to the fact that humans who pursue freedom have suppressed their nature for so long.

The sun was shining brightly in New York that day, and a huge number of people gathered outside the United Headquarters Building. They were here to hear good news.

The leapfrog development of the Internet world has brought a lot of real-time information and customs to people all over the world, and also brought extremely high communication efficiency.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, the source change app used by old bookworms, huanyuanapp]

The United Military Organization had already issued an announcement half a month ago that humans had achieved phased results in fighting against aliens. The content was very concise, and it was noted that half a month later, that is, now, the spokesperson would announce the details in front of the United Building, and any citizen could come to observe and participate.

For this reason, New York City also gave all workers a day off, loaded the latest developed city management system, and used the power of technology to maintain order on the scene to avoid accidents.

In fact, it has been more than a year since the last counterattack of the Decepticons. Why is the news only announced now? It is just to settle and verify various data, including interrogating whether there are any remnants of the Decepticons.

The result was not unexpected. There were still many Decepticons in the universe. The group managed by Fallen Kong and Megatron was at most a relatively powerful remnant.

Because it was uncertain whether there would be more enemies invading the earth in the future, the announcement of the results of the war was postponed to now, more than a year later.

The wind in early August could not blow away the enthusiasm of the citizens. Nearly a million people gathered near the United Building and chattered in the designated viewing area.

Some were excited, some were solemn, and some simply took the opportunity to revel in the topic because they had been staying at home for too long.

Ma Run, a common soldier of the United Military Organization, the United States Federal Army, was lucky enough to be sent to the Egyptian camp to do odd jobs because of his excellent performance in actual combat exercises.

He was able to see those exaggerated future weapons, power armor, amp mecha, suspended drones, electromagnetic turrets, battleships, and the giant spaceship that was almost as big as the entire camp.

Ordinary people may never see these exaggerated things in their lifetime. Ma Run felt that he was very lucky because he broadened his horizons in the army.

But he didn't think so later. When the war came, those terrible invaders had stronger and more terrifying power and weapons than humans. Although they were defeated by human wisdom in the end, Ma Run would never forget the scene when his comrades walked into the stairs to hell and pushed him out of hell with their own hands.

The passage leading to the underground arsenal was illuminated in his memory, but in hundreds of nightmares, the passage was like a deep black hole, swallowing the lives of all the soldiers who entered it.

The result of each nightmare was that he was not pushed out of that hell by the squad leader, but went deep into the underground arsenal with other soldiers, and finally lost in the darkness...

Because he could not forget this scene, he suffered from PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder. After retiring from the army, he was soothed by his best friends playing holographic virtual games day and night.

He didn't want to join in the fun today, because it would remind Ma Run of the yellow sand battlefield.

But he couldn't resist his best friend who was socially anxious in front of people and talkative behind people, so he had to follow him and stand on the roof of a commercial office building near the Union Building, squeezed with a large group of people who stayed here in a place without even a toilet.

"Hey! It seems to be starting, I saw a few people coming out! Can you see if it's going to start?"

Ma Run's best friend is a thin German, not tall, and his childish face doesn't match his 27 years old. At this time, he is holding a pair of binoculars to observe the crowded crowd in front of the Union Building opposite.

The combination of the two is like Bucky and Steve before he grew bigger, but this "Steve" is a dead otaku, and the other has become a big muscleman.

Taking the telescope from his best friend, Ma Run sighed tiredly, put the telescope in front of his eyes, and said, "Don't worry, there will be drones broadcasting the images next to you."

"But it feels different! It's like 10,000 people squeezed into a concert. People sitting in the back row definitely can't see people, but they will still scream like crazy."

The soothing words obviously didn't calm down the best friend. He chattered excitedly beside him, and he was still as lively as he was in high school?

Ma Run just pulled the corner of his mouth, because it was right to say that. Except for himself, the reactions of others on the rooftop were similar to those of his excited best friend.

"I saw it, it's really about to start."

The unique press conference began, and several well-known figures who often appeared on TV, even the president, gave a speech in front of the camera.

The drone flying to the top of the office building shared the picture here in real time, and the sound was transmitted through the public loudspeakers throughout the city.

After more than ten minutes of opening speech, the spokesperson of the joint military organization began today's theme. He did not look down at the manuscript, but kept looking at the camera with a calm gaze, as if he was face to face with every audience member. All noise disappeared, and only the low male voice existed.

"In the past five years, we have had many battles with the invading race, the Decepticons of Cybertron. On March 19, 2008, the Cybertronians launched a major attack on an important research base in Egypt. They tried to take back dangerous weapons and destroy the Earth. The enemy dispatched 16 medium-sized motherships and 197 fighters to raid the Egyptian base with 30,000 soldiers stationed. The following is a record of the scene..."

Photos of Cybertron motherships and fighters were shown to billions of residents on Earth. Those pictures were obviously retouched, making the Cybertron motherships look larger and more ferocious, and making the Cybertron fighters look like invincible high-tech fighters.

In addition, there are photos of the camp intact, photos of the camp when it was attacked, and photos of the camp after it was closed.

If people want to find some words to describe these records, they may say "shocking".

The crowd slowly quieted down, with only pictures and no sound in the theater, only complex faces remained.

After the picture was played, Ma Run's eyes were red. Thinking of the memory that he had been thinking about day and night, he lowered his head and rubbed the corners of his eyes. He felt a little regretful. He should not have come...

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