Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 277 Visual Blocker

Either type of eye has defects. Snake eyes can see the temperature of animals, but they have lost the ability to discover the rich and varied colors in nature.

The eyes of Cybertron are made up of a bunch of precision sensors. They are not complicated. The essence of Cybertron is still computers, but they have emotional chips and know how to think.

The image of the world in their eyes is nothing more than a picture woven by a certain computer language. The emotional chip that also serves as the brain allows them to turn the pictures taken by these camera-like eyes into pictures, but it cannot change the essence of data conversion.

In the past six months, Ultron has worked with a group of scientists who are interested in Cybertron to reverse engineer and create a lot of props for Cybertron.

The visual shield is one of them. The team disassembled the visual sensor of Cybertron, and after multiple rounds of testing and material comparison with a quantum computer, they reproduced the same visual sensor, and then began to use the reproduced sensor for shielding experiments.

It is not difficult to find a shielding method for a set of visual sensors that can be reproduced by the group. It can be said to be quite easy.

In addition to some Cybertronians with special sensors, they have created an electromagnetic shielding and optical shielding system that can prevent 95% of the existing Cybertronians from seeing through the disguise.

The group has also created a simulator specifically for dealing with Cybertronians, which can create holographic images that deceive the Cybertronian visual system.

Those who died in the Central Times Guangzhong were actually just small cars and toy cars. The targets of the arrogant Decepticon's artillery were just some cheap targets mass-produced on the assembly line.

The SWAT soldiers hiding in the building have pulled the bolt of the machine gun and fired at the Decepticon who was standing there stupidly.

Three bullet chains tore the Decepticon's body from top to bottom in an instant. The heavy armor plate was torn into pieces by three heavy machine guns that fired 1,200 rounds a minute. The Decepticon who was still laughing arrogantly in the last second became a pile of scrap metal with radiation in the next second.

Humans carefully planned and laid out a long-term dragnet, and the Decepticons really crashed in as planned, although the cost was also very high...

For this final silent operation, the Umbrella Group and various countries spent billions of dollars to create a large number of customized props, forged multiple parades, sent a large number of manpower and material resources, forged network information, and had to keep an eye on those restless citizens. Finally, it was completed with the help of the group's technology.

The fruitful results made the leaders who had been busy for three months smile with relief.

From the interception of information from the repaired Decepticon communicator to the beginning of the plan, it finally lived up to everyone's expectations. The Decepticons really jumped into the trap. Although only a few hundred Decepticons were killed, this battle was of extraordinary significance.

The F-22 fighter jet fell over Manhattan, and the body of Red Spider was torn apart. It was dead. After falling to the ground, a large group of sparks burst out.

With its death, the last silent operation ended, and the human resistance to the Cybertronians entered a new chapter.

After the operation, the ban on citizens was lifted, and they were able to return to the Internet safely. The nuclear war threat theorists took to the streets to prepare for a parade, but they saw a large number of military police on the streets and armed helicopters flying in the sky.

Faced with these National Guard soldiers who were armed with live ammunition and even drove armored vehicles as street bullies, the citizens who had been detained for half a day chose to wait and see for the time being and wait for official responses.

At 14:00 in the afternoon after the operation, the head of the American family took the lead in opening a national speech at Peanut National Park.

He stood in front of the camera, with the Stars and Stripes and the Union Flag standing tall behind him, and a very serious expression on his chocolate-colored face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, all citizens of the United States, and all mankind. The world has changed a lot in the past year. During this period, the international situation has become increasingly tense, racial conflicts have deepened, and people's pursuit of peace is no longer as strong as before... Peace is precious, sacred, and hard-won!"

In the United States, all places with screens are broadcasting this TV speech.

The serious face of the Mei clan leader and his unique expression made people realize that this matter was not simple, and they could also vaguely feel that what was about to be said would affect all mankind.

Some people speculated that it was polar bears, the European Union, and the Asian Union. Some people were more imaginative and said it was aliens, but those who said it was aliens were mercilessly ridiculed because the plot that only appeared in movies like aliens invading the earth was too ridiculous to be said by people!

"The peace maintained by the earth has actually been lost. Half a year ago, we were invaded by alien civilization."

But what the Mei clan leader said made those guys who laughed at the alien threat theory lose their voices instantly. They looked stunned and couldn't believe whether what they heard was true.

Some people also suspected that this was a national spoof program. They called the official department to report it, and the reply they got was: keep watching.

The head of the American clan did not wait for the people to digest it, and continued to reveal more information, "In the past six months, the United States and all the countries on Earth have commanded multiple rounds of operations and resolved more than 1,700 alien invasions. The Earth has gathered all its forces to form a joint military force to carry out targeted strikes against the aliens hidden on Earth, and try to avoid affecting most people as much as possible, because we don't want this cruel truth to put pressure on too many people.

As we delve deeper into the aliens and the intercepted intelligence, we realize that this is not a matter for a few people, but an enemy that all American citizens and all human beings have to face together."

[To be honest, I have been using Reading Books to keep up with the latest updates recently, switching sources, and reading aloud in many tones, both Android and Apple are available. 】

The head of the American clan stared at the camera with deep eyes, "I know many people can't accept this fact, but please adapt! In the future, the war between us and aliens will continue. Human power is too weak. If we don't unite together, we will lose this beautiful land, and there will be no more humans in the solar system.

In the next few years, America will enter an emergency production state. In order for humans to continue in this world in the future, and for the next generation in the future, let us work together to fight for survival... May God bless you and America!"

The camera's perspective is pulled away and switched. The Peanut Village National Park in the TV lens is full of soldiers ready to go. The neatly arranged tanks and planes are silent, and it seems to be filled with the smell of battlefield smoke, which is daunting.

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