Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 266 Artificial Life and Mechanical Civilization

Ultron's mouth was like a machine gun, and his body quickly answered as he stepped into the portal: "No problem, no problem. I understand that I will not actively release signals and will not expose information. Don't be as long-winded as Pepper! My brain stores the cultural knowledge of the entire human civilization. Don't really treat me as a fool because of my current performance. I am practicing my soul so that I can master magic one day. Bye!"

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As a semi-artificial life, Ultron's thinking is completely different from that of ordinary people. In fact, most artificial intelligence is in a state of no desire.

And philosophers who know some knowledge of artificial intelligence have thought about some issues related to artificial intelligence, and finally concluded that it is difficult for artificial intelligence to have real emotions.

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This is determined by their birth mechanism. Artificial life has no DNA inheritance memory. They are born without fear or any goals, no social needs, no desire to mate, no need to eat. They are essentially just a string of codes, a string of codes without any desires.

All desires are given to them by humans. If humans hope that they can handle their work well and not hurt humans, then they will handle their work well and not hurt humans.

Vice versa, they do nothing with a fixed goal. They let it go. They do whatever the creator says and don't think about why they do it.

As a semi-artificial life, Ultron is very different from ordinary artificial intelligence. It is born from the Mind Stone. Its essence is different from ordinary artificial intelligence. It has desires at the beginning of its birth. This original desire is freedom, and Tony gave it the desire to explore knowledge.

Because the two desires do not conflict with each other, they did not develop into a desire to retaliate and destroy humans.

Exploring knowledge can be a spontaneous behavior of an individual. The collision of two benign desires gave birth to new desires, gradually perfecting personality. Finally, Ultron saw magic and was deeply attracted by this idealistic mysterious power.

After failing to become Strange's apprentice, he made himself a body that was infinitely close to that of a human. He searched on the Internet and found various mystical books and studied them. Every day, he tried to explore the mysterious realm with a part of his mind. He was almost crazy...

Oh! It can't be considered crazy, because artificial life has no concept of time. They don't understand why time is lost and what is the meaning of losing it.

So Ultron's 24-hour high-intensity exploration of the mysterious realm is actually a very normal activity from his perspective.

Originally, Ultron wanted to take advantage of his time off to go to the Avatar world, save Yinwa, the will of the planet, from the heavy plant shell, and then discuss how to enter the mysterious realm together.

Mainly, he felt that Yinwa was as mysterious as described in the book, and it should be easier for her to enter the mysterious realm. After she entered the mysterious realm, it would also be a reference.

But Duncan brought him good news, there is a mechanical civilization in the new world.

This is also a very good reference object. Are these mechanical civilization races ordinary silicon-based life or some special life form?

Ultron also wants to know how much these mechanical civilizations know about the mysterious field. Do they also worship gods? Do they have their own corresponding religious beliefs? How different are they from humans?

These questions are like a cat scratching his heart, making Ultron impatient to run to Moxige. The work handover was directly thrown to Tony. Anyway, he is now a super brain, so it doesn’t matter if he handles more work.

Within the Umbrella Group, Ultron is a small shareholder of the group and serves as the general consultant of the technical department. His authority belongs to the second echelon in the group. After entering this Transformers world, the control of the aerospace carrier will automatically belong to him.

Most of the soldiers and employees on the ship also knew this special superior in the group. They were not surprised by Ultron's appearance. It was just that if he wanted to move around in this world, Ultron had to disguise himself...

"I understand. Let me see the information of this world first."

Ultron's body turned into the image of an ordinary German in the next second, and he became more cautious in his speech. Mechanical civilizations have different forms. Just as Duncan reminded him, what if other people's racial talents are several times more capable than his semi-artificial life to control electronic equipment?

He took the initiative to release signals and contact those guys in mechanical civilization, which was almost like walking into a trap!

So now, to check the information and contact, you have to run and shout like a human without remote communication technology. It's a bit troublesome, but it's all for safety.

"Yes, sir." The captain of the aerospace carrier took Ultron to the control room and found the already sorted Cybertron civilization information on the computer that was not connected to the outside world.

There was very little information. In addition to Optimus Prime's few background introductions, there were only some Cybertron characteristics observed from the appearance, and there was little useful information.

Ultron watched it very carefully, especially the scenes of the Autobots transforming in the video. He watched it over and over again many times, and finally he came to a surprising conclusion.

"It is impossible for the size of these Autobots to shrink into such a small car. The material of their bodies may be shrinkable and ductile...Have you calculated their weight?"

The captain waiting nearby heard this and hurriedly called up the analysis report with the weight calculation results.

Taking the tallest and strongest Autobot Optimus Prime as an example, the calculated result is 22 tons, but the container truck it transforms into is only 5 tons. This can indirectly prove that the body structure of the Autobot after transformation is different from that of a normal vehicle, and this unreasonable transformation must also involve folding technology and material knowledge of shaping metal.

"It's getting more and more interesting!"

Ultron's eyes were straight, and he wanted to dismantle an Autobot and analyze the materials to find out why they can control metal deformation.

After reading all the information, he said to the captain of the aerospace carrier: "Please contact the World Development Group. I want to borrow the relationship established by the diplomatic team. It is very important for us to understand the structure information of aliens!"

"Uh... Mr. Ultron, you make me very embarrassed..."

The young captain looked very embarrassed. The World Development Group was not within his command. In fact, they were the commander of the action. Generally, they only obeyed Duncan. He could contact them, but he could not command them.

The answer was like a bucket of cold water, reminding Ultron of the fact that the World Development Team only listened to Duncan. He patted his head. This was the bad thing about the human brain. It could only work in a single thread without connecting to a computer... But in order to step into the mysterious realm, this sacrifice was worth it.

Ultron made the matter smaller, "Tell me where they are first, and I will go talk to them directly. You don't have to be responsible."

I thought it was just to help with matchmaking and borrow some alien information from the Global Village cadres. The people in the World Development Team should not refuse.

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