Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 243 Habit

LS was once the largest terrorist organization on the Blue Planet, but after 2017, all the main leaders of the organization died, and only one in ten members survived. The former glory could not even be the capital for the last members of the organization to brag, because the organization was dead.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Damn it, quickly shoot down those drones!"

When Nathanel found that the plan and the development were different, he knew that their simple ambush plan did not work. The people of the Giant God Company did not know what method they used to find the people he arranged in the civilian team.

A soldier wearing an exoskeleton carried the Emp rocket prepared in advance, and did not run out of the bunker, but fired directly into the sky.

With a bang, the seven or eight stealth drones suspended in the sky broke away from the stealth state and fell on the ruins.

The LS organization, which seemed to have been destroyed, is still hidden on the back of the world. They hide in war-torn areas and use the chaos in the area to secretly recruit members and develop secretly.

They often steal arsenals and rob passing escort convoys.

Although they are an organization, they only have more than 200 people. In order not to attract attention, the few ways to make money are to do various very small things.

Nowadays, robbing the material convoys of the Giant God Company and the Umbrella Company has become a mobile material warehouse that small organizations cannot touch in the underground world, and large organizations cannot touch it.

As one of the leaders of the LS organization, which is not big or small now, as the "procurement minister", Nathanel was worried about how to get materials when he saw the convoys of the Giant God Company and the Umbrella Company that were distributing aid materials in Syria, and he couldn't help but have evil thoughts.

There are many good things in the convoys of the two companies distributing aid. In addition to basic materials, the weapons and equipment that the two companies provide to their subordinates can be sold on the black market to earn a lot of money.

This money is dispensable for large organizations. Small organizations look at it but they don't have the ability to rob.

Only organizations like Nathanel, which are not big or small, have the ability to rob, and a robbery can allow the organization to survive for several months.

The operation was arranged at the beginning. Some people were sent to disguise as civilians. They suddenly attacked from the rear to attract the attention of the people from the two companies. Then the people disguised as civilians attacked from the rear and killed the people from the two companies without destroying the vehicles and supplies as much as possible.

The plan seemed to have gone wrong from the beginning. Nathanel had never waited for the expected signal flare from the beginning of the attack to now. What were those guys mixed in the team doing?

If he hadn't seen the smoke bomb rising in front of the convoy, he would have suspected that all the people he arranged were dead.

After the drone in the sky was shot down, the confrontation between the two sides became more and more intense. The militants of the LS organization used their familiarity with the terrain and the shelter of the building ruins to change positions after firing a shot, creating the illusion of a large number of people.

There are also many modified mechanical dogs walking through the building ruins. These expensive toys on the black market are the confidence of the LS organization to send Nathanel to rob the convoys of the Giant God Company and the Umbrella Company.

As long as this order is completed, the organization can continue to recruit people, buy mechanical dogs, and strengthen its strength.

The sound of rifle and machine gun firing was dense and continuous. As a former regular military organization, even if it is now in decline, LS can still produce some well-trained players.

In a two-story building three hundred meters away, a LS sniper was lying next to a large hole on the second floor that was broken by a bullet.

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His shoulder was against a standard precision shooter rifle of the US military. The added smart sight and the auxiliary device mounted in front of the muzzle can make this gun even possible for one person to operate, and achieve exaggerated continuous precision shooting capabilities.

In the sight, the red bright spot was shaking constantly. The sniper was moving the muzzle according to the shaking red dot, and in the direction where the muzzle was pointing, there was a looming figure of a mercenary of Umbrella Company.

The smoke bomb thrown by the armed elements disguised as civilians blocked the sniper's vision. After aiming for a long time, he pulled the trigger.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Several bullets passed through a distance of 600 meters and penetrated into the smoke in an instant. Five bullets were scattered in different positions, raising the hit rate to the highest level.

The sniper did not linger on this shooting position, and did not even confirm whether the target he shot was hit by the bullet. He picked up his gun and walked downstairs, ready to move to another position.

As soon as he went downstairs, the sharp-eyed sniper saw a flickering black shadow through the broken hole in the wooden door of the building.

A black thing in broad daylight, even if it was only seen through a small hole, made the LS sniper raise his gun and aim at the door.

Before he could pull the trigger, the crumbling wall on the side of the house was suddenly knocked through, and the bullets swept indiscriminately everywhere in the empty house amid the flying bricks and soil.

The LS sniper who had just raised his gun was hit by three bullets and fell to the ground. When he thought that this was the end of his life, a dark figure approached him and continued to shoot him mercilessly until his magazine was empty...

"Hey! This is not the Marvel battlefield!"

Another special operations veteran who was following him waved his hand to wake up his companion who was a little crazy. After looking at the corpse on the ground with the entire upper body smashed, he reminded again: "Calm down and keep going."

The crazy special warfare veteran looked at the corpses on the ground, took a few deep breaths, and said helplessly: "Thinking of war, I think of those iron lumps, ah..."

"Why don't you take a year-end leave next time you take a break, or transfer to the second line and find a wife earlier?"

"Forget it, I feel weak in my legs when I think about that kind of life."

The two chatted for a few words, relieved some stress reactions, and then re-entered the tense combat state, moving towards the armed elements who attacked the convoy from the side.

Not long after, they encountered a robot dog of the LS organization that was roaming and alert.

The robot dog reacted quickly. The electronic eye captured the moment when the two people were alternating to cover each other, and the barrel on the back fired multiple 56mm bullets in succession.

Bang Bang Bang!

The special warfare veteran also reacted quickly. Two rifles were aimed at the robot dog, and the next moment the robot dog was shot into scrap metal.

The moment the robot dog discovered the two, they knew that their plan to sneak around had failed. The two people who had been through the Marvel battlefield thought of the swarm consciousness of the Chitauri...

When the Chitauri discovered the enemy who was sneaking around, they would often adjust their formation in a short time to meet the enemy.

The two special operations veterans still retained a little bit of rationality, but not much.

They could realize that the enemy they were facing was an ordinary person. After solving the sniper, they knew their whereabouts and would not be leaked by killing a person.

But after being discovered by the robot dog responsible for peripheral reconnaissance, their tactical thinking immediately entered the Chitauri mode.

That is, if they were discovered, they would be exposed. If they were exposed, the Chitauri would make adjustments.

If they were discovered before the sneak attack on the Marvel battlefield, they often had only two choices, one was to give up the sneak attack, and the other was to take advantage of the short time for the Chitauri to adjust and rush in quickly to catch them off guard!

As experienced veterans, the two of them habitually estimated the distance between the two sides. Their bodies moved faster than their brains. They pressed their rifles with one hand, pulled out three grenades tied from their waists with their left hands, and rushed out directly.

When they were almost face-to-face with the enemy, they realized that the enemy was an ordinary person holding a gunpowder weapon, not a Zeta soldier holding an energy weapon with a slow firing rate.

But now the arrow was not on the string, but was about to hit the target. It was impossible to stop...

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