Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 240 Secret Meeting

"They started again. ♙♕  ♦♦"

In a lounge at the headquarters of Colossus in New Baghdad.

Looking at the latest news obtained by the Colossus Intelligence Department on the holographic screen, Irons couldn't help but sneer and shook his head, pouring wine into the glasses of the two guests in front of him, "This trick has been used for almost a hundred years, and they still don't come up with some new tricks."

International bankers are not philanthropists. While spending a lot of money, they are still using the usual measurement to get a layer of oil and water from those weak countries to make up for their losses.

A global organization called the "World Smallpox Medical Foundation" was established to lend money to small countries around the world. The condition is that they need to accept the entry of Umbrella Company, and reach a cooperation agreement with Umbrella Company to hire people from Umbrella Company to guard important warehouses and ports.

If you don't agree, there will be no money, and even basic international aid will no longer be available.

If Umbrella is not Duncan's industry, this foundation is equivalent to letting the private army of the elites enter small countries and turn the whole world into the back garden of the elites.

Before, the elites relied on the US military to control the world, then relied on Titan, and now they want to rely on Umbrella Corporation. They can never let go of their identities and ideas, and have been continuing the traditions of hundreds of years ago. They can harvest 50% of the wealth of the entire human civilization with just a flick of their fingers.

"Isn't this just right? When their plan is completed, we can close the net."

Duncan raised his glass with disapproval of the elites' tricks. Their financial methods generally only work for organizations that need to abide by certain social rules.

It is basically useless for military-industrial complex companies such as Umbrella Corporation and Titan Corporation, because they really have weapons of mass destruction. If you want to move, you have to think carefully.

"Being with you, why do I have the illusion that we are about to be eliminated by democracy and freedom?"

Mr. Tony, a shareholder of the group sitting on the other side of the square table, also raised his glass and said a cliché that everyone can understand.

[To be honest, I have been using Reading Books to follow the latest updates recently, switching sources, and reading aloud with many voices, both Android and Apple are available. 】

They looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts. They clinked their glasses and laughed like decent people.

On the 12th day of the global outbreak of smallpox virus, Colossus announced that it had successfully developed a smallpox vaccine and provided free vaccination in places such as Yinlak and Syria.

After six days of research, the vaccine was very effective, which made the elites anxious. They increased their investment in vaccine research and development.

Eight days later, in the newly established virus research institute of Umbrella Corporation, a new virologist who had just joined the laboratory and his team developed another smallpox vaccine, which was as effective as Colossus's vaccine.

The production line began to flow, and for a time, the old giant mercenary company and the new one had a head-on conflict.

Colossus Corporation, with third world countries and a large number of developing countries as its base, competes with Umbrella Corporation, which occupies wealthy areas, in business, which is quite similar to the corporate war in 2077.

The elites represented by Umbrella all gathered in the underground nuclear facility in Hudson City, New York. The most powerful people in the world were sitting around a round table, expressing their views on the current world situation and formulating response strategies.

Most of the major events in the world, one after another, were promoted through such private small meetings, because groups are very easily influenced. French psychologist Le Bon has a relatively profound study on this.

He believes that the rationality of individuals gathered in groups will be weakened by the group, thus making some decisions that harm individual interests and make individuals incredible.

The elites may not understand Le Pen's point of view, but they can still understand the truth that the more people there are, the less rational they are.

There are only 7 people gathered at the round table.

"Although our vaccine lags behind Ains, the effect is not bad. Now Ains wants to snatch people from us. Can you tell me how to deal with it?"

An old German man in a gray striped suit was smoking a cigar, puffing out smoke. The floating smoke covered his old face, but could not block the bright eyes behind the smoke.

If ordinary people were stared at by him, they might have avoided his gaze under the pressure of the high position and dared not look at him.

"How to deal with it? How can we deal with the current situation? Irons will not give us a chance to choose. This is a trap!"

On the other side of the round table, an equally old Jewish old man snorted coldly, and a heavy nasal sound came out of his big nose, showing his dislike for Irons without any scruples.

The people here are all old acquaintances. They have known each other for many years and have cooperated many times. In such occasions, they don't need to care about their image at all.

Another old woman with silver hair raised her neck like rough bark and glanced at the Jewish old man. The narrow corners of her eyebrows were like needles that pierced people. "You don't need to repeat this obvious thing again. If you can't think of a way, you can keep silent."

"Then you tell me the way!"

The old Jew was a little cautious when facing the old woman. This kind of timid posture made him lose momentum.

The old woman closed her eyes slightly and used to ridicule the old Jew, but she really had no good solution. "Now we can only continue to investigate Irons's specific plan, try to stop everything he wants to do, and act according to the situation." , doesn’t he want to win the hearts and minds of those ignorant people, then we should do the same, just like we did seventy years ago.”

"You mean the Red Alliance?"

"But if we do that, our loss will be..."

"That would really be too much of a loss."

The other people who had not spoken all responded to the old woman's words and expressed their own opinions.

The old woman opened her eyes slightly and said: "The financial system that has been maintained for decades will definitely need to be reformed after this round of turmoil. The 20 trillion national debt can also be washed away at this opportunity! When we gain control of the world, This money will be earned back tenfold and a hundredfold. After living for so long, if you can only see the immediate benefits, then you shouldn’t be sitting here!”

At this time, the Germanic old man in a gray striped suit puffed on his cigar and said as smoke came out of his mouth: "We don't care about money. Have you ever thought about what would happen if we fail? We know history, Irons We also know history! We all know how the Red Alliance was defeated!"

"Oh, tell me then."

Putting out the cigar in the ashtray, the Germanic old man shook his head to disperse the smoke in front of his face, and said melancholy and helplessly: "...I really want to say that there is a plan that can reverse the situation."

"No matter what Irons' plan is, as long as we prepare our retreat in advance, we won't lose completely."

The old woman's final words set the tone for this private meeting.

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