Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 238 Agent

After the remnants of KVA announced their return in a high-profile manner, the world's largest terrorist organization once again appeared in the public eye.

The former KVA attacked important cities in major countries on its own, with a number of diehard members as high as 60,000. Even after five years of siege, a super terrorist organization of this scale has not been completely eliminated. Now KVA has successfully carried out terrorist operations and has brought indelible influence to the whole world.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺

After the TV screen disappeared, everyone gradually realized that paper money was the source of infection of the virus. The things that they loved so much became the things that took their lives.

The purpose of KVA's saying the source of infection was obvious. The financial system collapsed, money was no longer money, and most countries that still used paper money fell into a greater crisis.

The monetary system is the strongest line of defense of the law. In the long development, currency has also become an important part of maintaining human civilization.

The current crisis of trust in paper money will inevitably cause a large number of people to discard their coins, making it impossible to conduct effective transactions. Commodity trading may still rely on electronic currency and bank reserves, but ordinary people can no longer buy everything they need with coins.

Foreseeing the huge social crisis that may occur later, the President of the United States had to launch Order No. 51.

The first batch of agents in New York were awakened...

The husband who accompanied his wife and children at home stood by the window with his head down, the black man who was buying for zero yuan threw down the TV and raised his left wrist, and the man who was playing video games and eating pizza at home stopped operating the handle. Their eyes all looked at the same place...

A circle of golden orange light lit up on the edge of the dial. Looking at the light on the watch representing the call signal, the agents silently put down all the work at hand, followed the call of the country, said goodbye to their wives, children and friends, took their equipment, put on headphones, and walked out of the house.

They are the first batch of agents of the Strategic Homeland Security Bureau. It is their duty to protect the harmony and stability of the motherland!

They organized the most loyal group of people at the fastest speed and strangled it in the early stage of chaos.

At the same time, the major countries are also actively responding to the big surprise given to them by the KVA organization. While dealing with the smallpox virus, they must also do their best to hunt down the lunatics of the KVA organization.

Planning to attack important cities in various countries is already infuriating enough, and this time they actually poisoned banknotes? !

Such behavior that seriously damages the interests of human civilization can no longer be allowed to go unpunished. All countries in the world have formed a joint working group and immediately issued a deep tracking and attack on the KVA organization.

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At the same time, various world organizations are also taking this opportunity to make their own deployments. ඏ♦  ♦♦

During the turbulent period, management must be loose and tight. The Umbrella Group continues to send high-quality talents to the branch, and quickly forms an "expert group" to overcome the new smallpox virus, manufacture vaccines, and manufacture special medicines.

The basic science of this world is not bad. Even if the smallpox virus that has been eliminated by humans once has been modified, it is not difficult to develop a vaccine. However, it is not meaningful to develop a vaccine before catching the remnants of KVA. They can modify the smallpox virus at any time and continue to release it.

If you want to eliminate this global plague, you must first eliminate all the KVA transmission routes.

Unless you can develop a panacea that can eliminate viruses indiscriminately...

It happens! The Umbrella Group has such a panacea, which is the basic enhancement liquid.

When the t virus is attached to the cells, it is difficult for other types of viruses to exist in the human body, including the smallpox virus.

The magical virus that can make people rejuvenate is naturally a piece of cake to eliminate a small smallpox.

It’s just that this world has not had such an exaggerated enhancement technology. If it is suddenly taken out, it will make the outside world feel very abrupt.

At this time, it depends on the potential ally Giant God Company to do this!

The group shared the castrated version of the T virus enhancement technology with Colossus, but the raw materials are still in the hands of the group. Before Colossus officially joins the Umbrella Group, basic awareness of prevention is still necessary, not to mention that there are many extremists hidden inside Colossus. After Ains made a clarification speech, the company's monsters emerged, causing pain for such a large enterprise.

By using Colossus to take out the T virus, Colossus can win over the hearts of the people, and continue to reasonably arrange a group of people to enter Umbrella to take out similar products and compete with Colossus.

Those capitalists who are blinded by money will definitely continue to protect Umbrella. Duncan wants to use the power of those capitalists to gradually gain a foothold for the company.


New York, Manhattan.

The agents from the Homeland Security Bureau do not have exoskeleton equipment. They are more like the legacy of the last world. They are not loved by their grandma and father. When something happens, they are pulled out from some corner to do things. After the work is done, they go back to their own homes and continue to work. They may die accidentally while doing things.

The first task of the first batch of Homeland Security Bureau agents is to maintain order in New York, especially the order of the port.

As the third largest port in the United States and the most important shipping center on the East Coast, the Port of New York plays a pivotal role in the surrounding cities.

Since the development of modern transportation industry, shipping is still the cheapest and most cost-effective mode of transportation.

The order on the verge of collapse does not allow any more accidents in the sea transport channels. Globalization has been advancing for decades, and countries have long been deeply bound. Once the trade chain collapses, small countries will have no food, and big countries will have no goods. Except for some countries with complete industrial chains, no country will be immune.

During the blockade, communication should not be given up.

New York is now showing a tendency to collapse. The primary goal of the agents is to maintain the security of the Port of New York and its surrounding areas together with the military police and the Umbrella mercenaries who protect the port, and follow the doctors to find those infected and drive them to designated areas for isolation.

The world is wailing under the cholera of smallpox. Only three days after the end of the incubation period, the extremely high mortality rate of more than 30% has made human society completely crazy.

People are afraid of invisible unknown things. In order to prevent the risk from spreading further, American health experts suggest increasing the blockade.

Dangerous areas have been set up in major cities across the country, and the cities are blocked layer by layer with high walls.

The residents in the dark zone felt inhuman treatment, and the torture of illness eventually drove them crazy. After paralyzing themselves with drugs, they participated in destruction and killing, and all they had left in their minds was hatred for the American government.

They would not think about the KVA organization that caused all this, because after they became ill, all their hopes fell on the American government, which was just around the corner. As the illness worsened, their hopes gradually faded. When they fell into the dark zone, the flickering hopes disappeared, and eventually a deep darkness would brew, making them attack all people related to the American government like crazy.

In addition to these crazy people who had fallen ill, many criminal organizations also appeared in New York, posing a serious threat to the Port of New York and the only remaining hospital.

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