Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 234 To make it in the world, you need power and background!

A private military service company named Umbrella was listed in New York in a hurry. It was very low-key but won a huge order in the recent national defense bidding. Although it would be slower to build factories and assembly lines, replacing the equipment of the entire army is a long process.

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The senior executives of the military industrial group who participated in the bidding were naturally very confused by the order being snatched away by such a company that suddenly appeared. After they investigated the details of the umbrella company in detail, they immediately understood.

It turned out that it was a company opened by the brother-in-law of the congressman, and Minister Bradley's nephew was the vice president. Dozens of shareholders, big and small, had some relationship with the upper level. Only the identities of the two chief researchers were a bit strange. They were two self-taught geniuses.

At this point, they understood what was going on. The two geniuses really deserved to succeed.

Some people also saw that Minister Bradley and those congressmen picked up a company with unlimited potential for free, which was even more uncomfortable than losing money.

No matter how uncomfortable they were, they couldn't do anything to the Umbrella Company with the support of the Umbrella Company.

The military industry was just one of the businesses of the Umbrella Company. In name, it was a mercenary company that provided private military services.

So soon after the establishment of the military industry department, the Umbrella Company signed a cooperation agreement with the US military. After leaving the army, the veterans of the US military would be recommended to join the Umbrella Company as a mercenary.

The world in 2060 allowed the Giant God Company to develop to a terrifying scale comparable to the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, which was inseparable from the dependence of various countries on mercenaries, and the international environment where the accumulated contradictions gradually emerged after hundreds of years of peace.

No one would refuse a good helper who didn't need to be responsible and could settle things as long as he was paid.

The salary of mercenaries was high, but the pension after death was not high. Even if there was an accident during the mission, the United States did not need to be responsible.

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Outsourcing is fun for a while, and it's fun to outsource all the time!

A large number of veterans were stuffed into the Umbrella Company, and some of them came by themselves after smelling the ink of banknotes. In just one week, the Umbrella Company accumulated 312 mercenaries.

Among them, 211 were veterans, 64 were "veterans", and only 37 were real job seekers who could not find jobs in society.

With a mixed staff configuration, the Umbrella Company, which was in its infancy like a small workshop, should not have received many large orders, but the Umbrella Company opened in the New World lacked everything except connections.

To get out, you need power and background! Now they have the Stars and Stripes and the crescent moon tattoo on their foreheads, and they can get bail for anything they do outside!

After another week, the Umbrella Company ushered in its first international business, going to Morocco to rescue the kidnapped family of a wealthy man. After the rescue was successful, the Umbrella Company could get 3 million US dollars, which was much less than the 20 million the kidnappers wanted.

After receiving the mission, the major in charge of private military services attached great importance to it. He believed that the best people in the company should be dispatched to ensure the smooth completion of the company's first business, so he selected the twelve people who were the most seriously trained, had the best grades, and were the most flexible in their minds to form a rescue team.

Since the Umbrella Company has not yet purchased its own aircraft, they used their connections to borrow several aircraft from the US Air Force.

The 12-member team, of which 8 are veterans of special operations forces, have excellent combat capabilities and outstanding battlefield response capabilities.

The 12 people followed the Russian rescue method. After arriving in Morocco and confirming the location of the kidnappers, they used the silent device purchased in this world to force the door to rescue...

The old wooden door was forcibly knocked open by the full-covered armor plate on the shoulders. The ransom information of the robbers in the dilapidated warehouse was sent out less than twelve hours ago, and the mercenaries were completely unprepared when they broke into the door.

When they raised their guns to shoot the rescue soldiers who broke into the warehouse, their heads were shot into pieces by dense bullets. The sudden gunshots frightened the four hostages who were curled up in the corner of the warehouse and continued to shrink inside. They lowered their heads and did not look at the scene of the gunfight.

The body fell down, and the hostages who lowered their heads clearly saw the robber's head that seemed to have been chopped by a knife. The two children with poor psychological endurance rolled their eyes and kicked their legs when they saw this scene, and they were silent.

"Safe... Wait, there is a bomb on the hostage!" A retired soldier was the third to break into the warehouse. After he entered, he only fired two shots and all the robbers died. The only thing his powerful teammates asked him to do was to report the situation to others who were waiting for the results outside.

"Bomb? Let me see."

A special operations veteran came to the four hostages and carefully checked the bombs on the chests of two pale adult women who were not unconscious. After checking, he said nonchalantly: "It's just a life-sensing bomb, just throw it away."

"What? Wait!


After saying that, he took out a dagger and was about to cut the straps of the bomb. The speed was so fast that the veteran couldn't react.


The bomb was thrown out of the warehouse. The explosion was very close to them, only separated by a window, about seven or eight meters away, and the fragments of the explosion almost penetrated the wall.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you want to kill everyone here?!"

The two women finally fainted, and after the veteran reacted, he questioned the special operations veteran very angrily.

"Hey brother, calm down, it's just a small bomb. I'm very skilled in handling bombs, there won't be any problems." The special warfare veteran comforted the retired veteran. He could dismantle the alien bombs, so why couldn't he dismantle this bomb?

He trusted his skills very much, because he had eaten NZt-48, and his brain was very clear now!

While comforting, he raised his hand and threw another bomb out of the window.


"Look! Don't worry, it doesn't matter what happens, I will take action! Oh, go and take the two children behind."

The special warfare veteran patted the retired veteran's shoulder who was in a mess, and then dragged the female hostage outside.

The retired veteran was in a mess, and another special warfare veteran in the warehouse also stepped forward and patted his shoulder, and then dragged another female hostage away.

The first mission of the Umbrella Company was perfectly completed, although the process was a bit violent, and they didn't care about the safety of the hostages at all, and they dismantled the bomb so casually!

The rich man was furious after reading the operation record, but he didn't say anything too harsh for the sake of the Umbrella Company's network.

After this mission, more and more celebrities knew about the Umbrella Company.

And the Umbrella Company also began to accept some protection missions. The veterans of the special forces were very reliable and gradually became famous in the upper circles.

Many people saw the potential of this company and threw money at the little bitch. For a time, the stock price soared and the company entered a period of rapid development.

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