Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 227 Development

The mission was successfully completed. Six traitors were captured and one was killed. The number of enemies killed was not counted.

All the surviving Na'vi in ​​the valley surrendered. The traitors were tied up and taken away on the Quinjet. The less injured soldiers went into the cave and blew up all the factories built by the Na'vi.

The surrendered Na'vi and the Na'vi who laid down their weapons were all ignored. They looked at each other and soon fled back to the woods in the explosion in the valley. They will return to their tribe and publicize the horror of the sky people with their companions, so that the Na'vi dare not resist the sky people.

After this battle, almost all super soldiers were injured. They were injected with treatment drugs and re-injected with t virus.

As two different viruses, there is no conflict between the t virus and the black light virus miraculously, and after the transformation of the black light virus is completed, the virus will be consumed and integrated into the human gene.

The biggest function of the t virus is to fuse with cells and replace the cells to work, so after the blacklight virus is strengthened, the t virus is injected, and the super soldiers can have the power of blacklight virus transformation and the tenacious vitality of the t virus.

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The treatment process is not long, and the most seriously injured soldiers only need to rest for a week.

The super soldier who lost an eye could not restore his eye, so he could only replace it with a mechanical prosthetic eye to replace the original eye.

The trial of the traitors was not arranged in a crowded place such as the square, but a relatively low-key internal trial. In the end, they put the six people in a fully automated prison, where they will spend the rest of their lives.

They didn't kill them because death is an alternative relief for painful lives.

In the fully automated prison, they have to complete the work that ordinary people can only complete in 12 hours a day to get a meal. If they want to get more food, they have to do more work. The environment there will make Geneva people die on the spot.

The super soldiers who have completed a mission need to be polished again. Having strong power without qualified character and will is just an imperfect defective product.

Because the mission was completed too quickly, they could not wait until the new equipment was completed. After recovering from the injury, Duncan sent Colonel Quach and others to the zombie world to clean up the city. They also did not use guns, but only daggers and fists to fight.

Let them roll in the sea of ​​blood and corpses for a few rounds before talking about equipment.

After being on Pandora for a while, the first resource collection platform designed for Tony landed on Pandora and cut the ribbon. Duncan brought Alice back to the world of Resident Evil, and attended several public events, gave several talk shows to fanatical fans, and shouted the slogan "Make mankind great again!" ♦♦  ♦♦

In addition, he also signed and established more new projects, such as: space train, Mars transformation plan, meteorite survey and research, large orbital engineering spacecraft...

In addition to the plans that can be made public, Umbrella Corporation also participated in various space development plans with experts from various countries.

Now is the time to talk about interests. The interests of alien planets are enough for humans on Earth to share. The advent of more unmanned equipment and artificial intelligence seems to indicate that humans can, like in science fiction works, lie on the glory of their ancestors from birth to death.

T virus enhancement technology has been circulated among important officials and the military of various countries. Their long lifespan makes them almost non-resistant to cooperation with the Umbrella Corporation.

After discussing cooperation, the Marvel Earth Counterattack War was discussed, and the countries did not euphemistically refuse, but gave enough sincerity. Material support is easy to talk about, and doctors and engineers can also be considered if they can ensure the safety of personnel.

The mall is full of quibbling. Large transactions are huge personal interests without any advance or retreat. It is very tiring to negotiate with these people. No matter how many times, Duncan doesn't like it.

Open a talk show conference, listen to work reports, set up various super-large projects, meet with personnel from various regions, and do ideological work for employees.

After all this, two weeks have passed. This is the result of doing business right after getting off the plane and walking back and forth.

She doesn't have to be so busy, but the artificial intelligence Red Queen is being maintained and upgraded. She has now become a relatively qualified artificial intelligence. At least she doesn't just deliberately imitate human words and deeds, and the way of thinking, but has a certain degree of independent thinking ability.

An engineer who upgraded the hardware for Red Queen marveled that this was a miracle, and said that in the computer world, they successfully created a life with 0 and 1. They are the gods of artificial intelligence and should pay attention to the mental state of artificial intelligence.

Well said, the engineer has been transferred by Duncan to the newly established artificial intelligence psychoanalysis department as the director. Currently, he is the only one in the department.

Umbrella Corporation has rarely ushered in a relatively stable development period. The mobile production base has brought a large number of expendable soldiers to Marvel Earth. With the assistance of a large number of superhumans, it has finally tied with Thanos.

Although they don't know how many colonies Thanos still has and how much foundation the cosmic warlord has, they will always win this war with the power of mankind.

Three months later, the equipment that the super soldiers had been longing for was finally completed. There were 511 sets in total, customized according to each person's physical parameters, and each set was attached with a unique number and name tag.

As the number of wars they participate in increases, their nametags will be laser-engraved with icons representing each memorable battle. In the future, these icons will be used to inspire soldiers so that they can be proud of them and continue to fight for humanity. .

Just when the equipment was ready, the lunar base and space station in the Resident Evil world were established, opening a new chapter for human exploration of the universe.

That same year, more large-scale research projects and long-term plans began to bear fruit.

In the Resident Evil world, humans have abandoned 70% of thermal power stations, petroleum-driven cars have been gradually phased out, the earth's environment has been greatly improved, and most factories have been gradually replaced by machinery. Every year, companies only need to pay patent fees to umbrella companies. You can continue to use stable industrial robots to replace labor.

Going to work has gradually become something that can be done at home, because 5G signal towers have been set up in most developed cities. Companies that do not have the money to purchase artificial intelligence services can also remotely control machines to work manually.

A large number of umbrella company hospitals provide medical services to patients all over the world. After the physical illness is treated, they need to work in the umbrella company to repay the necessary medical expenses, solve the pain, and get a job.

The global anti-drug operation achieved initial success. With the help of leaders in various regions, the Umbrella Company completely destroyed Mordor and the warlords in South Asia.

The Middle East, which has been in chaos for many years, has also joined in the great development under the mediation of the company. After human beings have obtained the guarantee of survival, they have completely unleashed their nature, and industries such as culture and entertainment have flourished.

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