Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 216: Pandora Now

The four people on the roof watched the super soldier break through the street and even directly knocked over a three-meter-tall Chitauri giant ape head-on. They must have been extremely shocked.

After the super soldier broke through the encirclement and entered the office building, the platoon leader pressed the intercom and asked the soldiers defending the fire escape stairs in the building to pay attention to the bullets.

The penetration of solid ammunition is stronger than that of energy bullets. They were worried that the bullets would penetrate the body of the fierce man and make him unhappy.

After the notification, several people hurried downstairs.

There was already a movement in the corridor like a construction team demolishing a building. The super soldiers who received the notification also gave up their defense line. They only set up a few booby traps and ran upstairs, meeting the four people who were going downstairs head-on.

Dong Dong Dong!

What a noise!

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"Our Umbrella Company's soldiers are so awesome!"

Listening to the sound of a sledgehammer hitting the wall downstairs, the platoon leader couldn't help but reach out and pat Kane's shoulder, staring with his eyes wide open and giving a thumbs up, saying something he couldn't understand.

When he went downstairs, Kane had already told the platoon leader, the signalman, and the scout that the fierce man was an experimental super soldier of the Umbrella Company.

By the way,,, version. 】

They all knew that the Umbrella Company came from another world, and the Umbrella Company's technology in the basic field was very advanced. Drones, amp mechas, powered exoskeletons, and therapeutic drugs that saved a large number of soldiers' lives all came from this mysterious company.

Now another super soldier has popped up, and they don't know what to say except shouting six six six.

Kane was speechless about this. He had fought for several months in Marvel, but he didn't know that the technology in his hometown would develop so fast.

After receiving the T virus enhancement, he could only lift a small car with difficulty. After not going back for a few months, a technological ruthless person who could punch the alien bastards and send them flying for more than ten meters appeared.

Two minutes later, the ten-story building was penetrated by the ruthless person. After pinching the neck of the last vanguard, the gray figure successfully joined the officers and soldiers of the third row.

The soldiers of the third row had already disarmed the booby trap. They looked up slightly and swallowed their saliva secretly at the super soldier who was too tall to be understood. They felt a faint tremor in their bodies.

The black combat uniform and the black full-coverage helmet maintained the black style of the special combat forces as always. The combat uniform without too many bloated accessories actually used a lot of special technical materials, and the defense and ductility reached the best under the vibranium fiber.

"I should leave. The enemies outside have been dealt with."

Payton panted slightly. The transformation of the black light super soldier made his height increase from 92 to 21, and he looked even bigger after wearing the combat uniform.

The bones and muscles of the body have increased in size, and compared with ordinary people, they look like professional bodybuilders and junior high school students.

The body is very strong, but the proportions are very well-proportioned. No matter who stands in front of him, he will feel oppressive.

The soldiers nodded in unison when they heard this, and when they went downstairs together, they all praised Payton's body and expressed their envy.

Soldiers are one of the groups that advocate the use of force. With Payton's current enhancement, even if they can't live a normal life in the future, they can still admire themselves to death.

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[Umbrella Interstellar Group]

Even Kane asked Payton eagerly, "Hey brother, are you from the newly formed unit? What is the success rate of the super soldier experiment? What are the conditions for participating in the experiment? Can I pass it earlier if I apply early?"

Which soldier can resist powerful strength and strong muscles, and a punch that can send alien bastards flying more than ten meters?

"Oh thank you, is it too late for me to join the Umbrella Corporation now?" An African-American soldier asked with an exaggerated expression.

"There were ten people who participated in the transformation experiment, and all of them succeeded, but the process was very painful..." Payton still has regrets when he recalls it now. Even a tough guy like him can hardly bear the intense pain.

But what can't defeat him will only make him stronger.

Now that he has this power, he will definitely take on greater responsibilities. On the way to victory, he also hopes to have more companions.

"You can also try to apply to Colonel Quach. When he came, the commander said that he would select some people to undergo super soldier transformation. Maybe we will form a new unit in the future!"


Kane showed a surprised expression when he heard this. He was just asking casually. Even if he could really be developed and transformed, he thought it would take a few years.

After applying to the superiors, Kane was full of expectations. The soldiers affiliated with the United States expressed envy and threatened to retire and join the Umbrella Corporation.

Their jokes stopped at the gym. Payton took on the support mission on the west side. His gloves had bumps, which served the same purpose as brass knuckles.

The combat uniform on his body was a custom-made style using a variety of composite materials. It had super strong defense without affecting activities.

More than 200 military police officers on the west side of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum also witnessed the powerful soldiers from the Umbrella Corporation.

Payton ran like a train entering the station in winter, and the Vanguards and Chitauri warriors blocking the track were like snow, and were scattered everywhere by the charge.

The powerful Chitauri tried to fight the human-like bull head-on, but was hit by a punch as heavy as a mountain by Peyton. His chest covered with fine black hair collapsed, and his body fell backwards and knocked down several Vanguards.

The scene of the super soldiers showing their might on the battlefield was recorded by a drone that appeared in the sky at some point, and the picture was transmitted to the underground military base in New York through layers of signal towers.

Colonel Quarch, who was mentioned by Peyton, was resting in the underground sanatorium at this time, and watching the performance of the ten super soldiers deployed to various parts of Marvel Earth.

The exciting scene of fist-to-flesh combat almost made him stand up from his wheelchair. He clapped his left hand on the armrest with a bang, and said to Duncan beside him: "Yes! Yes! Yes! This is the kind of soldier! All soldiers should be like this! I want to be transformed! My soldiers want them too! Uh... It's so beautiful! Super soldier!"

Duncan looked at the injured Colonel Quach and said helplessly: "I will arrange it for you after you recover from your injury. The transformation technology is not difficult, but there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents."

"I believe God is looking after me!" Colonel Quach's brown face has many wrinkles, which looks quite funny when he smiles, but the scar on his forehead makes this face look ferocious.

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[Umbrella Interstellar Group]

The battlefield life in the past few months has not made this man bored, but he feels like a fish in water. Every time he drives the amp mecha to the front line to fight, he gets injured and is carried back to the base every time. When he recovers from the injury, he takes the repaired mecha back to the defense point. If he can't see aliens, he will go to find aliens in person.

Although he doesn't feel good to see his soldiers die on the battlefield, Colonel Kwach doesn't want to return to the boring life on Pandora, where he stays at the base and goes to the gym to lift weights every day. That's too torturous.

"You should go back to Pandora to rest for a while."

Duncan didn't comment on this. Colonel Kwach is a talent, loves soldiers, dares to fight, and after joining the Umbrella Corporation, he also loyally completes various orders issued by the company and is not attached to his old employer.

If he voluntarily accepts the transformation, the commander of the Marvel Earth battlefield should be replaced.

However, this brief remark caused Colonel Kwach to misunderstand him. He smiled and asked, "Why? This is just a minor injury. It will heal in another week. It's not time to rest yet."

Duncan saw that Colonel Kwach was getting anxious, so he explained, "In two years, the Earth will counterattack. You are not suitable to stay in the command position, but you will still have to come back here to participate in the battle. You just have to manage a force composed of super soldiers. Experts are still studying what weapons to equip this force, so as a commander, you have to go to Pandora for training."

"Huh..." After hearing the explanation, Colonel Kwach breathed a sigh of relief and pretended to be scared and said, "So that's the case. I thought I was useless! Hahaha!"

The subsequent Earth counterattack involved hundreds of millions of humans launching a counterattack against Thanos. Although the main combat force is an elite unit composed of Captain Marvel, Thor, Doctor Strange and others, ordinary soldiers are still an indispensable part.

By then, the number of soldiers in the special operations forces and the newly formed Umbrella Security Force will reach 200,000. Colonel Kwach's personality cannot bear such a large-scale combat command. Later, a new commander will connect with the joint military organization of Marvel Earth.

The plan is still being formulated. In addition to Tony's Earth Defense System, the orbital defense system developed by Umbrella Corporation can also take on the task.

The super soldier force may play a key role in the counterattack. Colonel Kwach needs to explore and learn how to command a force composed of super soldiers and how to cooperate with conventional forces.

Training the generals before training the soldiers has always been the eternal truth of war.

Letting a general who does not understand military affairs and soldiers to command will definitely turn into a disaster.

"It's meaningless for you to stay here if you are injured. I will let new troops take over your corps later. You can go back and wait for the enhancement. If your soldiers are willing to accept the transformation, you can also let them go. You have 450 places."

After Duncan told Colonel Kwach the time of handover, he returned to the world of Resident Evil with Alice, who was inseparable from him.

Tony's resource mining platform is being built at a fast pace. Almost all the people in the zombie world have died. The huge resources on a planet will be within the mining range of the Umbrella Corporation in two years.

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[Umbrella Interstellar Group]

Thinking of resources, he remembered the Avatar world that he had not visited for a long time, and decided to go and have a look.

He took a plane to the Delta Research Base and stepped into the land of Pandora through the underground portal.

After nearly four years of development, nearly four million people have moved to Pandora, one-third of whom are clones, and the remaining two-thirds are Umbrella employees in the Resident Evil world.

The new world is already public news that countries do not publicize. Many elites have already known that the Umbrella Corporation is developing the new world, and they are trying their best to arrange people into the Umbrella Corporation.

Millions of people disappeared in the Resident Evil world. If it were not for the official cover-up, the news would have spread long ago. After all, millions is not a small number.

Among the millions of employees on Pandora, nearly a quarter were arranged by various countries to gather information.

With the influx of a large number of people, the supporting facilities on Pandora naturally need to keep up. Should there be police? Should there also be troops to protect the lives and property of employees?

Does it also need hospitals, churches, parks, bars, etc.?

Not only that, there are many young couples on Pandora who have been together unconsciously. In the past few years, many people have accidentally shot each other. These children may have to stay on this planet to live, and schools may need to be built at that time.

This planet is already a human colony, and the indigenous people here, the employees living in the resource city, don’t care.

Duncan boarded the elevator and came to the branch building of the Umbrella Company.

Parker, the manager of the Hell Gate Base, has moved from the original military-industrial integrated base to the rectangular building of the branch. When there is work, he handles work, and when there is no work, he will go to the newly built entertainment venues in the base to play with the employees.

When Duncan took Alice through the door of the supervisor's office and saw Parker, he was typing on the keyboard with a serious face. The automatically opened door seemed to scare him.

"Hey, boss! I haven't seen you for a long time. Why did you come to visit me suddenly? I'm not prepared at all!"

"Oh..." Duncan's nose twitched slightly, and he stared at Parker who stood up with a disgusted expression.

Alice, who was more sensitive beside him, also frowned slightly at this time.

"It's not ventilated here. Clean up and come to the meeting room."

Parker smiled awkwardly and promised: "OK! OK! I'll be there soon!"

After watching the two leave, he quickly bent down and pulled out the female secretary hiding under the desk, and told her to clean up the floor and then hurried to change clothes.

Five minutes later, Parker appeared in the meeting room and stood in front of Duncan to report on his work.

With the continuous increase in the number of residents in the Hell's Gate Base and the connection with several mining towns, the scale of the base can no longer be called "Hell's Gate" as a synonym.

The city now built on the basis of the Hell Gate Base is called the City of Angels. The Hell Gate Base is retained and turned into a pure military base.

Parker has done a good job from managing a military-industrial complex base to managing a large city with millions of people.

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[Umbrella Interstellar Group]

Besides the fact that he likes to enjoy himself because of his experience, he can complete his work on time. Under his management, there are not many troubles in the city.

Only the harassment of the Na'vi sometimes causes some trouble to the City of Angels.

"The Na'vi are developing very fast. They have made explosives and gunpowder weapons and often attack our mines. Most of the soldiers are sent to guard the mines."

Parker slid on the tablet and called up the recent casualty report and some drone photos of the Na'vi holding crude gunpowder weapons on the holographic screen.

Many scientists ran over from the Hell Gate Base. They used human knowledge to cultivate a force that resisted humans. They carved complex patterns all over their bodies and held crude but powerful gunpowder weapons, trying to defeat humans and take back their homes...

They are courageous. I don't deny their determination and correctness in protecting their homes, but they will not give up the benefits that are in their mouths. Superconducting ore is too important to the current Umbrella Corporation.

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