Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 196: Mutants

Umbrella Interstellar Group Text Volume Chapter 196: After the mutant determined that the firearm was activated, the black captain opened the door of the pharmacy. Payton and Lee standing in front of the door resolutely left the safety under Tommy's gaze. of pharmacies.

The next moment, dull gunshots were heard outside the pharmacy. The weakening of the muffler could only prevent the gunfire from spreading too far. Even if you listened through a door, the sound was still very clear.

Payton and Lee cooperated, firing alternately with rifles and machine guns. More than twenty parasitic zombies that ran into the outpatient building fell down almost instantly.

Parasitic zombies are more fragile than ordinary virus zombies. After the warhead hits the body of the parasitic zombie, it rolls out of control, shattering large areas of the original tissue. After the damage is too serious, it will be automatically destroyed by the demon worm. It is judged as losing value and the control is given up.

After trampling on one parasite after another, the disgusted Payton walked to the outpatient clinic building and saw many zombies attracted by the sound outside the building.

Adjust the gun to single-shot mode and accurately hit the head of the parasitic zombie with one shot. One person can guard the main entrance and exit.

Lee, who stood by looking idle, informed the captain that the danger was clear.

Soon after, the black captain led the rest of the team, as well as Tommy and his sister, out of the pharmacy.

Tommy's right hand held a large bag, which contained useful first-aid medicines found by the medics.

Tommy's sister Kelly was leaning weakly on the medic's back. She opened one eye and quickly closed it after seeing the body on the ground. ♦♦  ♦♦

"I...we really can't stay here anymore..."

The corpses all over the ground irritated Tommy's nerves. He remembered the scene he had seen at home before, and couldn't help but urge the special operations team to leave.

This time, the black captain did not refuse the offer and let others protect Tommy and Kelly towards an ambulance near the outpatient building.

The key to the ambulance is usually inserted where it should enter. After getting in the car, I did see the key, and there was also a parasitic zombie trapped in the driver's seat.

After dragging the zombie out of the car and smashing the head of the parasitic zombie directly with the butt of the gun, a steady stream of parasites escaped from the useless body and disappeared into the night.

The group got into the ambulance and left the hospital, and at Tommy's suggestion, they planned to go to the town's church.

The church is always a place where survivors like to gather. When the parasite crisis was not too serious, the small town police would ask the surviving townspeople to take refuge in the church on the street.

The church located on the western edge of the town is some distance away from the town's central hospital. It is not only a church, but also a cemetery where the ancestors rest.

Behind the church is a cemetery, and unlike ordinary open cemeteries, the town used to be very exclusive, and a large number of outsiders appeared during the construction period, so the aborigines of the town funded the construction of iron fences around the cemetery. A fence can keep out a lot of dangers.

It’s just that no matter how many people in the team heard it, they thought it was unreliable.

When they were in the sky, although they saw a few lights and flames in the town, the church on the edge of the town was pitch black...

Since the possibility of the survivors turning off the lights and staying silent to avoid danger could not be ruled out, they still planned to go to the church to have a look. If there was no one alive, they would leave.

If there are any living people, use it as a temporary stop, and wait until daytime to search the town carefully before finalizing the search, rescue and evacuation plan.

The ambulance encountered many zombies along the way, and the more remote the road, the more zombies there were.

In the end, they took the main road directly, and the abandoned vehicles on the road blocked the road. A direct impact would make the sound spread throughout the town.

They can only drive all the way and push all the way to clear the blocked road section to create a gap for the ambulance to pass.

It took more than twenty minutes to walk through the small town and arrive not far from the church.

However, the church that came into view was stained with blood, a lot of garbage was thrown on the ground, and the smooth lawn was scratched into messy potholes by many ruts.

An overturned police car was lying on the side of the road. Fifty or sixty meters away, they already knew that there was no one in the church, because there were scattered zombies wandering in front of the church door, and the church door was ajar.

The dazzling light shines on the door of the church, and a head

The strange zombie with its head held up by tentacles and cysts stands out at the door.

Its neck was very thick, made entirely out of lumps of flesh and huge parasites. The red cysts on its neck seemed to be glowing, which looked weird.

Because of its thick neck, it staggers when walking, which makes people wonder if its existence is the product of an accidental mutation. Besides affecting its movement, what else does the thick neck do?

The next moment, the effect of the thick neck was revealed.

The swaying long-necked zombie was stimulated by the light. After taking a few steps forward, it suddenly started to tremble all over. The next second, it opened its big mouth, flapped its throat, and let out a huge roar.

Its sound was like a piece of old phlegm stuck in the throat, squeezing the air out of the lungs along the open throat.

The sound was really loud. Even through the car door, everyone in the car window could hear the heart-rending howl.

It also made them realize that something was going to go wrong...

Payton pressed down the car window, leaned out his upper body slightly, shot two shots at the head of the long-necked parasite zombie, and then retracted his body confidently.

The car entered another road, but the howling did not stop.

When the sound did not disappear for a long time, Payton felt something was wrong. He stretched his head to look at the church door. The head of the long-necked zombie was indeed smashed, but it was still howling, and the neck composed of cysts and tentacles was still shrinking and squeezing.

Just when Payton wanted to add a few more shots, a zombie suddenly jumped out of the darkness on the side. It opened its four strange arms in mid-air and flew straight towards the ambulance like a face hugger in the movie.


The ambulance was not so flexible, so Payton had to turn the muzzle and quickly turned the rifle to full automatic. He shot down the zombie that jumped into the air with several consecutive bullets.

"The zombies around are gathering."

The black captain in the driver's seat saw the zombies rushing out of the darkness from all directions and said the obvious fact.

Bang Bang Bang!

Payton, who was sitting in the passenger seat, shot and killed the annoying zombie with three shots, but seeing that there were already fifty or sixty zombies around, and they were still increasing, their situation was still not optimistic.

And he had already seen the parasitic zombies that Tommy said could not be killed by guns.

"We have to follow the wheel tracks to leave the town, hold on!"

Facing more and more zombies, the black captain needed to take the team away immediately. He saw that the wheel tracks covered with blood on the ground led to the road outside the town, and there were fewer zombies on that road, so he immediately stepped on the accelerator and headed out of the town.

Chapter 196 Mutants

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