Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 183: In-depth

"Follow him!"

Gardner gave the team a task. Damn it, this might be an important breakthrough in the investigation of Blackwatch and Gentech!

After packing up their equipment and leaving the spider robot in the Gentech research institute, they hurried to chase the sneaky man.

Jill and John Wick jumped down from the back of the building where they were hiding. Snipers and medics moved above the building. There were micro drones in the sky tracking them all the time. The man couldn't fly away even if he had wings.

"There is something unusual. It seems that someone is following him!"

After chasing for a while, the drone sniper overlooking from the sky found some anomalies. Behind the man, there were several men whose movements showed traces of agent training.

Gardner also saw the movement trajectory of those people. After thinking carefully, he immediately asked Jill and John Wick, who were chasing on the ground, to control those pursuers, and Kevin and him to control the man who left the research institute.


Take a rest!

Several plainclothes agents were about to catch up with the target, but suddenly there were several subtle noises behind their heads, and then they felt like being patted on the back. When they wanted to draw their pistols, a layer of white sticky substance had covered their whole bodies, tightly binding their limbs and bodies.

Unable to lift their feet, with nowhere to get support, several people fell to the ground, and saw the people who attacked them while gritting their teeth.

They were two soldiers of unknown forces wearing heavy combat uniforms, but they moved silently.

The two soldiers ignored them and chased their target directly...

Could these two people be the contact?

"The C2 team encountered an unknown armed force and lost its mobility. The other party is suspected to be the target's contact person. Repeat..."

Thinking that it might be the contact person of the target, the plainclothes officers who fell to the ground hurriedly reported the situation on the radio.

The superior action target also paid a little attention to this and began to do the cleanup operation.

"Captain, something is wrong!"

Just after Jill and John Wick controlled several agents, the decisive agent leader chose to clean up the target, that is, regardless of whether the man who left the Gentech company's research institute was a traitor or not, he would be killed directly!

When the plainclothes officers decided to assassinate the man who left the research institute, they no longer hid in the crowd, and reached into their arms, but someone pulled out their weapons faster than them.

John Wick used the American Iai Slash that he had practiced to perfection, quickly pulled out his pistol, opened the safety, and locked his eyes on all the people in the crowd who put their hands into the place where the gun could be hidden.

When they showed the action of pulling out their pistols, John Wick instinctively aimed at them and pulled the trigger, and four or five bullets were fired, instantly shooting and killing four plainclothes officers hiding in the crowd.

The man who left the research institute shrank his head when he heard the gunshot, then bent over and ran, and passers-by who heard the gunshot nearby also fled in panic, and the scene became chaotic for a while.

Gardner and Kevin, who happened to be nearby, didn't care too much and directly activated the flight mode, shooting a large amount of spider silk at the fleeing target in mid-air.

Dense spider webs are the best capture nets, which can effectively restrict the movements of people or animals. Now spider silk has been widely used in police riot control in the world of Resident Evil and hunting missions in the world of Avatar. It is a more civilized police equipment than a Taser.

Peter Parker used it as a symbol of Spider-Man and hid it. He didn't understand business at all and had no pattern. This technology has created hundreds of billions of profits, solved the troubles of countless thugs for the police, and achieved greater achievements in peacekeeping operations in chaotic areas than tear gas.

The target was tied up by spider silk and firmly adhered to the ground and could not move. Because the scene was too chaotic, the spider silk fired accidentally touched two unlucky passers-by to the ground.

No anti-theft

"Uh..." The man who tried to struggle saw two soldiers appear in front of him and immediately gave up struggling, his expression looked extremely bitter.

"The Black Watch of the institute has been alarmed, and they are rushing here." The sniper on the building saw a small group of Black Watch soldiers running out of Gentek Company and told everyone about the situation.

Gardner turned the bracelet on his right hand and sprayed a dissolving spray at the target stuck on the ground, saying: "Gill, John, you go and stop them, we will come later..."

Kevin on the side untied the spider silk on the two passers-by and pulled up the body of the man who ran out of the institute, but a pool of red liquid and a fragment of a test tube were left on the ground.

The man who was pulled up showed that the blood on his face had faded, showing an ugly smile, and then his eyes rolled up and died on the spot.

It was this unexpected accident that interrupted what Gardner wanted to say.

The red liquid on the ground was still flowing. The dark red liquid was not something that could cause any accidents. The research institute of Gentech Company was studying zombies. They had just witnessed the horror scene of those researchers injecting the same red liquid into ordinary people, and the injected subjects turned into deformed zombies in a short time.

The pathogenicity of this virus is definitely stronger than other zombie viruses...

So, now the virus has leaked...

"Collect samples, take off his clothes and use them as samples, and we need to sterilize them at high temperature here."

Gardner was so angry at the unconscious man that he changed his words. Anyone can be punished for biochemical experiments!

Kevin pulled out a dagger, cut off all the clothes of the unconscious man that were stained by the liquid in the bottle, and rubbed the cloth on the ground to absorb more virus liquid.

The situation was special, and there was no suitable container in his hand, so he had to search around.

Seeing Kevin's dilemma, Gardner snatched a passerby's thermos cup, poured out the water inside and handed it to Kevin.

The sample was barely collected, and the next step was disinfection.

Kevin walked to the fuel tank of an abandoned car on the side of the road, dug the tank open with his bare hands, pushed the car to the position where the virus liquid was spilled, and then ignited the gasoline in the tank, letting the car burn in the flames.

I just don't know if this treatment can kill the virus. In theory, after the bottle of virus was spilled on the ground, it was covered by the body of the man who ran out of the Gentech company's research institute, so there wouldn't be much problem in theory.


Theory is just theory after all. When the car was burning, Kevin and Gardner suddenly thought of the two unlucky guys who were affected by the spider silk. They felt a pang in their hearts and said to themselves: It's bad...

It may be too late to find those two people now. They have already fled into the crowd and may have had physical contact with many people.

"Captain, two armed helicopters are flying towards you!"

The sniper who was observing the surrounding movements sent new news, and the sound of armed helicopters was heard in the sky. They should leave.

Kevin saw the half-dead man on the ground, and then looked at Gardner.

Gardner didn't think for long. After taking out his pistol and shooting the man in the forehead, he pointed at the burning car and said, "Throw it in."


In the eyes of the two, this originally important person was "comatose" after being infected with the virus in the laboratory. He was destined to die. It would be better to throw him into the burning car and cremate him. At least it would reduce the risk of a large-scale outbreak of the virus in the city.

Before leaving, Kevin pushed another abandoned car and ignited the fuel tank where the man had been lying.

After the seven people left, the Black Watch finally arrived. They extinguished the flames of the car, sealed off the scene, and pulled a charred body out of the blackened car, notified the staff of the institute, and took the body for further cremation.

Things did not end there. The surviving Black Watch plainclothes officers told the appearance of the group of people who attacked them.

The exploration team that had appeared in the airport and the streets was immediately locked. With the in-depth investigation, what the exploration team had done in this city gradually surfaced.

The news was reported layer by layer, and finally even reached the ears of the commander of the Black Watch.

After the general of the Black Watch learned of this, he quickly sought answers from the higher level. The question went around in the circle, and finally found that no one knew the origin of this team.

Finally, the exploration team was dubbed as a foreign spy, and the wanted order was issued to the whole of America.

The general of Black Watch was even more annoyed because the exploration team was investigating their affairs. How could he not know what Black Watch was?

If this foreign team really knew what Black Watch had done, and then explored all the problems that were now appearing in the United States, once it spread internationally, the United States would not only lose face and cause public outrage, but his official position might also be removed.

The general had fought for half his life and finally reached his current height. If such a big scandal occurred during his term of office, his life's merits and glory would be denied, and all his contributions would become a joke.

In public and private, the problems of the exploration team would not be a small problem.

The issuance of the wanted order had an impact on several people in the exploration team, but it was not great.

Because they wore helmets most of the time when they were out, and they used to pretend to be their own people because it was more convenient and safer.

Now that they have been discovered, it is not a bad idea to take off the armor to act, but it is less likely to attract attention.

When Blackwatch and the Marines were searching for them, they had already found a number of safe temporary bases with the help of John Wick's expertise.

After cleaning the virus that might remain on the armor, the seven spent a night in the tool room of the subway.

The fourth day after entering this world.

When they left, they conducted a simple investigation on the researcher who stole the experimental virus from Gentech and found out his identity.

The man's name was "Alex Mercer". He grew up in an orphanage. He had no father. His mother was in prison and died shortly after being released from prison. Only a sister named Dana was left.

Alex Mercer's personal career was a typical case of turning over through learning from the bottom. He was admitted to Columbia University and had a high talent in biogenetics. He also won the Biogenetics Award during his school years. After graduation, he joined Gentech for 3 years and was a core researcher in the institute.

The purpose of suddenly stealing the company's internal experimental products was unknown, but Gardner believed that he might be able to investigate some inside information from his sister who depended on each other.

So their task today was to go to the apartment of Alex Mercer's sister Dana.

Leaving Kevin and medic Sarco in the base to guard the equipment, the remaining five went to the apartment address of Dana Mercer that had already been investigated.

After taking off their helmets and putting on different styles of bulletproof windbreakers, they looked no different from ordinary passers-by. Even when they passed by a checkpoint of Blackwatch soldiers, they were not discovered. The wanted posters posted were simply useless.

They rushed all the way to the vicinity of Dana Mercer's apartment, but found that the streets here had been blocked by Blackwatch soldiers, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

They simply took a detour, climbed over the wall and the window, and successfully entered the block.

Soon they arrived at the floor of Dana Mercer's apartment. Dana's apartment door was half open, and there were faint sounds of struggle inside.

After hearing these sounds, several people became alert, took out the pistols with silencers on their waists, and after exchanging glances, decided to let John Wick, who was more familiar with fighting in the building, take the lead.

John Wick had strong skills and didn't think much about it. He bypassed the other people and came to the door silently, listening carefully to the movement inside.

"Let go... me!" A woman's voice and the sound of clothes rubbing came from the apartment room.

After using his ears to determine the approximate location of the person inside, John Wick decisively leaned over and pushed open the door, aiming his silenced pistol at the source of the sound.

The space in the small cheap apartment was very limited, and the living room was also a room. In the center, two people were entangled with each other.

The moment the door was pushed open, the eyes of the two people in the room looked at the door at the same time.

With his left hand strangling the neck and his right hand holding the pistol against Dana's temple, the Black Watch soldier in a hijacking state saw John Wick breaking into the room silently, and reacted very quickly to turn the muzzle and wanted to pull the trigger.

The next second, a loud gunshot rang out in the room. Dana felt her neck loosen, and the soldier who strangled her fell to the ground from her back. She looked sideways and saw that the middle lens of the three-lens optical mirror had been pierced by a bullet.

This scene scared her so much that she dared not speak. The soldiers might talk about the law, but the unknown thugs would not.

After confirming that the soldier was killed, John Wick gestured behind him, then straightened up and squeezed his whole body into the room.

Gardner followed closely, followed by Jill, and the remaining snipers and assaulters were on guard outside the door.

Two men and one woman squeezed into the narrow apartment, filling the air with a tense atmosphere. Under the influence of this atmosphere, Dana took a half step back, fearing that her back foot would touch the body of the Black Watch soldier who had just fallen to the ground.

After entering the room, Gardner looked around the room, and finally stopped at the face of Dana with short hair and ordinary face, and asked in a firm tone: "You are Dana Mercer."

"... Well, who are you?"

Faced with the gunmen who came from nowhere, Dana did not dare to resist, and could only helplessly admit her identity, secretly praying that she would be fine.

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