Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 181: Spread

On Fourth Avenue, the entire street was blocked. The shrill sound of car horns and the somewhat gloomy sky today made the drivers on the road more and more irritated, and there were faint sounds of abuse and disputes.

The seven members of the exploration team were walking. They walked on the sidewalk beside the driveway, and from time to time they looked back at the endless convoy behind the endless Fourth Avenue.

From time to time, helicopters would pass through the sky. These helicopters were military helicopters, which might be from Black Watch or the Marine Corps.

No matter where they came from, the citizens of New York have become accustomed to the current situation. Apart from the usual complaints, they did not make much comments on it.

But suddenly, dense gunfire rang out in the city, even surpassing the sound of helicopter propellers, or perhaps it was the helicopters that were shooting.

The complaining drivers on the road retracted their heads into the cars, and the pedestrians on the sidewalks also stopped where they were, listening to which direction the gunfire came from.

Compared with ordinary people, the exploration team has high-tech equipment to help them clearly hear the direction from which the sound came. They also stopped and looked at the back of the road.


A woman's scream pierced the tranquility of the street, and then the people at the back of the convoy abandoned their cars and fled, triggering a series of chain reactions.

"Sword Comes"

All the drivers in the car got out of the car, looked back for a moment, and then ran.

Only the seven members of the exploration team did not run away. They were still looking at the turbulent crowd at the back of the road. They quickly captured several people with abnormal postures when running wildly. The shaking of their bodies made it difficult for the camera to capture, but after switching to visual mode, they saw the appearance of those people clearly.

The slightly white eyes and the fine blue blood vessel lines on the face made their identities obvious... zombies.

"It's a zombie."

Gardner's voice was very calm. He took off the folding rifle on his chest, and held it in his hand after a simple splicing.

Others also took the folding weapons hanging on their bodies and looked at the zombies approaching from behind.

The sniper raised the assembled precision marksman rifle and pointed the eyepiece forward. He saw a zombie hitting the car window with its head and body. Seeing that the car window was about to shatter, he couldn't help but shoot at the zombie.

The bullet passed through a distance of about 50 meters and accurately penetrated the zombie's head, causing it to fall to the side of the road.

"Freely shoot, any help is a little bit." Gardner also pulled the bolt, stepped on the abandoned car, and shot at the zombies running wildly in the distance from a high position.

Others also stood on the roof of the car and shot at the approaching zombies.

The citizens running wildly around were shocked by the behavior of the seven people, and many even turned back and bumped into the citizens who were fleeing from the zombie attack.

Because most of these people were just running away in a non-mainstream way, and many people didn't know what was going on at all.

The only difference between the infected and ordinary people in the early stage is that their eyes are white and their blood vessels appear blue on the surface of their bodies, but it is still not visible if you don't look carefully.

If the people who are forced to escape can't see the appearance of the zombies, they can only see seven gunmen killing people.

Only those passers-by who have faced zombies know that these seven people are saving people instead of killing people.

The seven people's shooting skills have been specially trained, and with the calibration of the shooting system, even John Wick has to sigh at the power of technology.

The seven of them alone completely intercepted the zombies on Fourth Avenue.

But soon, they found some differences.

These zombies are more manic than those they encountered in the Dharavi slums, and have a more significant characteristic.

These zombies don't eat people... They only bite people. After biting people and bleeding, they will let go and look for the next healthy target.

And those who are bitten will fall unconscious in a very short time, and their bodies will twitch and twist under their observation. Finally, they will turn into zombies in a very short time and stand up again to attack other passers-by.

After discovering the abnormality of these zombies, Gardner immediately asked Kevin to escort the medical soldier Sarco to collect the blood of the zombies with obviously different characteristics.

Kevin escorted Sarco to the zombie bodies, took two tubes of blood from two different zombie bodies and put them into the storage box.

The mission was completed, and almost all the people on Fourth Avenue ran away. The seven people evacuated. Along the way, they met many ordinary people and zombies, and the ammunition was consumed at an alarming rate.

Fortunately, this is a free country. Guns and bullets are necessities of life in America. Even ordinary large supermarkets sell bullets, and they often have discounts and promotions, which is very humane.

After they replenished their ammunition in a supermarket, they had to leave the block. After that, the Marines and the Black Watch should block the block.

The mysterious Black Watch was much faster than they expected. When the seven people had just finished restocking their ammunition and reached the end of the block, the metal horse guards had already blocked the middle of the road. More than a dozen Black Watch soldiers set up machine guns and held rifles, facing the street.

There were already many corpses lying on the ground. Some of these corpses had the appearance of zombies, while others were ordinary people with stunned expressions.

They were shot indiscriminately, perhaps to prevent the spread of infection...

But is it really necessary to clean up indiscriminately in this world to prevent the spread of infection?

The seven members of the exploration team who witnessed the Black Watch killing civilians chose to leave the neighborhood near Fourth Avenue in a relatively secret place. They avoided the armed helicopters hovering in the sky and quietly went to the area that was not affected by the infection.

New York is very large and can accommodate a lot of people. New York is also very small, and zombies can roam freely in it.

When the exploration team left the infected area and found a relatively safe restaurant to rest, the TV inside was still running normally. There was a big man on it, announcing that the United States was under martial law, and informing reporters and the people of the United States of the birth of many special infectious diseases.

On TV, the spokesperson in a suit looked at the camera and said seriously: "Pennsylvania, Colorado, Maryland, Texas, and New York, these five states have the same type of virulent infectious disease. Infected people will become irrational lunatics. They are already in a state of death in theory in medicine and cannot be cured by medical means at present. Citizens who encounter this kind of infected people can take up the power granted to you by the Constitution and shoot in self-defense. Attacking the head is the most effective way to kill them!"

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