Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 179: Black Watch

As the police car drove out of the police station, Chief Ah San, who had been beaten up for no apparent reason, yelled and shouted, sounded the siren, and beat the residents on the road with a cane, and finally arrived at the airport within five minutes.

With the blessing of the police chief, he successfully got the airport to give special seats to the seven members of the exploration team.

In order to win this privilege, the seven members of the team also tried their best to perform, and this was the opportunity they got.

After they were disinfected and got on the plane to New York, they still couldn't believe that things would go so smoothly, so smoothly that it was even a bit magical.


Seven people with no identity, no passports, no tickets, and even weapons and tactical equipment got on the plane in a dignified manner.

There was no obstruction for more than 10 minutes, and five people blocked me from boarding the plane.

Among them, Director Ah San gave them a lot of help. It can be said that without him being righteous to the country and using the lives of hundreds of millions of people as a guarantee, things would not have been so smooth.

Gardner sat in a seat by the window of the plane, looking through the window at Director Asan who was standing next to the police car on the airport runway and paying attention to the plane, gradually disappearing from sight, and sighed slightly.

Originally, they just watched the latest flight leaving Mumbai and did it with the attitude of giving it a try. If it didn't work, they would just arrive at the airport and then sneak into the plane.

I didn't expect that the director was so self-informed that his playful mentality was gradually replaced by a sense of guilt. Playing with fools... was really tasteless.

The flight of the plane was very smooth without any disturbance. They took turns keeping watch and took a rest on the plane.

By the time we approached New York, the American night had arrived.

The plane landed smoothly, everything was normal, but everything was not so normal.

Flashing red and blue police lights have been waiting near the airport for a long time. There are many luxury cars parked outside the runway, and many people are standing beside the cars waiting.

Seeing the connected vehicles and people on the edge of the runway, Gardner felt confused and woke up the others who were still sleeping. "Cheer up, there seems to be something abnormal."

When the others saw the scene outside the window, they also cheered up, unbuckled their seat belts, stood up from their seats, and walked to the hatch.

The stewardess and the surrounding passengers did not dare to say anything about this. After all, a few people had taken all the tickets of other passengers. The weapons on their waists, backs and chests were very conspicuous. This kind of behavior of people from relevant departments is a bit special. It’s also normal…

The plane taxied to the end of the runway and stopped, and the flight attendant began to ask passengers to check their belongings.

When the plane arrived at the disembarkation gate, several people from the exploration team were the first to get out of the plane.

As the saying goes, they can eat everywhere with one trick. They have found a universal pass that allows them to enter and exit movie theaters or paid museums while wearing work clothes. The seven people who got off the plane appeared in the airport in a majestic manner.

But in order for the citizens to distinguish between them and the mob, they deliberately lined up in a long line and walked out neatly.

Whether it was the security check or the airport security, after seeing the seven people, they all showed surprised expressions, but they really didn't do anything, and they didn't even mean to approach for questioning. The light was green all the way, and the traffic was smooth. Incredible.

But soon, the seven members of the team were somewhere in the terminal hall, knowing why they had such great privileges.

Because in the airport, they are not the only seven "relevant departments".

On the left and right sides of the empty waiting hall, there are two completely different teams. One is wearing black combat uniforms and is the same as the soldiers seen at the dock. The other is wearing green camouflage military uniforms and steel helmets. Marine Corps with distinctive Marine Corps emblem.

After the seven people appeared, due to their heavy clothing, tall stature, neat steps, and not exposing any part of their bodies, they were completely different from the equipment worn by the two teams, which aroused the same vigilance among the two groups of people.

"Listen to my orders later and act, don't hurt anyone!"

Gardner also did not expect that two groups of completely different troops would appear at the airport, and there were quite a lot of them. There must be officers above the company level present. They would not be as easy-going as Director Asan, so they could only let it go.

The six people responded one after another, expressing their understanding, and then continued to follow the captain's figure.

"Hey! You guys, stop!"

Something bad still happened. An officer wearing gray and white clothes and a black tactical body armor walked out from the troops wearing black combat uniforms, waving for the exploration team to stop.

After hearing this, Gardner looked at the trotting officer, thought for a moment, and stopped.

Gill and the others naturally stopped after Gardner stopped and waited on the spot for the officer to approach.

When the officer approached, Gardner took the lead and asked the officer: "Report your unit number. We are a special operations unit and we are performing a mission."

Upon hearing this, the officer said very simply: "Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Black Watch, please provide valid identification and passage documents."

Sure enough, it is a special force with official status endorsement!

Gardner got some more information, and then it was a matter of providing identification, and they had a hammer identification!

However, in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts and take a little chance in this matter, Gardner asked forged documents prepared in advance by various relevant departments in and out of the United States and presented them to the officers in the form of holographic projection screens. .

The appearance of the sci-fi holographic screen did surprise the officer of Black Watch, but he recovered quickly, checked the seal and signature on the document, and called an officer in the Marine Corps by radio to jointly confirm this special document signed by the commander-in-chief.

After the silent silence, the two officers whispered to each other and finally chose to let the seven people pass.

The trust bonus brought by the holographic system and the gold content of the equipment on their bodies, as well as the anti-counterfeiting mark of the documents in another world, are also applicable in this world. They can't see anything that is forged even if they look hard, and finally choose to believe it.

The seven people were slightly relieved, and then left the airport under the eyes of two company-level officers.

There were still many soldiers guarding outside the airport. It was obvious that the airport in this city was taken over by the army overnight, and there were not many civilians nearby.

Just as they were thinking this, a huge engine sound was heard in the sky. The seven people turned their heads and saw that under the dark night, a military transport plane was slowly descending, suggesting that something big might happen in this city.

After the seven-member team entered the city, they clearly felt that the atmosphere in the city had changed a lot. Even though they were not from this world, they could feel that fewer citizens were participating in the nightlife in New York.

When passing by night markets and bars, the shops were basically deserted, and the only customers were Marines in uniform.

The idle soldiers were enjoying the fried food in the city with a little sadness in their eyes.

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