Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 176: Zombie Rat

The appearance of the infected on the plane means that the city is not far from falling.

Jill is very clear about this, so she thinks that they can't delay here for too long. They have to complete the investigation mission as quickly as possible and return to the United States before entering the flight control state.

"The drone has found a gap, where residents of the slums are fleeing... They were discovered, uh... They were shot dead."

The sniper in the team is responsible for using drones to scout the slums, trying to find a gap in the blockade to sneak in, but he didn't find it. There are at least 50,000 military and police gathered around the 2 square kilometers of slums.

Unable to find a gap to sneak in, Gardner decided to use the camouflage drone to cover and fly in after thinking again and again.

The reason why they still need to think is that the energy of their equipment is limited. Theoretically, it can be used for ten days, but if it is used without restraint, it may not last for ten days.

The optical camouflage effect of the camouflage drone requires the auxiliary operation of the built-in chip, which consumes a lot of energy. Kevin is usually asked to carry it when it is not used.

In order to complete the investigation mission as soon as possible and leave here, they can only use the camouflage drone again.

The seven people formed a circle again, set the coordinates, and set off with the camouflage drone. They crossed the heads of the military and police who blocked the slums and successfully entered the narrow center of the slums.

The area of ​​2 square kilometers is not small for an individual, but most of the land in this 2 square kilometers is occupied by low-rise buildings. The largest street can only accommodate two cars passing side by side. The most commonly used means of transportation for residents here is bicycles.

There is no planning between buildings, which also leads to a large number of intricate alleys in the slums.

The environment here is more complicated and dirty than the Baxi slums where Kevin's team fought in the war on drugs. There is no one on the street, and it is as quiet as a ghost town. This is almost impossible for a slum with a very high population density.

First, they have to find survivors and zombies in the slums, try not to make too much noise, and control the time within three hours.

"Our goal is to investigate the source of the virus outbreak, understand the biological state after the virus is infected, pay attention to whether rats and dogs can be infected and spread, collect water sources, and test the strength of zombies. The time is 16 hours."

Gardner arranged the grouping of personnel. Seven people in the 2 square kilometers of slums, the most efficient way is to act in groups.

They are not characters in third-rate horror movies, and the zombies here are not terrifying beings with the power of directors. Grouping will not have any impact on safety.

"Point Guard Here"

If it were not for the military and police outside the blockade and the extremely small probability of unexpected events, they could even disperse and act alone.

However, they were still divided into three groups, Jill and John Wick in one group, Kevin and Sacco in one group, and Gardner with the remaining two.

The slums were divided into a rough triangle by them, and micro drones were used for map observation to ensure that they would not go to the same place.


The action began.

Jill and John Wick, one is a policeman and the other is a killer who is proficient in multiple languages, naturally took over the investigation task of contacting possible survivors.

To find out the source of the virus outbreak, it is best to find the survivors directly to ask. They have learned about the existence of zombies through drones in advance, and the signs of the existence of survivors have also been learned through drones.

Their equipment is very strong for single-soldier combat, but it is not very useful for finding people.

The thermal imaging of the helmet cannot penetrate the walls of the bungalow to spy on the people hiding inside the building. There are no professional drones here to provide them with large-scale infrared scanning and life scanning, so the two can only use a more primitive way to find survivors.

Try to knock on the door everywhere, hoping to capture subtle abnormal sounds in a quiet environment.

Almost all the people in the center of the slum have run away, and the wave of zombies has broken out, and it will definitely spread outward from the center after the outbreak.

If the residents want to survive, they will definitely move to the periphery of the slum. They knock on the doors of houses near the center, and there is a high probability that they will not find anyone.

After knocking for two minutes and failing, Jill decided to go to the periphery of the slum.

Not far away, they came across a garbage dump and saw a body lying on the ground upside down on the garbage dump.

The two went forward to check, and not very carefully turned over the corpse lying on the ground with their feet. Then they were disgusted by the surface full of maggots and took two steps back.

No wonder even the zombies didn't come to eat this corpse. This corpse has been completely rotten, and the white bones exposed on the head make people completely unwilling to touch it.

Just when the two thought that they had found only a corpse, a black shadow suddenly jumped out of the garbage dump.

The heavy exoskeleton armor and full-coverage helmets on their bodies gave the two people a high sense of security. In addition, the two people were also experienced in many battles and would not be easily scared.

John Wick was quick and stepped on the rat that jumped out at once. Then he felt the strange feeling of crushing potato chips. When he raised his feet and looked again, the rat had turned into a meat pie.

"Keep going..." After looking at the rat that had turned into a meat pie, Jill wanted to say to keep going, but the rat calls that began to sound around her interrupted her words.

When they looked around, the mice hiding in the shadows did not let them wait any longer, and rushed towards the two of them like crazy.

Faced with the mice rushing like sewage, the two did not panic, but immediately activated the flight system and flew directly into the air.

The mice tried to jump a few times, and then they were stupid and did not move...

If they had intelligence, they would probably look up and curse at the sky, how could such a big living person fly into the sky without wings? !

Jill and John Wick looked at each other, and quickly moved to the roof of a bungalow, watching the mice gradually disappearing below, and reported this phenomenon to Gardner.

After hearing about the mice, Gardner asked the two to catch one to see if there was any corpse transformation.

John Wick took the initiative to take such a task, jumped from the roof of the seven-meter-high bungalow, reached out and picked up a mouse, and returned to the roof of the bungalow.

The squeaking mouse was taken to the head for inspection. Under the sunlight, the mouse's originally black eyeballs turned into an abnormally pale color.

The view from the helmet was transmitted to the helmets of other people, allowing them to confirm the terrible fact that the rat was also infected with the virus and turned into a zombie rat.

Their confidence in finding survivors and finding the truth about the virus was reduced a little.

After confirming that the rat was a zombie rat, Gardner's tone became solemn, "We will take a rat away later, you can continue to investigate."

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