Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 172: Target Dharavi

The captain of the exploration team, also the captain of Kevin's team, is named Gardner. He is a Mexican-American who once served in the Marine Corps with the rank of sergeant. He is now 41 years old and has extremely rich combat experience and team leadership experience.

After entering the Umbrella Corporation, he saw that his work was inexplicably increasing, so he had to continue to improve his knowledge to ensure that he could live to see the day when the Umbrella Corporation brought peace and glory to multiple worlds.

The more you learn, the more tasks you will have. The greater your ability, the greater your responsibility.

This time, before he had rested for long, another task with great responsibility came.

He was going to lead his team, with two special talents inserted into the team, to explore another new world.

And what would be in this new world? When he saw those soldiers standing at the dock of New York Harbor with live ammunition, he realized that the difficulty of the task might not be low.

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While lamenting that the superior loves to torment people, he slowly entered the state.

With the cover of the camouflage drone, the soldiers who completed the handover work at the dock did not find them.

According to the original plan, they were to quietly sneak into the remote areas of the city, and after ensuring their own safety, they would access the network of this world, obtain first-hand information from the network, and then judge the authenticity of these information from a realistic perspective.

The mission has a high degree of freedom, and it is also testing the on-the-spot response ability of battlefield veterans.

After signaling the first six people to start evacuating, Gardner started the flying device, and then several people formed a circle, holding hands and flying into the sky like a gyroscope, and the camouflage drones under their feet followed closely under their feet to provide cover for them.

During the flight, several people released micro drones to observe the status of the soldiers below and check the basic situation of the dock.

The night scene repair system was working, and the images captured by the micro camera could be clearly and brightly displayed in the tactical helmets of the seven people.

Fortunately, their flight was not discovered by the soldiers at the port.

The flying backpacks on their backs were running silently. The few people held hands and quickly crossed the port. After flying for a long distance, they stopped on the roof of a residential building.

After landing, the seven people separated and paid attention to the surrounding scenes. Fortunately, the first stage of the mission, which was also the most difficult stage, was completed.

Next, it was to access the world network and obtain intelligence from the network.

It was just embarrassing that the network designed was still in the stage of development from 2G to 3G. It was impossible to connect to a wireless network with smooth and fast download. If you want to quickly obtain intelligence, you have to connect to the network cable.

Faced with this embarrassing situation, Gardner could only discuss with a few people and go find a network cable now. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

The seven people searched for a while nearby, and finally sneaked into an office building. They found an office computer on an office floor in the building, unplugged the network cable from the host, connected it to their helmets through the adapter, and began to search for the vast amount of news on the Internet.

First, the more authoritative media news on the Internet, after searching with the microcomputer embedded in the smart helmet, the seven people successfully found the first unusual place in the world.

Various highly contagious and fatal diseases are widely spread around the world. The mortality rate of people in this world is extremely high. The more backward the development, the more people die from infectious diseases.

People have gradually developed the habit of having as many children as possible, so many people die in this world, but there is still a population of up to 7 billion.

According to data comparison, the number of news media reports on infectious diseases has increased significantly recently. Among these special news, there are also some about people going crazy and biting people.

Jill's heart skipped a beat, looking at the news about biting people, and said uneasily: "Captain Gardner, look at these news, could it be..."

"What?" Looking at the news content that Jill sent to his holographic screen, Gardner carefully browsed it and frowned immediately, "How could it be... Maybe it's just another disease?"

As he spoke, he passed the news content to others.

Kevin looked at these familiar descriptions, and his tone became more serious, "Ah... we can't rule out this possibility!"

"What???" John Wick, the rookie in the team, was confused by the Riddler's behavior of the whole team, and said helplessly: "Can you explain to me what you saw?"

"Oh?! Sorry, I accidentally forgot that you are not from our place!" After John Wick spoke, Gardner suddenly remembered that there was a new member, "Jill, explain it to him."

Then, Jill explained to John Wick about the virus and zombies, and briefly described the Raccoon City crisis, so that John Wick had a general understanding of zombies.

John Wick listened to these magical things that had never appeared in his world, and while he was quite curious, he also had a sense of awe for the magical virus.

A city was ravaged by the virus, with people dying almost randomly, for no reason and without any solution. The dead would even jump up and bite the living. The horror of the resurrection was so frightening that even he, who killed people as easily as eating and drinking, was frightened.

What killers can bring to people is known fear, while viruses bring invisible fear. They are the real dark gods of death, taking human lives silently.

"Okay." Gardner recalled everyone's thoughts. After seeing that the data and intelligence were almost collected, he said: "The investigation of infectious diseases is now the priority goal. Are there any other suggestions?"

No one else spoke.

"Since there is no objection, our next goal is to confirm the truth about the infectious disease that causes people to bite people in the news. Are we going to... Dharavi, India?"

The others did not remain silent, but nodded to express that they had no objections and would obey the arrangement whether they wanted to go or not.

Now that the target has been confirmed, they will go to India, from the slums of Dharavi, to find the truth about the infectious disease.

But after the target was confirmed, how to get to Dharavi became a problem.

They thought of a simple way, that is, to sneak into a commercial airliner and take the plane directly to that magical country.

The plan is a bit risky, but in order to ensure the authenticity of the information, I still have to see it with my own eyes.

Search for flights to India at the nearest time. After confirming the time, they continue to search for the required information on the Internet.

But it is a pity that the Internet in this world is developing relatively slowly, and there are very few clues on the Internet. Internet media are only in their infancy, and it is difficult to provide more accurate information to the seven people.

Going to Dharavi became a choice I had to make.

This is also for the sake of rigor. If a zombie crisis like Raccoon City is really possible in this world, they need to sort out the actual situation and the scale of the virus outbreak into intelligence and hand it to Duncan in ten days.

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