Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 161: Not Public

Duncan didn't stay in Marvel for too long. After confirming that Tony would attend the launch ceremony of the spacecraft, he returned to the world of Resident Evil to rehearse and modify the launch ceremony of the lunar spacecraft.

Arriving at the space launch center by plane, overlooking the huge launch center from high altitude, Alice saw a lot of tents set up around the launch center. People from all over the world came to Lincoln City to enjoy the fun of camping while waiting for the launch ceremony of the space launch center.

The number of people was layered on top of each other, occupying all the grass near the transportation road. The garbage generated every hour had to be handled by several robots allocated by the management department.

In addition to ordinary people, some journalists who had obtained filming permission were already filming the conical lunar spacecraft standing on the launch pad like a hill.

The Quinjet flying across the sky caused people to exclaim repeatedly. Umbrella Corporation was showing off again.

When the plane landed on the apron, Calvin, the director of the space launch center, drove a four-person car and stopped seven or eight meters away from the plane with an emergency brake.

The airflow caused by the landing of the plane blew the tie of his suit backwards, dancing with his brown hair, and at the same time lifted the unknown hairline of Director Calvin.


Creasing his neck to look around, Director Calvin finally saw Mr. Duncan, whom he had been thinking about, from the door of the plane cabin. He immediately started the car with one hand and smoothed the corners of his clothes and hair that were blown by the wind with the other hand.

On the last day before the launch, the always elusive president finally appeared at the space launch center he built.

The moment he received the notice at short notice, Calvin almost jumped for joy, and his nervous heart was finally comforted.

The construction of the lunar spacecraft and the lunar base is a special moment in the history of human spaceflight. The boss has not come to preside over the overall situation for a long time. They, the front-line scientific research personnel, are very anxious. Now they finally arrived on time.

I was afraid that he would not come, and miss this great moment, and there would be many regrets when writing history.

Duncan extended his hand and shook hands with Calvin who got off the car, and said with a smile: "It's not too late to start preparing now! Tell me about the situation on the way. It's been too long since I came here, so I don't know much about the current situation, haha."

Calvin said yes, took Duncan and Alice to the car, and drove towards the control building in the distance.

There are few vehicles passing through the space launch center now. The last inspection work was completed four days ago. The indicators of the spacecraft are qualified. With the theoretical support of Li Da Zhuan Fei, it can completely overload and break through the atmosphere to reach the moon. ♦♦  ♦♦

After a long period of training and the blessing of medicine and equipment, the first batch of 500 aerospace engineers and robots have met the requirements for entering the moon. It can be said that they are just one button away from launching.

The envoys from various countries who came to participate in the launch ceremony of the lunar spacecraft also arrived a week ago. All the Umbrella Company employees who participated in the development of the lunar spacecraft are looking forward to this day.

They specially prepared a grand launch ceremony, and they have always maintained the showmanship style of the Umbrella Company.

Entering the control building, all the staff of the space launch center showed extraordinary admiration and respect for Duncan.

For four years, Duncan fulfilled one promise after another.

There are many guests who make big promises, but few businessmen fulfill their promises. In the latest ranking of the most influential people in the world, Duncan once again topped the list. The magazine used a lot of space to add a lot of artistic stories to Duncan, which cast a filter on people's understanding of him.

After getting rid of those overly enthusiastic employees, Duncan entered Calvin's office, took over the computer, and modified the moon landing ceremony of the spacecraft.

The structure of the moon landing ceremony is four-stage. The first stage is the entry. In order to show off their skills, the company drove a Quinjet fighter to pick up the family members of the engineers participating in the moon development work and sent them to the aerospace carrier, and completed the final farewell on the aircraft carrier hovering in the sky.

Finally, the aerospace carrier will maintain a 10-centimeter non-touching distance from the edge of the astronauts' hatch deck of the moon landing rocket, allowing the astronauts to line up one by one to enter the entrance at a height of 53 meters of the moon landing spacecraft.

In the second phase of the spacecraft launch, Duncan will invite the delegations of various countries to take the Valkyrie space shuttle, which is a replica of the Avatar world, to take off, follow the trajectory of the lunar spacecraft into space, and observe the landing status of the lunar spacecraft at close range.

At that time, the orbital strike capability of the Umbrella Company will be shown to the members of the various delegations who are unaware of this link, so they don’t have to worry about asteroids hitting the earth and causing mass extinction of species.

After all, this launch ceremony is centered on the lunar spacecraft. The third and final stage of the closing ceremony will end with witnessing the speech of the astronaut representative.

After the end, the next program will be held to disclose the existence of another world, but this requires a prerequisite...

After modifying some details, Duncan left the control building and took Alice to the reception building where the delegations of various countries stayed, met with ambassadors from various countries, and proposed to start a private meeting.

It is not easy to meet Duncan. After notifying their superiors, the envoys were all allowed.

Only ambassadors can enter the closed meeting room. There are no translators or bodyguards. AI can complete the real-time translation work, so there is no need to worry.

The meeting did not last long, only three hours.

Duncan told the many developed and developing countries that he was working on that basically all those who entered the venue were powerful countries, and none of them were representatives of third world countries.

It's not that he has to exclude those countries, but that the power of those countries is not yet stable and their internal chaos makes it difficult to participate in this kind of exchange between the world.

He has ousted those hypocritical capitalists, and the soldiers have returned to their motherland for a long time. The umbrella company is also trying its best to help them develop, and they will be able to stand on the stage of history in the future.

At the meeting, Duncan publicly admitted that various countries had long-standing speculation that the Umbrella Company had indeed made contact with other worlds, and there was even a portal between two worlds operating stably in the United States.

One is located in Meimen Industrial Park, leading to the Marvel world.

Due to the greatly increased demand for superconducting ore, the portal of the Avatar World has also been stabilized at the Delta Research Base, providing the Umbrella Company with a large amount of rough-processed ore every day.

This news shocked all the messengers.

After that, there is an explanation of the current situation of the Marvel world, and a democratic vote. There are two voting topics.

1. Whether to approve aid to the Marvel world, and 2. whether to disclose this news to the public.

After thinking about it, the representatives all chose assistance. The specific amount of assistance will be discussed after Tony comes to the launch center.

As for whether to disclose this news to the public, almost all representatives chose not to disclose it...

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