Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 151: Spreading Tension

At 16:00, the Red Queen subsystem and the White Queen borrowed the computing power of the world's mining machine and successfully obtained the full selection of all public devices and the device permissions of the TV news network.

With a click of a button, all displays in public places uniformly displayed the red and white umbrella logo of the Umbrella Company, and even the logo of the Umbrella Company appeared on personal smart devices.

People around the world who were watching American jokes tensed up and checked their equipment in confusion.

After 30 seconds of silence, the Umbrella Company logo on all electronic devices with screens and connected to the Internet disappeared, and the picture showed the rooftop of a building. Duncan was wearing a formal suit, and two special operations soldiers with guns stood beside him as a background board.

On the giant GG screen in Times Square was Duncan's serious figure, and under the GG screen were pedestrians crowded on the street. The pre-recorded voice came from the loudspeaker, and the speech without any background music always reminded people of the serious atmosphere.

"Let me introduce myself first. I am Duncan Aremus, the president of Umbrella Corporation. Once again, this is not a terrorist act. Today, I want to reveal to you a secret that has lasted for a hundred years. It concerns everyone around us and the whole world."

The people who were forced to watch this video began to whisper and discuss the so-called secret with the familiar people around them in doubt.

"I want to ask you a few questions." Duncan in the video paused tactically and asked the camera, and all the humans behind the camera: "Have you found that the world is moving in an unpredictable direction? Is the appearance of this world showing you getting weirder and weirder, so that you have self-doubt? Do you doubt whether humans are born evil and are questioning human nature?"

Another pause lasting five seconds.

"People in the past did not have convenient Internet access, and they could receive very little information, so they lived very purely. Now everyone holds a fragmented world in their hands. Everyone looks at the carefully selected information, swims in the ocean of information, and naturally loses their way."

"You will feel sorry for the disappearance of your neighbor's family, and perhaps add a painless consolation. A large amount of information will wash away your understanding of the tragedy. This is abnormal! Homo sapiens relied on being cautious about the unknown at the beginning of its birth to achieve today's achievements. The courage to explore the unknown is the foundation of the birth of our civilization. Now, even if there is a fatal danger around us, we will still be blinded by the information on the Internet and the perception recorded in our DNA, and turn a blind eye to those abnormal dangers."

The nagging words made people from all countries confused.

Although the content of the words was expressed very clearly, indicating that their awe had disappeared, they still couldn't grasp the original meaning of the sentence.

Because people don't know who the other "dangerous" object expressed by this sentence is.

The video gives a clear target of their "dangerous" objects...

"The main reason for this phenomenon is not you, but another kind of creature hidden around us. They are hateful invaders who appeared silently on the earth a hundred years ago and enslaved us for a hundred years, and most people can't find them at all. They lie on the human body, suck our flesh and blood, take all the fruits of our labor for themselves, and use money and false power to make everyone serve them."

"I am standing here in America, the place with the most monsters, the most chaos, and the most blind people. America once made arduous contributions to the fight against spicy crisps, and generations of young people Going to the battlefield for the ideal in their hearts, that period was the highlight of America... But not long after, the monsters relied on the stolen wealth to ascend to the upper class of this country. They deceived everyone in this country, making the people lost in desire, leaving only democracy and freedom that were not worthy of the name. "

"People who claim to live in the free world, they have lived in invisible chains all their lives, fighting for that unreachable dream, until their lives are burned out, they can't break free from the chains and open their eyes to see the real world!"

Such insulting remarks made all the people who were marching in the United States angry. Americans have hidden inferiority and arrogance in their hearts. They are proud of their status as the world hegemon, and often look down on people in other countries with a condescending attitude.

Even if their own country is so bad, they still love their own country. Duncan belittled their love in front of the whole world, and immediately jumped up like a cat that was poked in the sore spot, and bared its teeth and claws.

The video has not yet ended, but the progress bar is almost at the end.

"False democracy and freedom have made several generations lose hope. They are forced to take to the streets and use violence to fight for what they should have gotten. Are they really just venting their anger, simply wanting to smash, loot, and destroy everything they can see with such violent means?"

"No, I don't think so... They just can't see hope, and they don't have the ability to do what they want. The large amount of information imposed on their minds makes them unable to find the real way forward. They can only fight for the part of the rewards they deserve for themselves and their children in the most primitive way."

"We should not let wrong and dangerous things affect the next generation. Not only this country, but people all over the world should wake up, take up arms, and protect the people around them. Next, there will be a war against Alien war."

In the video, Duncan took a step back and took out a pistol from his arms. The two special operations soldiers beside him also pulled the bolt of the gun, adding to the tense atmosphere.

All! All! All!

The portrait in the video disappeared, and the Umbrella Company's logo reappeared, disappearing into the white background the next second, while red exclamation marks and sirens sounded in many speakers.

At the same time, there was a little girl's voice, that was the voice of the Red Queen, "In 30 seconds, the devil's disguise will be lifted. Please stay calm when you see a monster with tentacles on its face, and stay away as soon as possible. Protect your family. They do not possess the strength or speed beyond ordinary people. Soldiers can try to capture them. The Umbrella Company recommends destroying the demons as soon as they are discovered, because they feed on humans and are irreconcilable with human existence. Conflict. Repeat, in 30 seconds..."

The piercing siren immediately rendered the world into a pressure cooker that seemed ready to explode at any time...

In Times Square, people couldn't help but become nervous when they saw the red exclamation marks appearing on all the electronic GG signs. The increasing number of comments intensified the spread of tension.

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