Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 141: The Coming Day of Killing

John Wick stared at the monster in the booth with confusion for a long time, and finally stepped in front of it, took several breaths, and then confirmed: "Winston?"

"Jonathan!" The tentacles on the monster's face spread out to both sides, revealing a row of sharp teeth hidden under the tentacles. The sound coming out of its mouth was like words with several times the electronic sound effects, which could only be heard faintly. It was clear that it was calling a name.

If John Wick hadn't heard it for years, he wouldn't even be sure it was his name that the monster shouted.

The waiter who had been waiting nearby came over with a tray, placed a glass of bourbon on the opposite side of the small table, and then left, leaving space for the two of them.

The monster opened its slender palms that looked like human bones and motioned for John Wick to sit down.

Sitting down where the monster pointed, John Wick kept his eyes on the monster's fat face, constantly trying to confirm that what he saw was false.

But it's all too real, too real!

",..." The tentacles on the monster's face began to wave. It seemed to be very happy, and it kept making weird noises that were completely incomprehensible.

John Wick's brain was like being turned into thick cement by a mixer. Even if the language he heard was normal English, he could not give any response.

The monster seemed to notice John Wick's distraction, and opened his hand and shook it in front of his eyes in confusion.

John Wick can clearly see the dark brown texture on the monster's palm, as well as the watch that Winston has been wearing...


Reaching into his arms, John Wick took out the photo that he had been carrying but hadn't looked at since he left the hotel.

The current photo has changed from an ordinary black man to a monster talking on a mobile phone.

"What do you see in this photo?"

John Wick placed the photo on the table, looked directly at Winston, and his voice was hoarse and trembling due to nervousness and dryness in his throat.

The monster's body paused, and he lowered his head slightly to look at the photo on the table. The tentacles that were dancing randomly stopped for a moment, and it was difficult to see the expression on the monster's face.

After a long moment of silence, the monster spoke up and asked: "Who *is* him?"

John Wick did not answer, and stared at "Winston" for a long time, as if saying a silent farewell, then he stood up and left.

The monster on the seat behind him clenched Ku Gao's fingers and watched John Wick disappear from his sight.

The bar is located on the second underground floor of the Continental Hotel. Before entering, you need to pass through the hotel's laundry room, utility room, and plumbing room, and pass through narrow stairs on the way.

Just as he was halfway down the narrow staircase, two strong men in black suits, one behind him, blocked his way and raised a Boretta 92 pistol equipped with a silencer at him.

The moment the two opened fire, John Wick had already reacted, jumped back, and covered the vital parts of his head with his bulletproof suit.

The bullet fired from the pistol hit the suit, and it was like being hit with a hammer. It was painful, but not fatal.

John Wick's back hit the gunman blocking the stairs, and they both fell.

The gunman standing above the stairs not only did not stop shooting, but also shot his own people.

One of the bullets penetrated John Wick's unprotected thigh. He gritted his teeth and used the joint skills he had learned to block the gunman who was knocked down in front of him to act as a human shield. A pistol was seized amidst the screams.

After obtaining the weapon, John Wick fired two precise bursts, leaving two bullet holes in the forehead of the gunman above the stairs.

Taking out a brand new magazine from the gunman's body, John Wick endured the pain of being hit by a bullet in his thigh and fled out of the hotel.

There were lots of footsteps on the stairs...

John Wick was hiding in the darkness of the laundry room, his eyes becoming increasingly fierce.


At night, John Wick returned to the Bronx, but compared to the intact appearance he left during the day, he now looked very embarrassed.

In addition to the sour smell of not taking a shower for a long time, his body also had the fishy smell of a small amount of blood. He was accompanied by his dog and a little girl who was at a loss.

His weak body, which lacked nutritional supplements, could only make it to an old park on the edge of the Bronx. Finally, unable to bear the negative physical effects of excessive blood loss and malnutrition, he fell to the ground.

The black bulldog and the little girl watched him fall, spinning back and forth anxiously, not knowing what to do.

"Hehehehe, John Wick is really embarrassed." A man's strange laughter suddenly came from the trees in the park. A guy dressed as a homeless man leaned out and walked up to John Wick who had fainted on the ground. mocking the embarrassed man.

Ridiculing John Wick was something worth showing off to the tramp. He did it proudly for a while, and then he looked at the pretty little white girl next to him and said, "Good girl, don't follow such a person. , you know, they will kill people!"

The little girl was silent and hid herself from John Wick who was lying on the ground, staring at the somewhat crazy homeless man in fear.

Before the homeless man could say anything else, a beam of light came from outside the park. After the black SUV parked next to the park, it changed its high beam to low beam and three strong men got out of the car.

"Umbrella, Umbrella, do you provide babysitting services? Good girls need a new place to live, hehehe!" The homeless man was not afraid of the three people and continued to speak in that strange accent.

The leader of the three had dealt with the homeless a lot and knew how they talked, so he casually made an OK gesture.

"Leave it to us here."

John Wick was injected with a universal treatment by the medic, and then he was carried into the car, along with the dog and the little girl, and taken away together.

"May God bless you!" The homeless man watched the car leave and soon hid back in the tent behind the bushes.

There is not much entertainment in the Bronx at night. The busy streets during the day will become very quiet at night. The places closer to Manhattan are still a bit popular, but the closer you get to the construction site of the Umbrella Company, the fewer people there are.

Tomorrow is the last day to register for the social experiment in the Bronx. The day after tomorrow, thugs and gunmen from all over New York State will enter this area for a 12-hour killing day experiment.

There will be a lot of news broadcasts of this 12-hour carnival, and the residents of the Bronx will have the free time they have been longing for.

If Alice was still around, Duncan would stand on the balcony of the rented hotel, look at the street view for a while, and think quietly for a while.

But his personal bodyguard changed from Alice to Jill, so he would not do this, because it is easy to be shot in the head by a sniper rifle.

If it is a penetrating wound or a cutting wound, the virus can still repair it with some time, but if the head is blown off, the virus will not grow a new head.

I started to miss that person...

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