Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 138: Weapon Display

After the photo of the monster was unveiled, there was no objection in the meeting. Even though Duncan explained that it happened in another world, the executives did not object. ♦♦  ♦♦

Because the incident was too shocking, the monster hid beside them, disguised itself as a human, controlled humans, and regarded humans as their food and rations.

The sheep living in the sheepfold ate grass and played every day, not knowing that the hunter was watching them by the fence.

Everyone present did not want to live in that state of ignorance.

The executives were all highly educated and could understand the fear that ignorance brought to people. When they touched the tip of the iceberg of the truth and their own abilities could not fully peek into the full picture of the truth, everyone would sink day by day, and even go crazy.

It was like looking directly at something indescribable. The more they peeked, the more they could find their own insignificance and the more they could feel their own powerlessness. This powerlessness would eventually turn into hysteria, and end their ignorant life in a crazy way.

Taiwan Novel Network → Yan𝚠𝚔build𝚗.𝚌 Xu𝚖

The current situation has not reached the point where people feel powerless. They are lucky to be in a corner of the world's top, and they can use the resources in their hands to reverse the unfavorable outcome within their capabilities.

Military development must first start with reform. From management to operation, everything must be aligned with the regular army, but it needs to be modified to fit the actual situation.

Special operations forces may no longer be used as the main force in the future. They will perform special operations missions in the form of squads.

In the future, there will be only one main force of the Umbrella Company.

The internal system includes three conventional arms of the navy, army and air force and the space force. The name has not yet been determined, but the direction has been determined.

After doing all this, Duncan took his bodyguard and Jill, whose worldview was refreshed, to the training base on the edge of Raccoon City.

The original underground training base of the Umbrella Special Operations Force has been expanding with the expansion of Raccoon City. At this time, it is already a large training base that can accommodate 50,000 people.

Further down the base of the first and second floors underground is the weapons research institute. There are railroad tracks underground leading to the uninhabited wilderness around Raccoon City, where new medium and large-scale weapons will be tested.

Duncan came here to let Jill get a shot to become a genetic warrior and improve his strength.

By the way, he will also take a look at the training of weapons soldiers, review the performance of weapons, and some new weapons developed with special technologies obtained from Marvel.

Duncan can now confirm that the high-level officials he talked to are actually monsters. They have powerful technology, but they may not have powerful military force.

When Duncan said that human weapons are powerful, it did not refute, which proves that their military force may not be strong.

They are afraid of war, not only because war will harm their interests, but also because they have no equal power to deal with war.

Ordinary monsters can be killed by Payton with a civilian semi-automatic rifle without any resistance, which just shows that the aliens are quite weak and have no power to protect themselves.

Not surprisingly, they should be beings that humans can deal with.

Herbert, the director of the Raccoon City Weapons Research and Development Department, received Duncan and showed him the new weapons made by the research and development department based on special technology.

A series of weapons produced by using new chemical explosive formulas have surpassed most modern war weapons in terms of effectiveness.

Superconducting ore compresses the volume of electronic components inside the missile. Umbrella is not short of money, so the experts of the weapons research and development department installed a microcomputer with better performance inside each super missile, so that the missile can still track the target and make extreme turns even if it is out of the signal coverage range.

Umbrella's latest hypersonic missile Honey Badger No. 1 uses a hybrid power of solid fuel and arc reactor. It is 8 meters long and 1 meter in diameter. The special power allows it to fly at full speed in the sky for five hours.

The power of the explosion depends on what kind of warhead it carries. The explosion power of the clean warhead with new charge can completely smash a building.

This is the best intercontinental missile currently available to Umbrella Company. The production cost is not high, and it can also be used as a conventional missile.

There are also many types of rockets and explosive weapons made with new explosive formulas. Among them, the beehive drone combat platform is the most capable of reflecting the ability to control the local battlefield.

A beehive drone combat platform is equipped with 360 high-speed suicide drones. With the support of top data modules and ground-to-air anti-missile systems, the beehive can quickly track and strike targets flying in the sky after entering the battlefield.

This system has been put into actual combat in the Marvel battlefield. Buyers who have used it say it is good. The price is much cheaper than the bombing of missiles. The key is that superconductors are really easy to use in weapons, and the anti-interference ability is directly maximized.

In addition, the AMP mecha has also undergone several rounds of upgrades and modifications, and now it has become a firepower platform for street fighting and jungle warfare.

Engineers intend to transform the AMP mecha into a dual form of car and mecha. In the end, it was shelved due to cost issues, but it has not been abandoned for the time being. The combination of car and mecha is really promising and can cope with a variety of combat environments. The mobility in the form of a car and the flexibility of the mecha are combined. This is an idea that has existed since the advent of the car.

Some of the weapons on display in the weapons research institute have been tested on the Marvel battlefield and have been put into production or have been submitted for application.

Among them, the electromagnetic weapons series is the most representative. Umbrella Corporation has achieved a few results in the research and development of electromagnetic weapons.

There are many guns in the electromagnetic series. The vehicle-mounted machine guns have been replaced with electromagnetic power. These weapons have undergone various tests, but they have not been pulled to Marvel for actual combat testing. There are air-to-ground and ground-to-air battles every day. Electromagnetic guns are not as useful as missiles there.

Now, these weapons should also have appropriate usage scenarios.

"Continue to develop and improve weapons, and the department's funds will continue to increase." After seeing the new weapons of the current Umbrella Company, Duncan said that the funds will be increased.

The middle-aged bald director Herbert smiled awkwardly and said, "The department is not short of funds, but there are too few people and too many projects. We can't handle it."

"Okay, I will relax the recruitment requirements. Don't worry about people." Duncan was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded.

The employee review of Umbrella Company should indeed be relaxed. Now it is not a serious matter for some spies to sneak into the company. Getting more highly educated people is what the company needs.

After checking the weapons at the research institute, Jill had also completed the enhancement and changed into a women's suit and waited by the elevator at the entrance of the research institute.

When Duncan left the research institute and was about to return to the killer world with weapons and manpower, the analysis report from the Drug Research Institute of the Raccoon City Hospital was urgently delivered to him.

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