Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 133: Within three

Many companies boycotted to no avail. Umbrella not only had sufficient reasons, but also had a lot of money and a strong gun. Local lawyers have recently learned about the strength of Umbrella and all dared not take the lawsuit.

Because of no response, the arbitrator, who was forced to stay in New York for a week, came to the door again.

She obviously lost her patience with Duncan and gave an ultimatum to the man sitting on the chair with his legs crossed.

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"Mr. Duncan, I don't think we need to waste time anymore. This is the last time."

Another document and another pen were placed on the desk.

This time, the arbitrator politely opened the third revised document, pulled out the pen, and handed it to Duncan.

Duncan didn't answer, and said calmly: "Someone came to see me last week. You can guess who he is."

The judge looked at Duncan, still making the gesture of handing over the pen, and slowly said a name, "John Wick."

Silently taking back the pen, the judge put away the documents on the desk, threw the pen into the trash can in the corner, and turned to walk out.

When she reached the door of the conference room, the two soldiers she had met at the door of the hotel stepped across to block her way.

This time, the judge finally looked at the two soldiers who were nearly two meters tall. After confirming the two soldiers' intentions with the soldiers' serious eyes, he turned to look at Duncan who was still sitting on the chair and asked, "What does this mean, Mr. Duncan?"

"Nothing else. Although there is an ancient tradition of not killing messengers in war, I don't think I need to abide by such a rule because you don't deserve my respect for this rule.

We have already fought two small-scale fights, why should we give face?

And in the previous week, many little bastards with knives ran to the construction site to kill people and dogs. The number of successes was very low, but they did kill two military dogs.

How dare they!

That's the dog of the Umbrella Company!

Don't you look at the owner before beating the dog?

These people are unreasonable, and Duncan still said that it was Stupid!

So, control the judge and negotiate directly with the high-level officials of the High Table. Get the manufacturing technology of the High Table tactical bulletproof vests first.

After hearing what Duncan said, the judge slowly enlarged his eyes, and his head tilted slightly to the side. This puzzled look made people feel a little sick.

But the next second, the judge turned around quickly, poked his fingers directly into the throats of the two soldiers at the door, and suddenly hit them, trying to knock the two soldiers away and run out.

The judge's body was not very strong, but she burst out with extremely powerful force when she collided. She had already knocked away the two soldiers who were slightly unprepared and ran outside, but she was quickly pushed back by a large row of soldiers outside the corridor.

After a few question marks appeared in her head, the judge was still forced back to the meeting room by the people who crowded the corridor, and was surrounded by the soldiers who reacted, and started a A fight.

Duncan sat in a chair and watched the soldiers besieging the Judge with interest, not worrying about his own safety at all.

Behind him was Alice. As long as she was there, there was no need to be afraid of ordinary or not-so-ordinary assassinations.

The Judge's fighting skills exceeded his expectations. Whether in terms of clothing or words and deeds, the Judge behaved like an ordinary person. His thin body greatly increased this judgment.

But now she was deeply besieged by six special forces soldiers of the Umbrella Company. Although it was difficult, she still made several effective counterattacks.

The boss didn't say anything, and the soldiers were also happy to play with the Judge. They surrounded but didn't rush. They were wary of her taking out a pistol and a knife, and they greeted her with fists and feet.

The Judge was very agile, but her physical strength seemed to be her shortcoming, and she soon fell into a slump.

Being stabbed in the throat The two soldiers at the throat seized the opportunity. One attacked to attract the attention of the judge, and the other moved to the only dodging point of the judge and swung his fist into the air.

The one who attracted the attention also seized the opportunity to force the judge to move. The judge was forced to step on the attack point. When she found the fist, she only had time to turn her head, and her cheek was hit by the angry punch of the enhanced soldier.

The judge's sensitive senses captured the whole process of the cheek hitting the fist. First, she saw the rapidly enlarged finger bones and the thick calluses on them through her eyes, and then she felt the unstoppable force like a train hitting her cheek.

The dizziness made the judge unable to respond. The fist pressed her cheek and turned it 90 degrees, then her cheek was separated from the fist, and her body also turned twice in mid-air. She didn't know what happened next because she fainted.

Looking at the Judge who had knocked over two chairs and fell to the ground, Duncan waved his hand and said, "Search her body, take out all the items, and then lock her up with John Wick."

The soldiers nodded in response, quickly stepped forward, put all the items they could find on the Judge on the conference table, and then dragged the Judge with a swollen cheek out of the conference room.

A lot of things were found on the Judge, a badge with the High Table logo, a box of medicine, a smartphone, a small women's pistol, and the rest were women's daily necessities.

After sorting out the sundries, the box of medicine and the phone were the things Duncan thought were valuable.

The medicines would be sent to the laboratory for testing later, and now he picked up the phone...

There are three communication records in the mobile phone, without any extra software, and the judge seems to be not interested in the rich online world.

There are no notes on the numbers in the communication records, and Duncan decided to try them one by one.

The first one answered the phone was a man with a unique accent, and before Duncan could speak, he took the initiative to say: "The recent actions have caused us to suffer serious losses. I am afraid that we can no longer be competent for this job, Red Bean Private Marseille."

"..." Duncan was silent for a moment and asked: "You led those idiots with knives to kill my dog?"


This time it was the other party who was silent, but it didn't last long.


"The president of the Umbrella Company, I give you one day to go to the construction site to commit seppuku to apologize, otherwise I will kill you within three days."

After saying this, Duncan hung up the phone directly and called the next one.

"Management Department."

This time, the call was to the management department.

Now Duncan is not completely ignorant of the underground of this world. This management department should be a department in the administrative management center of the killer system.

"Where is your address?" Duncan asked tentatively, and then the call was hung up.

It didn't matter if he couldn't find out the address of the management center, he continued to dial the next call.

This call was connected very slowly, and after it was connected, the other party was silent like Duncan, as if waiting for Duncan to speak first.

Because he didn't plan to speak first, and this call seemed so different, Duncan took out his glass plate mobile phone and asked the Red Queen's subsystem to locate the other party's phone.

"It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Duncan."

Suddenly, the person on the other end of the phone spoke and directly said Duncan's name.

Duncan raised his eyebrows and looked at his mobile phone on the table. A circle of progress bars rotated for a while, and the Red Queen subsystem quickly displayed a picture of a German man leaning on a chair and enjoying lunch from the mobile phone.

Reverse tracking of signals, camera hacking, crushing from electronic information technology.

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