Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 131: The Birth of the G-Virus

Two AMP mechas, one stayed at the camp, and the other went to the forest with three soldiers to catch giant pythons.

Duncan kept going back and forth between this world and the world of Resident Evil, and sent some of the flower bags he collected to a more professional laboratory for component stripping.

Umbrella Corporation has rich experience in this, and G substance was quickly stripped out separately. After mouse experiments, it was confirmed that the effect of G substance is indeed as speculated in the novel Anaconda, and it has the magical effect of allowing vertebrates to break through the Hayflick limit.

The Hayflick limit refers to the limit of the number of divisions of normal somatic cells of vertebrates. The number of cell divisions of normal humans is about 40-60, and each time is about 2 years.

Each animal has its own "limit". The limit of the number of divisions of normal somatic cells of turtles is 90 to 125 times, and their lifespan can live to 170 years.

The more generations of cell culture, the longer the lifespan of the animal, and vice versa.

All viruses cannot grow and replicate independently. Although the T virus shows a magical repair effect, it is difficult for it to completely replace all cells in the human body and complete various complex transformation tasks.

It can only keep the cells alive longer, make the division time longer, and increase lifespan in disguise.

The G substance in the immortal flower is completely harmless to the human body. In the mouse experiment, the mice directly injected with G substance did not show any adverse reactions in the 48-hour continuous observation.

On the contrary, the mice optimized their own physique due to the presence of G substance, and their body size increased rapidly. In just two days, their body size has exceeded the original limit of mice.

From 10 cm in length, it only took two days to increase to 15 cm.

The momentum of body growth has not stopped. Scientists can't wait to conduct various research and analysis on mice, and the results are also very surprising.

The behavioral logic of mice is exactly the same as before the injection of G substance. After that, they found several mice for control experiments. The experimental results are basically the same. Along with the increase in body size, intelligence also increases.

In the process of using food to induce mice to cooperate, scientists found that the obedience of mice to some fixed instructions has magically increased.

After many rounds of tests, scientists determined that the development of the body develops together with the brain. Testing mice with instructions during brain development will deepen the impression of the instructions on the mice, thus enhancing obedience.

Based on the functions of G substances discovered above, Umbrella Corporation has established multiple research projects with the limited G substances extracted.

Research directions include: the impact of G substances on the human body, the fusion of G substances with the original strain of T virus, the effect of G substances on mollusks, the working principle of G substances...

At present, it is still uncertain whether the immortal flower can be artificially cultivated, the synthesis method of G substances has not been mastered, and the output of the immortal flower is still unknown. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the immortal flower does have substances that make humans immortal, and its potential value is extremely high.

It is enough to confirm this piece of information. Duncan immediately let the aerospace mothership floating above the space launch center enter the optical stealth mode under the gaze of satellites from various countries, and entered the killer world with a large number of cutting-edge scientific and technological equipment to conduct a more detailed study of the immortal flower.

The aerospace carrier is currently hovering over Borneo, more than 5,000 meters above the ground. The samples collected on the ground will be sent to the internal laboratory of the aerospace carrier for research.

One week later...

The rainy season in Borneo has arrived as expected, and the immortal flower has also ushered in its short 2-week flowering period.

Scientists have conducted detailed research on the growth environment of the immortal flower and have simulated all the conditions required for the growth of the immortal flower in the laboratory.

The progress is not fast, but it is also progressing steadily.

Although scientific research is a long job, after eliminating various external interferences and in a company like Umbrella Corporation with perfect research conditions, one of the scientific research projects of G substance has achieved shocking results at a speed that is far ahead of others.

That project is the fusion experiment of G substance and T virus!

The fusion experiment of T virus, the core product of Umbrella Corporation, and G substance on different animals is the most popular project for Umbrella's veteran scientists.

The biggest benefit of the T virus is comprehensive gene editing, which can turn people into supermen. Although its original strain has the bad effect of turning people into zombies, it is still the best tool for gene editing technology.

Banner deleted and modified the T virus, domesticating it into a docile sheep, but strangled the huge potential of the T virus itself, making the T virus an excellent virus that can only enhance human cells.

However, the T virus after harmless treatment is still good. The original inventor of the T virus now has legs that can stand normally again, solved the incurable genetic disease, and lived a happy life with his daughter like a normal person.

Now the doctor is still one of the core researchers of the Umbrella Company, but he did not participate in the research on G substance, but has been committed to using T virus to treat various difficult and complicated diseases.

The role played by G substance also has an impact on genes, and mice have no adverse reactions.

Because the giant pythons captured in the Satan Basin can live and reproduce normally, scientists assume that the impact of G substance on genes is benign.

Then, the fusion experiment of the T virus with the ability of genetic recombination and the G substance that has a benign effect on genes came into being. Subsequently, the T virus used the G virus to show the Umbrella Company scientists how exaggerated the mutation speed of the virus can be. .

A small change occurred in a few minutes, and a large change occurred in a few hours. In just a week, it was completely different, and I slowly found my own position and became relatively stable.

The core was still the same, but what the T-virus and G-substance produced together were far from what they thought and needed.

A large number of experimental mice died, and some turned into indescribable meat balls. What's even worse is that the rotten meat in some sealed containers gave birth to their own independent consciousness.

In other words, one body, two brains.

The mouse is suffering from the pain of giving birth to another consciousness in its body. It gradually becomes unable to control its own body, and is finally devoured by the monster born from its own body and disappears completely.

The product of the fusion will gradually transform all the cells in the host body into new cells, and finally fuse with the host by replacing the body structure and eat the host at the cellular level.

Therefore, the new virus formed by the mutation of T virus and G substance has also been given a simple and crude name "Greedy virus" by scientists.

It is not even willing to live in symbiosis with the host, turning the host completely into its own from the inside out.

In a short period of time, it obtains nutrients and is born by devouring all the cells of the host.

Although the structure is similar to that of the host, the newly born life is already a brand new species formed mainly from G cells created by the G virus.

The large eyeballs that grow irregularly on the rotten meat are the most intuitive manifestation of this kind of life. They come into this world rudely, without any intelligence or any natural enemies, and their only purpose of existence is to survive and reproduce!

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