Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 125: Regrouping

The next morning, the New York police officers responsible for cleaning the floors arrived belatedly, and together with the New Yorkers who were forced to get up early and carefully walk out of their apartments, they witnessed the traces left by last night's carnival.

A black woman walked tremblingly to the street and was instantly frightened by the scene on the street. She had lived in the Bronx for six years and had never encountered a shooting as violent as last night.

The streets were scattered with bullet casings, and two buses that had been damaged by machine guns were still sending scorched black smoke upwards. Even if the rain last night had washed away a lot of content, she could still imagine what happened here last night. How terrifying.

One after another, nearby residents went downstairs. They looked at the shell casings on the streets, like people hesitating at the edge of a puddle without knowing where to step. They were worried that stepping on the shell casings would stain their shoes, and they did not dare to move forward at all.

"Look here, what kind of environment we live in! If you don't take some time to let those crazy people vent, it will become like this every day!"

Suddenly a man roared from the crowd, "Who the hell wants to be like this every day? I would rather have only one day a year than be like this every day! Only the new Founding Father can save us. The idiots who oppose the new regulations will let them do it every day." Let’s all take the bullet!”

"Yes! I don't want to live in this kind of life every day!"

"I support the New Founding Fathers and I don't want my kids to have to face these damn guns every day..."

The man's roar seemed to ignite a night of depression, and some residents who supported the new founding fathers organization's new rules also began to vent their accumulated negative emotions. ♦♦  ♞♦

Last night, as they listened to the fierce exchange of fire outside, they clutched their pistols and hid them in cabinets in fear, fearing that shooting thugs would break into their homes and thrust the muzzles of automatic weapons into their anus.

They didn't dare to sleep all night, even in the second half of the night after the gunfire disappeared, for fear that they would never wake up after falling asleep.

The crowd gradually became manic, and under the leadership of a few people, slogans in support of the new founding fathers' organization's new regulations were inexplicably shouted.

Just at this time, a CNN news truck drove into the intersection.

A male reporter with a slight beard stepped out of the car with the cameraman and took a sharp photo of the scrapped minibus.

Seeing the camera, residents who rarely reached a unified opinion gathered around and tried to make their voices heard through the media.

"Quiet! We will have a live broadcast later. Only two people will be selected to answer questions. Those who are confident in their ability to express themselves can sign up!" The host comforted the residents, feeling very happy that they had met with results early in the morning.

News like the mass shooting in the Bronx, New York, is enough to detonate the country. If we add some positive topics, the ratings will definitely continue to rise.

"Me! Let me speak!" A man wearing a red peaked cap, with muscular cheeks flushed with anger, raised his thick right arm, and relying on his size advantage, he directly squeezed through the crowd, his face He still had a very excited expression on his face.

After the host saw the man's appearance, he decisively decided that he was the one, "Okay! It's you!"

"And I..."

Soon after, a thin black woman was recommended from the direction where women gathered.

"very good!"

Rednecks and black women from minority groups, coupled with the hot topics of violence and shootings, it is difficult for CNN to have low ratings this time!

The citizens of New York City saw a much-talked-about report on the morning news.

Yesterday, a large-scale conflict broke out between unknown armed gangs in the Bronx, New York. The news intercepted many shocking images recorded by citizens' mobile phones.

The continuous flashes of light emerging from the darkness of the streets and the intensive and harsh gunshots, these close-at-hand terrors, all stimulate the nerves of New York citizens.

CNN News conducted interviews with passers-by who had experienced the shooting last night. A red-faced and emotional white man appeared on the TV.

"Last night, hundreds of people were shooting with fully automatic weapons in front of my house. Every day when I walk on the street, I worry about whether I will be suddenly killed, madman! I don't care what you think, you guys It's better for the madmen to stay quiet. If the police can't make any difference, support the new founding fathers' new rules and leave a day for those madmen to shoot each other's fucking guns, you trash!"

Immediately, the scene turned and the camera focused on a black woman who was in tears. Her voice was choked and she vented her emotions to the camera.

"My child was woken up by the sound of gunshots just after he fell asleep last night. I wanted to... comfort him, and he asked me, 'Why... hear gunshots... every day...' Sorry. Forgive me as a mother, I never thought that one day I would support that kind of crazy new rules, but reality tells me that if crazy people are not given a fixed time to vent, they will treat every day as a killing day..."

Killing Day…

A very interesting portmanteau, Day of the Killing, what a fitting name for the holiday!

Someone from the palace smiled slightly and accelerated the progress of the social experiment with the help of the east wind.

Citizens who had been tortured by gunfire all night went out to march, speak out for their rights and take action to fight for their own interests.

During the day, they chanted slogans at the top of their lungs just to get the official power to respond.

In the evening, they dragged their exhausted bodies from a day's struggle back to their residences and discussed tomorrow's parade location and parade items.

Unexpectedly, 24 minibuses drove into the street that had just been cleared in the night...

The High Table messengers arrived at the battlefield again, and this time, their equipment was also upgraded.

They learned their lesson and stopped the car when they were still three kilometers away from the construction site.

The door of the minibus opened, and the High Table messengers with thickened armor and night vision goggles walked out of the car.

Most of the weapons in the hands of the High Table messengers were replaced with M4 carbines equipped with M320 grenade launchers.

There were also High Table messengers with other weapons, shotguns, multi-barrel grenade launchers, and general-purpose machine guns.

After getting off the bus, they began to advance slowly in the street fighting formation.

The special operations forces soldiers also made full preparations for the High Table messengers who attacked again with heavy firepower.

Each person had a machine gun. Anyway, they had good physical fitness and exoskeletons, so they could easily suppress the vehicle-mounted machine guns even if they were removed.

All the firepower operators use multi-barrel grenade launchers, and there are micro-missile launchers on the fixed firepower points. There are also unmanned attack aircraft in the sky. The air-to-ground firepower support of the drone can directly blow the dog of the high table into the sky.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer. Hirata Shiro is standing on the rooftop of an apartment building, and behind him are students from the Heike Killer Academy. They all hold binoculars in their hands, and their movements are unified, but they are not looking in the same direction.

Some students are looking at the high table messenger, and some are looking at the construction site of the Umbrella Company.

There are sporadic lights flashing on the construction site of the Umbrella Company, and the night enhancement algorithm in the combat helmet must also provide weak light for the algorithm to be useful.

When the special operations soldiers deployed a person-high micro-missile launcher under the lights, Hirata Shiro's brain began to tremble. What do you want to do with so many heavy weapons?

This is a residential area...

Even if their killers are used to killing people on the busy streets, rockets... are not that bad, really not that bad...

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