Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 123: Times have changed

Duncan was one of the people who helped John Wick. This was originally one thing, but the Judge split it into two.

Because those who are about to become members of the High Table are eligible for special treatment.

John Wick is not in New York at the moment, so the Judge's priority target is the Umbrella Company!

Pingjia Japanese Restaurant, on the surface, is an ordinary Japanese restaurant, located in a remote corner of the city, with few people patronizing it, but inside it is a killer training center.

The store manager is the general person in charge, teaching apprentices from the island country hiding skills and killing skills. Compared with some killers who shoot with guns and unparalleled fists, they can be called assassins.

They can act silently in the night, use the environment to hide themselves, and have high-efficiency decisions. Even when facing firearms, they can remain calm.

"Hey, brother, look at those people in front." A special operations soldier standing guard at the gate of the construction site suddenly saw four sneaky figures from the holographic imaging system on the street on the left side of the construction site.

AI is analyzing the behavior of those targets. Because it is not clear what they are going to do, the system only marks them as yellow unknown units.

Another person who was also on guard saw the yellow figures from the small window of the shared vision, turned his head and looked over, and found that they had stopped.

It is now 7 o'clock in the evening. Because there are residential areas nearby, passers-by occasionally run around the construction site, and some adults especially like to comment on the soldiers guarding the gate.

The soldiers also expressed their understanding. After all, it is also a very pleasant thing to hear those people praising their equipment from the listening device.

But it is raining now, and it is a little abnormal for someone to come here in this weather.

"Report the situation first, and wait and see what they want to do."

The two soldiers at the door retracted their sight.

The ninjas hiding under the rain curtain let out a long breath. Facing the soldiers who are nearly two meters tall, armed with live ammunition and with extremely high protection levels, they are assassins with no protection, holding a knife and a pistol, which is very stressful.

It was like an assassin with high attack and low defense facing a warrior with high attack and high defense. Needless to say, the consequences would be great if he was discovered.

After seeing the two guards at the door retract their gaze, the four ninjas continued to rush across the intersection quickly and hid under the fence of the construction site. They bit the handles of the knives in their hands, used their hands and feet, and silently climbed over the fence of the iron fence.

As soon as they landed, the four ninjas heard a heavy breathing sound in their ears, which startled them slightly.

The trained ninjas can control their breathing rhythm very well and it is impossible for them to make too much noise. The sound they heard was not like that made by humans. It was very rapid and located at a lower position.

"Woo woo woo..."

The hound's low roar sounded, and the four ninjas finally knew what was behind them. They quickly grabbed the knives in their mouths and turned to chop in the direction of the low roar. (-_-) (-_-)


The military dog ​​hiding not far away rushed out, dodged the ninja's blade, bit the right hand of one of the ninjas that was not holding the knife, and twisted his body while shaking his head wildly, causing lacerations.

The skin and flesh were squeezed apart bit by bit by the sharp teeth, and the sharp canine teeth pierced into the dog's head and kept scratching. The sound of bone cracking was covered by the rain, and the low roar from the bite showed the animal's ferocity.

The ninja closed his mouth desperately to prevent himself from making any sound. He wanted to fight back, but was pulled to the ground by an irresistible force.

After dragging the ninja into the muddy water, the military dog ​​wanted to drag him into a narrow place. After walking a few meters, the ninja's nightgown was hooked by the stones on the ground and could not be dragged.

Other ninjas took this opportunity to collect their knives and slashed at the military dog, trying to bite and kill the vicious dog to save their companions.

Their knives were swung in the air, and the military dog ​​opened its mouth, turned around and disappeared in the rain.

The ninjas did not pursue, but helped their companions up. They had been discovered and had to fight quickly.


!" The pain of the ninja who was pulled up finally exceeded his endurance limit. The samurai sword in his left hand fell out of his hand, and he pinched his completely broken right hand and wailed in despair.

At this time, others saw that the ninja's right hand was missing a piece...

"Bang Bang Bang!"

As they were horrified by the damage caused by the military dog, a bright golden light flashed in the night, and the dense rain of bullets shot in the dark night tore the bodies of the four ninjas into pieces.

After confirming that the target was dead, two soldiers walked to the side of the four bodies.

Looking at the samurai swords scattered on the ground, one of the soldiers said speechlessly: "It's already the 21st century, and there are still people using knives? Which village did these people come from?"

Another soldier also said: "Yes, times have changed, and they have changed very quickly."

"Hunchi hunchi!" In the night, a German Shepherd swung its tail wet by the rain and walked in front of the two soldiers and stuck out its tongue. The blood on its mouth was not very obvious at night.

The two soldiers bent down and rubbed the dog's head with a smile, then returned to their posts to continue standing guard. There would be special people to clean up here.

Soon after, barking, gunshots and screams of dogs that were not obvious under the rain came from many corners of the construction site.

Outside the construction site, the manager of the Heike Japanese Restaurant, who had not yet sneaked into the construction site, listened to the gunshots that exploded in the construction site. Relying on his extraordinary hearing, he also heard the barking of dogs, and his expression gradually became ugly.

I thought that it would be beneficial for them to act under the rain, but I didn't expect that there were dogs on the construction site.

The smell will be covered by the rain, and the sound will be hidden, but those loyal and vicious little guys can always find the hidden ninjas.

Shiro Hirata stared at the construction site with more lights on, took out his mobile phone and made a call, hung up before waiting for the answer, and turned around and left.

He had to wait until he was ready again before continuing to sneak into the construction site. He had not worked for too long, his skills were a little rusty, and his vigilance as a ninja was also worn away by the capitalist world.

The news of the failure of the attack plan made the judge who was waiting for news in the mainland hotel frown. He tapped the table and stretched out again, took out a smartphone from his pocket, pressed a number, and waited for the call to be connected, and said: "I need the six teams of high table messengers."

"Verification code." A voice that was difficult to distinguish between men and women came from the other end of the phone.

"Judge, 1-0-1-1-9-7-9."

"Confirmed, goodbye."

The communication was disconnected, and the judge edited the task information on his mobile phone, sent it out, turned off the phone, sat on the sofa and tasted the coffee.

In the rainy city, twelve minibuses with the High Table logo on their fronts were traveling like ghosts between different streets, all heading to the Bronx.

After the vehicles entered the five-kilometer radius of the construction site, the hidden cameras attached to the buildings discovered these minibuses with the High Table logo.

After the temporary command confirmed that these twelve buses were heading to the construction site, they took it very seriously and sent nearly two-thirds of the world's manpower equipped with the best weapons.

The High Table may have exaggerated bulletproof equipment, so the firepower of each team was replaced with a larger caliber miniature machine gun, and the sniper was also equipped with an anti-material sniper rifle.

If even the two weapons could not break the enemy's armor, they would use incendiary bombs and individual rocket launchers.

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