Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 121: An invitation from the High Table

Another day has passed, and the sky in New York today is gloomy. The rain that is about to fall has also dampened the enthusiasm of the citizens for the parade.

There were not many people on the street, and only a few vehicles were still passing through.

John Wick has been removed from the list of killers, and his old friend, the manager of New York's Continental Hotel, buys him one hour to escape.

Duncan is disappointed that John Wick doesn't use the hour to seek help from Umbrella, but that's not a big deal.

On the contrary, he encountered something particularly interesting. A High Table adjudicator contacted him through Bowery and said that he wanted to meet with him.

No purpose was stated, no reason was given, and no prior notice was given.

Suddenly, he came to the door. He came to the rooftop of the homeless shelter in Baoli District alone, carrying a black umbrella, and was about to meet Duncan.

Duncan came because he thought it was interesting.

The bulletproof commercial vehicle drove into the open space outside the asylum and stopped. Duncan held an umbrella and walked into the asylum side by side with Alice. After being guided to the rooftop, he met the adjudicator of the high table.

The adjudicator of the high table is a thin woman with short black hair, a black coat, a black umbrella, a black briefcase, black gloves, black leather pants and black... boots, all over her body. It was pitch black, except for the skin that was exposed.

After seeing Duncan, the adjudicator looked him up and down, his eyes widened, and his pupils were isolated by the whites of his eyes, like a passerby in a horror movie whose eyes were wide-eyed and frightened to death. (audience)

As if he had confirmed something, the adjudicator raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said in a calm tone: "Duncan Aremus appeared in New York a few days ago, and he and his followers applied for 1021 certificates at Blacka's second-hand computer store, and used The superb computer technology modified the identity information for everyone to ensure that the identity is foolproof. He also used the bank's technology to borrow 20 million US dollars to build a company in the Bronx. Last night, he intimidated the top executives of the New York construction group and funded John. Wick killed Santino D'Antonio, the new member of the High Table, right?"

There was no meaning in this question. She seemed to be very sure of the information she said. She looked directly at Duncan, standing straight and proud.

"Oh? Is that so?" Bowery looked at Duncan in surprise. The High Table had more information than he knew, but not much.

For example, there were more than a thousand forged documents, which was more than what he had investigated, but that was it. The two sides were allies in a united front. The stronger the allies, the more he could stay behind and develop steadily.

With Umbrella taking the risk, he's ready to expand his business to big-name cities across America, a country where there's never a shortage of homeless people.

Duncan raised his eyebrows and looked at the adjudicator, and smiled: "Yes, so what do you want to say?"

Passing the umbrella to a homeless man wearing a red knitted hat, the judge calmly walked to a table, took out a navy blue-covered document book from a black briefcase, and took out a black gold-rimmed document book. of exquisite pens, placing the items one by one.

After the tattered wooden table was decorated like the scene of some special ceremony, the adjudicator withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and said to Duncan: "The High Table invites you to join. You will replace Camorra's seat. The privileges of the High Table will be Open to you and become one with the Supreme!”

Yes, after the High Table spent a little time investigating Duncan and the Umbrella Company, they found that they could find nothing. While the Umbrella Company had a mysterious origin, it also possessed a lot of technology that they had never seen before.

A thousand well-trained soldiers, special technology, strong gold reserves, and a mysterious background.

These elements accumulate one by one into a mysterious force unknown to the High Table, causing them to feel uneasy beyond their control.

They even suspected that it was deeper underground,

There is an organization that even they don't know is watching them.

In order to prevent outsiders from affecting the order of the underground world, and to bring things back to their familiar lines, the High Table decided to ask the adjudicator to invite the mysterious Mr. Duncan to join the High Table.

In this way, there will be no more unknown troubles. They are not old antiques from the feudal era. The High Table also needs some fresh blood to enrich itself and consolidate its power.

It just so happened that the Camorra society was declining day by day, and with two consecutive leaders being killed, it no longer had the dignity to stay in that position. Why not free it up for more energetic young people?

As for not agreeing...the situation of not agreeing has already been thought of by the High Table, and the adjudicator will decide what to do.

The perspective returned to the rooftop of the asylum. After the judge said those words, even the sound of rain in the sky seemed to be much quieter.

Duncan looked at the judge's slightly widened eyes, and read a "you're lucky" meaning in her eyes, which made him raise his lips.

"Wait, slow down, what did you say?" Next to him, Bowery looked at the adjudicator with a frustrated expression. The usually aloof High Table would actually invite newcomers to join them. This was even more shocking to him than when World War III started. Can't believe it.

With his heart warning him, Bowery looked at Duncan again, not wanting Duncan to really sign the agreement and join the High Table.

Otherwise, all the manpower and material resources invested in Baoli District will be destroyed, and his career may also be seriously affected, and he may live in the shadow of the High Table in the future.

The judge turned his eyes to Bowery, and his temperament suddenly changed, as if he had turned into a devout believer of God. He said in a tone like a fanatic: "Below the High Table, serve the High Table, the High Table is above everything!"

"Don't mistakenly think that you are out of the rules. You can continue to control the Bowery District, you can serve the new members of the High Table, and if you don't want to, someone will succeed you to the throne."

After finishing this believer-like chanting, the judge calmed down in Bowery's fiery eyes and looked at Duncan who was about to laugh.


Duncan thought this invitation was funny, like an aristocratic group inviting a king who was visiting incognito to join them, not knowing the gap between the two sides, and doing something that made him feel ridiculous.

Although he didn't show much on weekdays, the Umbrella Corporation is a superpower that has weapons that can wipe out all life on the surface within ten years. If he is a player of Paradox, after entering the new world and plundering technology, he can use biological weapons to find all life on the surface, and then do whatever he wants and mine resources as he wants!

Not doing that, just because I don't think it's necessary.

Everything that can be obtained step by step, sacrificing comfort and humanity in exchange for a small amount of convenience, is very uneconomical.

Cleaning the world, all infrastructure will be damaged to varying degrees, and it will have to be repaired when it is used later, it is better to spend the money blown by the wind to solve it.

The High Table wanted to invite him to join, but Duncan just felt funny and embarrassed.

The Judge saw Duncan laughing, and slowly realized that he didn't seem to want to accept the goodwill of the High Table.

"If you want to see me just for an insincere invitation, then I refuse, but..." Under the unhappy expression of the judge, Duncan's words took a big turn and said, "I am very interested in the technology in the hands of the High Table. The High Table can set a price, or trade in other ways."

"What way?"

"You don't need to know."

"...I still look forward to the day when Mr. Duncan joins the High Table."

The judge did not achieve the expected goal when he came, but he was not angry. He took the umbrella and turned to leave. The documents and pens were still placed on the broken table, as if he thought Duncan would change his mind.

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