Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 114: The first step in friendly cooperation

What to sell to the Bowery?

Umbrella has indeed not made much progress on ordinary firearms. It has only developed cutting-edge technology and biotechnology. The power of ordinary firearms combined with different ammunition is enough to cope with most combat scenarios.

The enemies you encounter are all things that can be killed with bullets, so innovation seems to be less necessary.

The only items that can be sold to this Bowery as regular commodities are some props and medicines from the Umbrella Company.

For example, a bomb made from spider silk collected from Peter Parker...

The spider silk bomb exploded in the open underground shooting range, and the white spider silk instantly covered the dummies within a radius of five meters with a layer of sticky white spider silk.

Bowery, who was watching from a distance, looked a little confused. This unprecedented high technology made him feel that he had grasped the tail of the times.

He muttered to his men. The sloppily dressed black man walked towards the coverage area of ​​the spider silk bomb and stepped on it.

Just as he was about to lift his feet, the strong adsorption force of the spider silk made him fall down uncontrollably. The black man subconsciously put his hands on the ground, and then he lay on the ground in a kneeling position, unable to move. Like a mouse caught in a glue trap.

After several attempts to break free, he turned to his boss for help.

Bowery glanced at Duncan, who was extremely calm, then picked up a rifle from the corner and walked into the sticky area of ​​​​the spider silk, inserted the muzzle of the gun into the spider silk, and then pulled out hard.

His expression was so distorted that he didn't even move. In the end, he could only let go of the gun, staggered back a few steps, and cursed: "Damn it! This is such a damn good thing!"

Such a powerful spider silk makes almost no sound when it explodes, and the impact range is huge.

If it explodes in an open area, the prey caught in the spider web will no longer be able to resist.

Even those who play games know how important the control effect is in the game. Bowery naturally sees the wide range of application scenarios of this kind of spider silk bomb, including special rescue, tying up enemies, silent assassinations, and even in firefighting. Fields and rescue fields, or outdoor hunting...

With just this spider silk bomb, the Umbrella Company can directly rank among the top in the world and earn a lot of money!

Powerless words could not convince Bowery to agree to Umbrella Company's request for cooperation, but the facts he could see before him gave him the illusion that Umbrella Company could really overthrow the High Table.

"Wow! I was really scared!" Bowery turned around and showed a passion for Duncan that he had never shown before, and asked: "Things are good things, but this good thing must also have shortcomings, right?"

Duncan nodded and admitted, "Every product cannot be perfect. Spider silk bombs cannot prevent cutting, are easily ignited by flames, and will quickly lose their stickiness when exposed to water. Even if left alone, the spider silk will It will dissolve in two hours.”

Spider silk bomb does have corresponding shortcomings, which are difficult to improve in a short time, but its biggest advantage allows those who use it to ignore all its shortcomings, that is, it is cheap!

Cheap to the point of being cheap!

Peter Parker, a poor student, made spider silk by stealing cheap chemicals from the school. He shot out one or two bottles every day, because it was cheap enough to not attract anyone's attention.

The biggest cost of a spider silk bomb is actually its shell and the smart chip stuffed in the ball. Making a set of 60 spider silk bombs costs less than $20!

So no matter how many shortcomings it has, as long as it is cheap, it has no shortcomings!

Bowery winked at Earl and told him to get some water and rescue the unfortunate guy standing on the ground.

Water, fire, and cutting are actually not big shortcomings. As long as the price is right, he will still buy a large batch as a reserve, and then buy another batch to resell at a higher price.

So Bowery asked with some expectation and some anxiety: "How much does one cost?"


Duncan said a number that sent his heart into cardiac arrest and made Bowery wonder if he had heard correctly, "How much did you say?"

Looking at the astonished Bowery, Duncan smiled like a wealthy man and said again, "$50 each!"

Bowery couldn't hide his excitement, because the price was far lower than he expected. The price of ordinary grenades on the market was around fifty dollars. The price of this special spider silk bomb was the same as the grenade, and it was covered with high-tech equipment. With such a good reputation, it sells for two hundred dollars a piece and people are rushing to get it.

What is now in front of Bowery is equivalent to an opportunity to jump over the dragon's door. With only this one channel, as long as he can take advantage of the Umbrella Company's channels and the resources that the optical frequency spider silk grenade can obtain, his career can be accelerated. With development, he still has the courage to deal with the killers sent by the High Table.

What's more, Mr. Duncan said that the technology they want to display is not just the spider silk bomb!

Holding back his eagerness, Bowery pretended to be calm and said: "Okay, this product is very good, are there any others?"

Duncan smiled crookedly and asked Kevin to continue to demonstrate the strength of the Umbrella Company.

Kevin also has a lot of props hidden on his body, some of which are hard to tell as weapons, such as micro missiles disguised as lighters. Press the button and the micro missiles will fly out, automatically locking onto the enemy and bypassing the dummy. Hitting the wall behind, the explosion was powerful enough to kill an adult.

The small-scale paralysis damage caused by the long-range ejection of the electric shock watch is also very magical, and there are also two tubes of healing potions.

Bowery coveted everything that the Umbrella Company had, and these magical little things made him lose his composure.

The strength displayed directly overwhelmed his fear of the High Table, and Bowery couldn't wait to talk to Duncan about the construction of the underground exchange.

The High Table has a deep control over the world, but their arrogance prevents them from looking at the shadows below. No one is more confident than Bowery in doing things under the High Table!

The group returned to the second floor of the shelter.

Bowery took a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, poured a glass for Duncan, and took the initiative to say: "I need a thousand spider silk bombs, 200 healing potions, and 100 micro missiles! If the cooperation is pleasant, I will increase the order! I can also help Umbrella Company to establish an underground exchange."

The premise of cooperation is trust. Bowery is very eager for the products of the Umbrella Company, but trust needs to be built up little by little. In the early stage, he will only buy a small amount. When the cooperation becomes more in-depth and the underground exchange is really established, both sides have the High Table as a common enemy, and they can continue to cooperate in depth.

"No problem, I'll ask someone else to contact Mr. Bowery later."

Duncan thought so too. Umbrella's development goals in this world will not change fundamentally. Opening a monopoly company and obtaining resources in this world in a stable way is the safest choice.

"Bowery, I need your help..."

The two had a good chat, but John Wick, who had just woken up, had no intention of listening to their chat.

Umbrella showed Bowery the effect of the treatment potion. A needle was injected into the ready-made experimental subject John Wick. He woke up in less than five minutes. He looked pretty good, and there was no sign of weakness from the previous coma due to excessive blood loss.

After waking up, the top killer followed Duncan and Bowery to the second floor without being stopped during the process.

Because from the moment he woke up, his disposal power was transferred from Bowery to Duncan.

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