Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 109: Stage Play in the Subway

Kevin has collected a lot of intelligence recently. Since the reform of the special operations forces, soldiers need to learn a lot more knowledge. →

He is not very good at thinking, but for the ideal in his heart, he still bites the bullet and learns a lot of knowledge.

Fortunately, the t virus can make the brain clearer, more focused, and better memory, allowing him to survive the difficult learning period. Now he can be considered an agent.

Some of the experience of SHIELD's agent training was mixed into the training of special operations forces soldiers. After receiving the news that he needed to find homeless people, Kevin also started his own actions.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒

It's just that the homeless people who are everywhere on weekdays can't be found after deliberate search.

In a day, the homeless people who were finally found were basically crazy people who spoke vaguely and took drugs.

When it got dark, Kevin found a homeless man near the Central Station and wanted to know some inside information. After paying five $20 bills, he got an important clue.

There was a homeless man at the Broadway subway station. It was rumored that he was a subordinate of the underground king Bowery.

Underground king Bowery got another piece of information.

Kevin sat in the corner of a subway car, holding a smart phone and constantly clicking, editing the information he had obtained into information, ready to send it back to the system.

If the information is confirmed to be true, he can get a reward of 200 credit points. 200 credit points have a high purchasing power in the internal store of the Umbrella Company. This is a currency system designed and produced by Duncan for senior gamers. It is full of entertainment and a good thing to motivate employees to grow.

The process of editing information is very complicated. Kevin needs to write down the whole process of obtaining this information in detail to ensure the rigor of the information. If there is a mistake, it will easily be regarded as unqualified news. If someone is misled by the news, points may be deducted, and serious ones may be fired.

At this time, the carriage arrived at the station. A group of people left the carriage that was almost full, and another group entered.

A strong smell of blood accompanied the crowd into the carriage, which made Kevin's thick eyebrows raise. He turned his head to look at the source of the blood.

He found a man in a suit with several small wounds on his face and a lot of blood on his finger bones.

Kevin, who was sitting in the corner, could only see the back of the man in the suit. The man in the suit seemed to be looking at someone. He stood up from his seat. The tall man of nearly two meters gave him a good view and found a black man staring at the man in the suit with a pair of fierce eyes.

The black man noticed Kevin who stood up suddenly and was attracted by his tall body. He glanced at him slightly, then retracted his gaze and stared at the man in the suit again.

Because Kevin held a mobile phone in one hand and Starbucks in the other, he looked non-threatening even though he was tall. Maybe he was just an ordinary person.

His chest burned with the flame of hatred, and his eyes could not accommodate other people. More than half of his brain was filled with the command of revenge, and there was no extra energy to allocate to insignificant passers-by.

"This train is C train to Broadway Street. Next stop is Rector Street."

The subway announced the station and the train slowly stopped.

The door opened and nearly half of the people in the car walked out, making the crowded car a little more spacious.

Under Kevin's gaze, the distance between the black man and the man in the suit narrowed a little.

Without the obstruction of the passengers' bodies, he could see more details.

There were several bullet holes on the back of the man in the suit!


Kevin looked at the bullet holes and took a breath of cold air. Could this be the source of the bloody smell?

He was shot several times and could still stand calmly in the subway and confront another person. What a strong physical fitness!

Even if he was injected with super soldier serum, he would not be so fierce. Those shots were all shot at vital positions. Ordinary people would have to lie on the ground and flutter after being shot. This is definitely not normal!

Second class merit!

This is a second class merit!

If you find the peculiarity of this world, you can definitely get a second-class merit as long as you upload the information.

Kevin doesn't have too many material needs now, but he is very obsessed with the medal representing honor. If he encounters the merit of walking, he will definitely strive for it!

Quietly raising his mobile phone, Kevin canceled the flash and shutter sound, took a photo of the back of the man in the suit, and then wanted to sit down and simply edit and upload the message.

But when he turned his head, there was already one more person in his seat.

Well, his seat was gone.

Secretly observing the two people who were on edge, Kevin's fingers quickly clicked and uploaded the information before the subway arrived at the next station.

The information passed the system screening and was confirmed by the White Queen with the highest priority.

Duncan, who was staying in the hotel, was very happy to see the news. He believed in the judgment of his soldiers and immediately asked the White Queen to arrange the special operations forces soldiers nearby. No matter what the facts were, tie up this suspicious man first.

If it was a misunderstanding, then give compensation and let him go.

After receiving the mission, 13 special operations troops near the subway station immediately rushed to Broadway.

The subway Kevin took was heading for Broadway.

When the mission was arranged, the subway had already arrived at the station, and more than half of the passengers were missing from the carriage.

Further ahead was Broadway Street, which had been destroyed by thugs a few days ago. Now there was nothing there, so there were only four or five people left in the carriage.

The two people who had been staring at each other in the middle of the carriage were now less than 1.5 meters apart, and it was obvious that they were about to start fighting!

The man in the suit took out a switchblade from his trouser pocket, and the black man took out a special dagger from his waist. The weapons of both men were the same length.

The two looked at each other affectionately like the protagonists in a stage play, and their presence was extremely conspicuous. The few remaining passengers in the carriage noticed them, and they couldn't help holding their breath when they saw the flashing cold knife.

The subway door closed, and the two men seemed to have received the signal from the ring. The knives suddenly stabbed at each other's abdomen, but the hands holding the knives were clamped by the other hand at the same time, unable to move forward at all, and fell into a stalemate.

Kevin raised his mobile phone to shoot openly, and the two people who had just entered the state ignored him.

The black man didn't want to stalemate with the man in the suit, so he raised his thigh and hit the dagger in his hand. The sudden huge force broke the balance, and the outer thigh of the man in the suit was stabbed by the dagger.

"Ugh!" The man in the suit clenched his teeth, and endured the pain of the knife piercing his flesh. His face regained color in an instant.

Then he pulled the dagger out of his thigh with a sudden force, and started fighting with the black man in the empty carriage.

The exquisite blocking and counterattack techniques and joint techniques were pleasing to the eye. This kind of pinnacle of skillful attack had an indescribable beauty.

The hand of the man in the suit holding the dagger was controlled, and his left hand continuously blocked the black man's right hand. He seized the opportunity to punch the black man's ribs twice, and the dull sound of bang bang made people feel painful at first sight.

Seizing an opportunity when his hands overlapped, the man in the suit turned around and used wrestling skills to throw the black man's body to the ground. Perhaps because of his own serious injuries, he did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but kept a distance.


Kevin secretly applauded the desperate fight between the two. If it was before the injection of the T virus, it would be impossible for him to make such an attack with skills higher than brute force.

This not only requires extremely high dynamic reaction speed, but also requires overcoming the instinctive fear of sharp objects. Talent and hard work are both indispensable.

Many people will teach people how to deal with a gangster holding a dagger in the video, but if you really face a gangster holding a dagger, ordinary people or even trained soldiers in the army will most likely die.

The most correct way is to use something longer than a dagger to contain the opponent, or run as far as you can!

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