Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 103: Preparing to go to the new world

"This matter has been settled. I will let Pepper contact you later.

Tony was excited for less than half a minute, and then he slowly became depressed again, "But we have to deal with the enemy in front of us first."

Duncan was thinking about what the birth of the Umbrella Group meant. He originally wanted to colonize the extraterrestrial world alone, but now things have developed to a state that he can't understand. He sighed slightly that things are unpredictable.

Then he reacted to what Tony said and waved his hand, "The Thanos Legion can't destroy the earth, because the Infinity Stones are in our hands. As long as we have the Power Stone, he won't come to the earth in person. Now you'd better find Banner to inject the T virus to strengthen your body, and then stay up late to work. "

Tony looked puzzled, "T virus strengthening? Are you sure you will become a super soldier instead of a zombie?"

Having seen zombies, he didn't dare to take this as a joke.

"Don't worry, the technology is very mature. "Duncan patted his chest and said, "I have already injected it, and the 30,000 soldiers outside have also completed the injection and have been successfully strengthened, but the effects are different. It cannot be guaranteed that everyone can become as strong as Alice, but it is stable. "

"Then I will go to Banner first..." Tony once envied Steve's super physique. If he had such a strong body, his body would not have been depleted so quickly when he was young.

Before Tony entered the armor, Duncan stopped him and said, "Since Strange didn't react, I will assume that my idea is right. Thanos is still very powerful without the gem, but not that strong. With the current technological power of mankind, it should be able to resist the invasion of Thanos' army. I will copy the combat system technology and supporting technology developed by Umbrella for you. After that, I may have to leave for a while to explore the new world. "

"Exploring the new world, that's really a romantic thing..." Tony also wanted to explore the new world, but he couldn't leave his own world alone. "Okay, you can tell Jarvis if you need anything. I'm leaving first. "

Alice on the folding bed lifted the blanket covering her face, looked at Tony flying out of the tent curtain, and laughed softly: "Your conversation is really hard to understand, but are we going to the new world?"

After putting away the two folding chairs, Duncan lifted the blanket and leaned on it, saying: "Yes, this place will be handed over to Colonel Quach for the time being. Tomorrow we will go back to deal with the company's affairs, and then we will go to the new world. Are you looking forward to it?"

"A little bit. "

The next day, the soldiers rested for less than four hours. They woke up and assembled at dawn.

Colonel Quarch will leave 5,000 soldiers, who will be temporarily stationed in Marvel to help Tony when he needs help.

The remaining 20,000 people will return to the world of Resident Evil. Those who need to clean up the drug dealers will clean up the drug dealers, and those who need to stay in Raccoon City will continue to stay there. Another 2,000 people will be selected to participate in the exploration of the new world.

After a while, the agreed time arrived, and a golden spark circle appeared in front of the team.

Stephen Strange put on his wizard robe and appeared next to a group of soldiers in a big red cloak.

Colonel Quarch looked back at Duncan, and after the latter nodded, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go. "

The team solemnly and slowly passed through the portal and returned to the edge of New York City, which was destroyed by gunpowder and explosion.

Duncan fell to the end of the team, still wearing the armor Tony gave him.

After passing through the portal, what appeared in front of him was not only the familiar Stark Industrial warehouse, but a bustling camp.

Rest is a privilege reserved for a few people. More people cannot sleep at night. The wizards of Kamar-Taj accompanied the federal army and the Wakanda army to transport various supplies all night. They would use convenient teleportation spells to quickly deliver things to the outside of the warehouse in New York.

In one night, this suburban flat land has been transformed into a temporary camp. The engineers of the Umbrella Company are directing the equipment to dig the soil. The design drawings of the underground military industrial base have not yet come out, but this does not prevent them from starting preparations.

The engineers sent by the federal army followed the engineers of the Umbrella Company, shamelessly stealing their skills, and did not pay a penny.

Wakanda's image blocker has been activated, and a thin screen has risen above the head of this base. Barriers, blocking the detection of the Chitauri warships.

Wakanda's King T'Challa is very confident in their technology, and even guarantees in the name of the king that the aliens will not be able to find them.

In addition, now is a critical moment that threatens the survival of the human race on Earth, and Wakanda has also contributed a part of the vibranium hidden for hundreds of years.

Ultron got a large piece and used vibranium to build a mechanical body for himself, but he still wanted to obtain a human body to explore the power of the field against his will.

Ultron, who has worked with the engineering team for a long time, also knows how to build an underground base, but he has been controlling the automatic factory to manufacture steel soldiers with self-destruct devices, and has no spare energy to help build an underground military-industrial complex base for the time being.

The base with people coming and going is busy all the time. After Duncan and his party arrived here, 5,000 of them joined the team to help, managed by Colonel Kwach, and the rest passed through the portal one by one and returned to the world of Resident Evil.

After returning to the world of Resident Evil, as expected, the behavior of Umbrella Corporation mobilizing special operations soldiers caused a lot of public opinion.

After making up a random excuse and posting it on the official website, Duncan quickly returned to the company headquarters, dealt with the things that needed to be dealt with, and rested for another night.

When he got up on the third day, Duncan took Alice and 5,000 special operations soldiers on a plane to the large space launch center of the Umbrella.

They were going to anchor the third world in a base 50 meters underground at the space launch center.

After several years of construction and operation, the space launch center built by Umbrella next to Lincoln has paved the road. A large number of unmanned transport vehicles come and go. The factory on the edge of the launch center is operating all the time, transporting the processed parts to the launch pad of the space launch center to assemble a huge and bloated lunar spacecraft that does not look like a spacecraft.

The outer shell of the lunar spacecraft is complete, 98% of the internal parts have been assembled, and the remaining important precision instrument area is being replaced with new radiation protection materials. The spacecraft is expected to be launched on Christmas Day at the end of 2007.

Duncan and the special operations soldiers only looked at it a few more times. They came here for other purposes. When the spacecraft is about to be launched, it will not be too late for them to come back and take a look.

Entering the underground through the elevator of the space launch center's material warehouse, Duncan descended 50 meters and arrived at the real interior of the space launch center, a large warehouse and manufacturing area with a large number of basic materials and military materials.

This place was secretly built to manufacture the Quinjet. Many aerospace materials overlap with the materials used to make the Quinjet, so it is actually quite reasonable to build an underground factory for making airplanes in the place where spacecraft are built!

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