Umbrella Corporation

Chapter 99: 800 billion project

Umbrella Interstellar Group Chapter 99: 800 Billion Project

"Carol is the most powerful person I have ever met. She can destroy an entire fleet by herself. She has the power to turn the tide of battle.

Nick Fury swears these words, and even after all these years, he's still impressed by Carol's strength.

That is a power even more powerful than Thor, the god of thunder. At the beginning of his awakening, he was able to repel a fleet invading the earth. His speed could catch up with missiles. His unparalleled physical defense allowed him to withstand any form of physical damage.

Even now, Nick Fury still believes that woman can turn the tide, because she is the strongest!

"one person?"

Tony was still thinking about what to do next. He was a little happy when he heard the foreign aid, thinking that he could gain another strength... But what did he hear?

He stood up from the chair, dragged his tired body to stand in front of Nick Fury, and asked: "Can that Carol kill Thanos and his army with the snap of his fingers?"

Everyone else looked over.

Nick Fury looked at Tony's questioning look and said expressionlessly: "It's hard to understand how powerful she is without seeing her."

"Oh... that's amazing!" Tony almost couldn't help but yell loudly. He took several deep breaths before he could barely suppress the negative emotions that were about to drive him crazy. "I don't know why you think that woman can solve this problem." It's a thing, but I know that if it weren't for the assistance of the army and mages, millions of people would die in New York! She can solve the enemy, but she may not be able to protect the earth. Can you organize your people at this time? Do something instead of being here like a hungry believer waiting for God to give you food..."

After saying a long sentence in one breath, Tony suddenly covered his chest and his face turned red. His body was shaky, as if he was about to collapse at any time.

"Tony!" Colonel Roddy saw Tony's appearance and immediately moved forward to support him.

Seeing Tony's appearance, the others also leaned over with concern. When others wanted to speak, Tony had returned to normal and waved his hand.

"I'm fine, I don't need to care. There are many people who need care than me."


Duncan is always an observer. The superheroes are struggling with the future he has changed. He will provide assistance but will not offer his own opinions.

Because the behavior patterns of superheroes are almost opposite to his. Superheroes worship individual heroism. He prefers the idea of ​​​​doing great things with more people.

And except for Tony, who has a good relationship with him, there is a barrier between everyone else and him, which is a barrier built by world barriers. Unless the two worlds can be integrated, they will also be threatened by Thanos.

Accepting him.

Because in their minds, he, Duncan, and Umbrella Company were the ones who would choose to evacuate when things became unavoidable.

The noisy observatory soon welcomed a new visitor, General Ross, the temporary five-star general of the United States who had returned to duty.

General Ross put on his military uniform again. He didn't say a single hello when he opened the door. His sharp eyes scanned everyone in the room. He stayed on Banner's face for a moment, and then said: "It's time for special people to come out for a meeting." , this world is not yours, you have no right to make decisions that determine our destiny!"

The unintentional words relieved Tony's anxiety a lot. He nodded and walked outside.

Duncan also wanted to follow him to observe, but after leaving the observatory, a guy who claimed to be a senior member of a palace took him to a high-end hotel in Peanutton.

Surprisingly, he met many of the world's top people in the hotel.

These people held a small banquet here, but it was not really a banquet. Faced with the threat of aliens, they did not have much thought about such things. They would only hold a so-called banquet when they knew that they were in a safe environment. Gathering of high-class people.

"Long time no see Mr. Duncan!"

After entering the hotel’s banquet hall,

Many familiar or unfamiliar people gave Duncan warm smiles, leaving Duncan a little confused.

Who are you?

Looking at the man in front of him wearing gold-rimmed glasses, who looked vaguely familiar but could not recognize him, Duncan showed a commercial smile and asked: "It's been a long time indeed. I have a lot of things to deal with recently. I almost can't recognize him." Come on, are you... Henry? "

"Haha, I understand!" The man with gold-rimmed glasses was not embarrassed at all. He continued to smile warmly and welcomed Duncan inside. "Mr. Duncan manages a big company. He is young and promising. It is normal if you don't remember me. I am George. ?Kaiser, we met at Stark’s cocktail party before..."

I don’t know why, but Mr. George was particularly enthusiastic. He gave Duncan a glass of wine and pulled him into a large group of not-so-young political and business celebrities.

Suddenly, an old man came to Duncan with a somewhat happy and somewhat proud expression and toasted, "Mr. Duncan! Thanks to you, I can save my life."

"Ah, you're welcome..." Duncan was almost confused. When it came to rescuing people, he could only think of the 26,000-strong special operations force he brought with him. "My soldiers are all out of fear." If you want to express your gratitude to those who volunteer to participate in the rescue operation, you can donate some supplies to the soldiers.”

small book booth

"Soldier?" The old man was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect Duncan to say something completely different from what they expected. "Mr. Duncan misunderstood. Two years ago, I placed an order with Mr. Duncan's umbrella company. A shelter was built fifty meters underground in a New York manor. I happened to be there on vacation with my wife and children during the day, and we hid in it when the aliens invaded.”

The old man spoke enthusiastically and showed off to the surrounding businessmen who had not placed orders: "The underground shelter built by your company is strong and safe. All 20 meters of the ground were blown flat. There was no power or water supply in the facility, and there was even no vibration. The feeling is minimal. Even if this kind of construction technology costs 1.2 billion US dollars, it is still worth it! ”

The few wealthy people in the venue who had purchased underground shelter construction services from the Umbrella Company also frequently praised Duncan's Umbrella Company.

I have to praise it, this is an underground mansion that not only saves lives, but also ensures that their living standards will not decline too much!

Duncan finally knew what these people were thanking him for. uu Reading It turned out that it was his cross-border foreign trade company that made money and the favor of these capitalists, so he laughed along with him, ready to find any excuse to escape.

New York has been bombed. Don't these people still think that he will continue to let precious engineers earn a lot of money that is about to depreciate?

No way?

"We have all seen the strength of the Umbrella Company. We hope to sign a 20 billion order with the Umbrella Company. We want to build a small underground community on the edge of Peanut Village..."

The old man had just begun to talk when the sudden ringtone of his cell phone interrupted his words.

Duncan didn't care about the opinions of the people around him and directly took out his mobile phone to connect...

"Well, I was at a cocktail party... The commander-in-chief wants to see me? Want me to build an underground military base? Eight hundred billion dollars? Okay, let's talk later!"

After hanging up the phone, Duncan looked at the frozen expressions of the wealthy people around him and apologized without sincerity: "I'm sorry, everyone, the commander-in-chief said he wants to discuss business with me. Let's meet up another day when we have time."

After that, he left with the devoted Alice, boarded the armored vehicle waiting outside the hotel door, and left the hotel under the protection of multiple special operations soldiers.

Originally, he wanted soldiers from the Special Operations Forces to enter the hotel and take him away on the grounds of an emergency, but a sudden call from Nick Fury gave him a better excuse. The call was real, and the 800 billion The business is also real.

Because it is foreseeable that aliens will be attacked from orbit in the future, while military experts are studying countermeasures, they also need a safe base to ensure that they have the power to fight back.

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