Ultraman Senki

Chapter 996 Interception by the Frozen Starmen

After Nexus condensed his figure outside the Helios, he immediately raised his right arm and swiped it across his chest. A layer of bright water surged all over his body immediately, and then a dazzling blue light burst out.

"Ha!" Nexus quickly rushed to the place marked in the Ultra signature sent by Hikari. The Ultra signature was Ultraman using his own light as the medium to bless what he wanted to deliver with his thoughts. content, flying towards a specific place in the way of quantum leap.

But what makes Nexus strange is why the monster cemetery is so close to the Kingdom of Light. Wasn't it still very close to the earth before? No matter how much you drift, you won't be able to drift to the nebula M787, which is 3 million light-years away.

"Forget it, let's go and have a look first." Nexus made up his mind to pay attention, the monster cemetery that Hikari mentioned is only 10,000 kilometers ahead, and he should be able to figure it out when he sees Hikari.

Two thousand kilometers away from the monster cemetery, there is a large area that can be called a dense meteorite group. This is a real meteorite belt. There are meteorites everywhere. The diameter of the large one is more than ten kilometers, and the small one is no more than fist size.

Just as Nexus was carefully shuttling through this wide meteorite belt, suddenly there was a sound of "whoosh!", and several clusters of crimson light bullets flew straight towards Nexus.

"What?" Nexus didn't have the slightest precaution, and while hastily turned his waist, he raised his arms and spread out the Ott barrier, blocking in front of him.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Light bullets hit the light shield in front of Nexus and exploded. Although they did not break the defense of Nexus' light shield, the huge impact made Naixus Kesos quickly retreated, crashing into a kilometer-large meteorite behind him.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Nexus directly hit the meteorite, and the meteorite was immediately sent flying, and then hit the meteorite behind, forming a chain reaction.

"What?" Nexus hurriedly stabilized his body, looking around vigilantly with glowing eyes, looking for an attack. It didn't take much effort for Nexus to find the attacker. Thirty kilometers ahead, a steel robot stood on that rock that was more than ten kilometers wide.

The distinctive features of the particle cannons on the shoulders and the three-barreled Gatling cannon on the top of the head made Nexus recognize this thing at once, and it turned out to be Impreza, who had fought many times before.

"Why is it Impreza?" Nexus was a little surprised. Didn't the Impreza Legion disappear with the destruction of the Ampera Stars? How would it appear here? And if that's the case.....

Nexus looked around vigilantly. Impreza is just a robot. Someone must have sent him here to achieve his own purpose. Maybe that person is still nearby.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" A gust of white freezing air flew out from an unknown place, spreading rapidly, making each piece of meteorite covered with white frost.

"It's so cold, where is the air-conditioning coming from?" Nexus looked around vigilantly, and couldn't help clenching his fists. In this extremely cold air, his movements were a little slow.

"This cold air is much colder than Grozam." Nexus immediately mobilized the energy in his body to resist the bone-piercing cold air. Among the enemies he had dealt with, Grozam was the only one who could release Otto The cold air that Mandu couldn't resist, but now this cold air is much colder than the cold air in Grozam's frozen city.

"Hahaha," an extremely arrogant voice rang in Nexus' ears, and then an alien covered in ice silver walked out from behind a huge rock protruding beside Impreza, who was exactly the one who had appeared in the Frozen aliens on Earth.

"Are you talking about Grozam? That guy is far worse than me," the Frozen Starman swung the arm blade that popped out from the carapace of his arms in a very arrogant way: "Don't compare me with that guy, I'm Dania Stan is the best among the Frozen Stars, and Grozam is far behind me."

"It seems that you placed this Impreza here," Nexus nodded knowingly and slowly flew towards Impreza and Danias: "It is to stop me Go to the monster cemetery? Now it seems that I have to go."

"Do you think you can go there? Mebius has been intercepted and will soon be killed by Impreza. Aren't you partners in fighting together? I will show mercy and send you to hell with him." Hahaha, Impreza killed him for me." Danias waved his arm, and Impreza, who was standing there, immediately raised his head, and the triple-tube Gatling gun above his head spun rapidly. A three-color spiral beam was emitted towards Nexus.

"Do you underestimate me like that?" Nexus clenched his right fist, and the Nexus bow and arrow arm on his arm immediately shone with a miraculous golden light, and then a blue gem-like arm blade popped out, following Naike With a wave of Seth's arm, he slashed fiercely on the three-color spiral beam of light that flew over.

With a loud sound of "Boom!", the sapphire-like arm blade slashed above the light beam, splitting the raging energy in two, and flew out along Nexus' body towards the sides. The bombardment hit the huge meteorite behind Nexus, immediately blasting that rock into pieces.

"Huh, how's it going? Just such an Impreza, let's see how I smashed it for you." Nexus yelled, and his body turned into a blue streamer and rushed over quickly.

The frozen star Danias snorted contemptuously, and then opened his mouth to spit out a thick stream of cold air, and sprayed it towards Nexus. The place where the cold air passed unexpectedly condensed into a rough line of ice in the dark cosmic void. Road, it can be seen that the temperature is low.

At the moment when the cold air was about to touch Nexus, Nexus' body turned suddenly, and the forward angle changed instantly, easily dodging the strong cold air, and then Nexus' body turned, and at the same time The right hand has been placed on the Nexus bow and arrow arm of the left arm, and the golden light lingers where the arm touches, and then the wave of Nexus' right arm condenses into dozens of shining light blades, roaring and flying To the frozen stars Danias and Impreza.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The particle cannons on Impreza's shoulders roared, firing out clusters of crimson light bullets, accurately intercepting all the light blades emitted by Nexus.

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