Chapter 984 The Last Night

"Musashi, go back under the guidance of the light." Gauss' figure merged into Musashi's body, and then Musashi quickly flew towards the direction of the beam of light. There is the direction of home, there are many people who love Musashi and love Musashi there.

In the jungle, Xingye held the Evolution Truster and continuously poured light energy into the void in front of him. As time passed, in the golden beam of light, a streamer of shining blue light rushed out of the void, flying in mid-air Condensed the figure of Musashi. The surface of the body is radiant, the right hand is raised high above the head, and the palm of the hand emits a shining blue light.

"Musashi!" Looking at the stream of light rushing out of the void, the faces of the people on the side showed excited expressions. Seeing Musashi slowly falling from the sky, a group of people immediately ran towards Musashi.

"Musashi!" Ayano threw herself directly into Musashi's arms, and the tears she endured for a long time finally flowed down: "I have always...always believed that you are still alive, and I will definitely find you."

Musashi said softly, "I heard your voice, Ayano."

Ripu Qingguang walked in front of Xingye and said excitedly: "Thank you so much."

"It's nothing." Xingye smiled and waved her hands.

"Drip! Drip!" The sound of the communicator sounded on Keisuke Kazaki's body, making Fengzi hurriedly pick up the communicator and connect it: "I am Kazaki!"

"Captain, it's not good. Ultraman Justis announced to the whole world, the Earth Restart Plan." An anxious voice came from the communicator, and his words shocked everyone. Although many people in the Defense Force and the SRC know about this so-called Earth Restart Plan, this news is completely confidential. Once it is known to the public, it will definitely cause great panic.

"A big thing is going to happen." Haruko Hiura frowned sadly. There was no way to suppress this matter, not to mention that it was less than two hours before the restart time mentioned by Ultraman Justis. The moment the sun goes down here is the moment Giga Ndola reaches Earth.

All the telephone programs and network signals in the world showed the figure of the woman in black in an instant: "Now we officially inform all mankind that Gigabit Ndola will arrive on this planet in two hours to implement the plan to restart life on Earth. "

Following her words, the screen transformed into a busy city block, and then the screen zoomed out to reveal a 3D model of the earth. And a spaceship with a size of tens of thousands of meters came into everyone's eyes. This spaceship is ring-shaped, and there is a thing like a crab's claw in the middle. These 'crab claws' shone with dazzling light, then fused together, condensed into a huge beam of light, and bombarded the earth, a violent shock wave instantly spread to the surroundings, and within half a minute the entire surface of the earth was covered. Affected by this shock wave, all the cities turned into powder and disappeared completely in an instant.

Then the screen changed back to the figure of Justis again: "Groka, who was defeated by Ultraman Nexus today, is just a striker sent by Dracion. Dracion has tens of thousands of Gloka. Humans with strong aggressiveness will be the destroyers of the universe, Dración wants to restart the life evolution process of the earth, and those who hinder the mission will be obliterated."

Kazaki Keisuke shouted angrily: "Why did Justis do this? Why did he disclose this news to all mankind?"

"Perhaps it is for human beings to understand when they die," Xingye guessed, "I can only ask herself this question, but what human beings need now is definitely not this. Even if they perish, they shouldn't live in fear."

"Impossible, human beings will never perish," Musashi said firmly: "Human beings will not become the second Santos, and human beings still have a bright future."

Hiura Qingguang nodded in agreement: "I will never give up, there must be a way."

"Yeah!" Musashi nodded, and then turned his gaze to the distant sky: "It must be possible to communicate, and we must let Dración understand that human beings will not become the second Saint Deros."

"Then let's find Justis first," Xingye said, "Since he is Drasion's envoy, he must be able to communicate with Drasion."

"That's right." Musashi was overjoyed, and then he closed his eyes and communicated with Gauss: "Gauss, didn't you mean to collect information about the earth for Dración? Then can you contact Dración?"

Gauss said apologetically: "No, Dración has always contacted me and told me where there are destroyers in the universe."

"I found it," Doi Heng happily waved the communicator in his hand: "I have found Justis through the facial recognition system, and she is in the K4 area."

"Very well, hurry there immediately."

The news of the end of the world that Justis took a walk has detonated the world, making the peaceful world suddenly become noisy.

Speculators raised the banner of religion and began to promote doomsday gods, desperate people waved banknotes to enjoy the last moment, peaceful people sat around with their families, telling stories about the past and looking forward to the future.. ...

Justis, who was dressed in black, strolled on the street, looking at the noisy crowd around him indifferently. Several young people in fancy clothes and colorful hair dyed their hair set up music on the pedestrian bridge, playing the so-called "agricultural heavy metal" music, singing and listening to unintelligible lyrics.

"Gauss is dead, the earth is going to be destroyed, and neither is Nexus. We are here to welcome the end. Everyone will be finished, and everything will be a thing of the past..."

Justis passed through the 'carnival' crowd expressionlessly and continued to walk forward. These people were already about to be erased from the universe, and they had no value at all.

"Wait a minute, Justis!" Musashi ran up the stairs on one side, and shouted to stop Justis.

"It's you, did you come out of the different space? Isn't it good to stay there and wait for the earth to restart?" Justis stopped and looked at Musashi: "Or Gauss, you still want to save these humans."

Musashi said earnestly: "Why do you deny human beings like this? Human beings are by no means the second Santos. Justis, if you have a deep understanding of human beings, you will know the infinite possibilities that human beings have. Santos is by no means The only future for mankind, which can be changed by mankind."

"Change?" Justis glanced at the group of strangely dressed people who had fallen into the carnival behind him: "I don't see any possibility."

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