Chapter 982 Drasion's Prophecy

"Ultraman Justis?!" Xingye frowned: "You mean that Ultraman Justis is with the robot?"

"From the current situation, it is indeed the case," Hiura Qingguang sighed and nodded heavily: "At the beginning, she helped humans defeat the vicious space monsters, but she did not expect to become an enemy when she reappeared."

"You are wrong. At that time, I was not fighting for human beings. I was just fighting for the destruction of the order of the universe." A woman's voice sounded from the side, and everyone turned their heads immediately, and saw a man wearing a black leather jacket. The ordinary woman stood there expressionless.

"It's you!" Kazaki Keisuke suddenly widened his eyes, looked at the woman with complicated eyes, and said with a sigh: "She is Ultraman Justis."

"Are you an Ultraman too?" Xingye took two steps forward, looked directly at the woman and said in a deep voice, "What do you mean by that?"

The woman looked at the humans surrounding the airport in the distance and said emotionlessly: "San Deros has destroyed many planets and devoured countless lives. I will hit it for the order and justice of the universe, not For humanity."

Xingye nodded slightly, and then said: "You mean that human beings, like Santos, have become beings that destroy the order and justice of the universe."

The woman said sharply: "That's right, the former Santos was very similar to humans. It was full of endless desire and greed, and it was an imperfect creature. Humans are more aggressive than Santos, and sooner or later they will Like Santos, it becomes a dangerous race that destroys the universe."

"Sooner or later? Human beings are far from capable of destroying the universe, and destroying a race just for a possible thing. Is this what you call justice? Don't you think it's too ridiculous?" Xingye sneered.

"Two thousand years ago, Dración predicted that Santos would become the destroyer of the universe, but I think there are two thousand years for Santos to change and become a peace-loving race. With my insistence, Dración I gave Santos a chance." A trace of sadness appeared on the woman's face: "But I was wrong, Santos used two thousand years of time to develop technology, and then began crazy destruction, the universe lost thousands of living planets, Countless lives have been lost."

Immediately, the woman showed great determination on her face: "I will not let the mistakes of Santos repeat, and I must not wait until human beings become space destroyers like Santos before doing it."

Xingye immediately asked: "What is Dración? Can his prediction determine the fate of a planet? It's really too childish."

The woman said solemnly: "Drasion, like us Ultraman, is the defender of the order of the universe, and even the prophet of the universe. He is the existence of reconciliation and measurement of the universe on the basis of justice. It is benevolent. , even if human beings are going to be wiped out, it will still preserve the earth, so it sent gigabytes of Ndola to carry out a restart plan for all creatures on the earth. Let the life on this planet evolve again."

Xingye said with a hint of sarcasm; "Is this how you deal with it? As long as it is a possible threat, just eliminate it."

"Isn't it the same for human beings? Before the termites erode the dam, the termites will be eradicated. This is what the universe is doing, eradicating all saboteurs that may threaten the order and justice of the universe, so that the universe can run smoothly. Go down." The woman looked directly at Xingye and said: "You have understood now, so don't hinder the earth from resetting the mission, or I will definitely wipe you out."

As soon as the woman said that, she turned around, took a step, and disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Hiura Qingguang and Fuze Keisuke lowered their heads with some sighs, their faces were full of unwillingness, but human beings had nothing to do. All weapons were destroyed in the first wave of counterattacks, and it can be said that human beings are really free to take whatever they want.

With the index finger of Mayumi's right hand pressed against her chin, she thought hard for a long time before she came up with a vivid statement: "It's like if there is a major bug in the game, it will be rolled back, right?"

"That's right, but this time it's seven billion human beings and countless creatures on Earth. This kind of disposal method is really too rough." Xingye shook his head, then turned to look at Ripu Qingguang: " Let's find Gauss and Musashi first, I heard Musashi's voice, which means that they must still be alive, and they should be in a different space and cannot escape."

"Ayano and the others have been looking for Musashi for a day, go and meet them, maybe they will find something." Kazebuki Keisuke suggested.


After the discussion, Xingye took Mayumi to sit on the Tektronix 2 of former EYES captain Hiura Haruki, and flew towards the place where Ayano Morimoto and the others were.

Soon the fighter jet reached the sky above a lush forest, and the continuous forest could not be seen at a glance.

Hiura Haruki looked at the forest below and said, "This is it, Ayano said, this is the place where Musashi met Gauss for the first time, so..."

Staring at the jungle below, Xingye closed his eyes immediately, and his thoughts came out through his body, and quickly spread towards the surroundings, covering the jungle that was more than ten kilometers long in just a few seconds. But Xingye searched back and forth several times, but found nothing except Ayano and the others.

Xingye opened his eyes in disappointment, the plane had already landed in a clearing beside the forest. Xingye stretched out her hand and jumped off, then turned around to support Mayumi and carefully jumped down from the cockpit.

A group of people from Ayano hurried out of the jungle, and Ayano looked at Xingye with a trace of joy on her face: "Xingye, you are here, great, Musashi..."

"I already know," Xingye nodded, and then asked, "How is it? Do you have any clues?"

Hiroji Doigaki, holding the detector, shook his head in frustration: "Gauss disappeared once before, but the 1420 MHz can still be detected by the instrument, but the entire forest has been searched, and nothing has been found at all."

Xingye looked around at the endless forest and said softly: "That means that Musashi and Gauss are no longer in this world, but in another different space, so Gauss cannot be found."

"No," Ayano Morimoto shook his head vigorously, and said firmly, "I heard Musashi's voice right here just now. He must be here, waiting for us to find him."

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