Ultraman Senki

Chapter 973 Starlight from the Universe

"Disappear for me!" Nexus yelled, all the light radiated in an instant, shining on the black hole, and under the impact of endless space-time power, the black hole quickly melted away, but ten In a matter of seconds, it completely disappeared. The universe regained its calm, as if the endless darkness just now did not exist.

The golden mask that had been dimmed to the extreme dissipated, turned into light particles all over the sky and gathered together, re-condensing the figure of Nexus.

"Ding dong! Ding dong!" The red energy core on Nexus' chest kept flickering. Nexus was suspended in mid-air and looked at the surrounding universe. The sun in the distance was still emitting endless light. It was warm and hot, but on the other side there was another light much smaller than the sun shining.

"That's an artificial sun? How is that possible?" Nexus was startled. The artificial sun was swallowed up at the same time as Jupiter, but if it wasn't an artificial sun, how could there be such a bright star?

The control center of the Mars base was also extremely surprised. They were pleasantly surprised to find that the 20 or 30 detection satellites that had been swallowed by the Sfia black hole had now restored contact with the base and sent back a lot of data.

"Jupiter's Ganymede base has also been contacted, my God!" Ye Rui looked at the computer screen in great surprise. The screen on it was the monitoring screen inside the Ganymede base.

The people in the entire control center were going crazy, all the radio telescopes and radar arrays were aimed in the direction of Jupiter, and they were pleasantly surprised to find that Jupiter appeared in everyone's field of vision again.

"All the devoured planets are back." A surprising news spread across the earth and Mars like wind, making countless people cheer, and many people even cried with joy. Fireworks and lights lit up, and people celebrated that mankind has once again survived this crisis and once again has a bright future.

And Asuka lost consciousness after giving up resistance and being sucked into the black hole. I don't know how long it took. Asuka felt a bright light in front of his eyes. He opened his eyes in a daze, and Asuka was stunned by the scene in front of him. .

What appeared in front of his eyes was a colorful world. Looking around, he saw dazzling colorful lights everywhere, and he was actually sitting in a Zero fighter jet that had exploded long ago.

"Where is this?" Asuka looked at the tunnel in front of him that was changing colors like an aurora. This dazzling tunnel was so long that he couldn't see the end, and the fighter plane that Asuka was sitting on was not flying, but just following the light. Constantly drifting forward.

At this time, a spiral colorful halo floated in front of it, and behind the colorful light was a black, flat and streamlined fighter jet.

"This is the first Type Zero drive machine?!" Asuka opened his mouth in surprise. This fighter is too familiar to him. Back then, his father was sitting on this fighter plane and disappeared in the light during a test of the Type Zero drive engine. middle.

The black fighter was slowly chased up by the fighter piloted by Asuka. Asuka turned his head nervously and looked at the cockpit of the black fighter through the glass of the cockpit.

At the same time, the pilot of the black fighter jet also turned his head and looked towards Asuka. That familiar face had appeared in Asuka's dreams countless times, causing Asuka to blurt out: "Dad!"

Asuka Kazuma, who was still wearing the old-fashioned TPC pilot white helmet, smiled at Asuka Xin and nodded at Asuka.

"Dad..." Asuka looked at his father with tears in his eyes and was extremely excited. He didn't even notice that the flashing sword in his hand had been opened. The change in color is completely consistent.

The two fighter jets flew side by side towards the colorful tunnel, but were quickly covered by the colorful light and disappeared into the bright light.

The members of the Super Victory Team in the Kullak call sign also received an award from the TPC headquarters: "All the planets swallowed by darkness have returned. We humans have survived this crisis. Everyone has worked hard. On behalf of all mankind, I thank you. "

Liang's eyes were red, and he choked up and said, "But Asuka..."

"He sacrificed for mankind, we must remember him." Director Shen Jian said with great emotion: "He is great."

"Asuka may still be alive." With a familiar voice, a golden streamer appeared in front of everyone in the Super Victory Team, and then the figure of Xingye condensed. Xingye looked at everyone in the Super Victory Team with a bloodless face.

"Senior Xingye...you..." Except for Liang, everyone's eyes widened, looking at Xingye in disbelief.

Director Fukami on the screen heard the words, his face brightened and he asked with some joy: "You mean that the Asuka team is still alive?"

"It's just possible. I once gave Dyna a ray of my light, and I vaguely felt the breath of that light when the black hole disappeared, but it was too weak, and the time was very short, so I can't be sure." Xingye sat down with a tired face, and his words were full of exhaustion.

"Asuka must still be alive, he once promised me," Liang said firmly, "I believe Asuka must be flying forward somewhere in the universe, waiting for us to catch up with him."

Captain Xibi looked at the stars in the sky outside the window and said firmly: "I also believe that Asuka is still alive. We will definitely catch up with Asuka and sail in this universe together."

"We will definitely see Asuka again," Lu Chuanwu said firmly, wiping the tears off his face, "He is immortal, so he will definitely come back."

Outside the call sign of Kullak, the stars are twinkling in the sky. If the starlight in the sky is brought up, it must be very beautiful. Maybe some children are looking at the stars in the sky, so they have a strong interest in the mysterious universe... .

"I really didn't expect it." Sitting next to Xingye, Captain Xibi said with some emotion: "Dr. Xingye, you are also an Ultraman."

Xingye laughed twice, looked at the stars outside and said with emotion: "Actually, apart from endless battles, this identity allows me to roam the universe freely. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I have never given up the power of Ultraman. Bar."

"Ultraman," Captain Xibi sighed, "Asuka, he will also travel in space, go to places that human beings cannot set foot at present, and watch the wonders that can only be born in the universe."

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