Ultraman Senki

Chapter 968 Perfect Dark Universe

Immediately, the gravitational force outside the Sfia black hole completely dissipated, and the internal gravitational force increased dozens of times immediately, bending the Solgett light at once, and the Solgett light rotated and dissipated, and was finally covered by endless darkness devour.

Kulak Callsign took the opportunity to fly in the opposite direction. Driven by the Neomax power system, Kulak Callsign rushed thousands of kilometers away from the gravitational range of the Sfia black hole's gravitational field in just a few seconds.

After completely away from the gravitational force of the gravitational field, the six talents of the Super Victory Team finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the attack did not work, they managed to keep the Kullak call sign.

Dyna saw that the call sign of Kurak was out of danger, and immediately flew towards the call sign of Kurak. His body turned into a golden streamer, and within a few seconds, he caught up with the call sign of Kurak, which had started the zero drive engine.

The golden light penetrated through the outer steel wall of Kullak's call sign without hindrance, and then the figures of Asuka and Liang appeared in a narrow corridor.

Liang looked straight at Asuka, and said with some reproach: "I just want to protect you, this is not the line that a righteous hero should say."

"Uh..." Asuka scratched his head in embarrassment. At that time, he was excited and said what was in his heart. Now that he is alone with Liang, Asuka was a little embarrassed. He turned his head and changed the subject stiffly: "We have already arrived in the library. Rack call sign up."

"..." Liang glanced at Asuka in a speechless manner, the topic had changed too obviously.

Asuka was scratching his head in embarrassment when he suddenly felt a soft body fall into his arms, making Asuka's movements stiffen all of a sudden. Holding Asuka with both arms, Liang whispered in his ear, "Only by protecting yourself can you protect me."

Asuka said resolutely: "There are some things that are worth fighting desperately to protect."

When Asuka and Liang Xiang walked into the control room, the automatic door had just opened, and everyone raised their heads and looked at Asuka with different eyes, which made Asuka feel uncomfortable.

While walking, he asked curiously: "What's wrong with everyone? Why are you looking at me like this..."

Liang, who was walking at the back, couldn't help stroking his forehead. He always felt that Asuka was missing something, and now he finally found it. Did Asuka forget that the Victory Phantom was left there for a long time, did the two of them come in directly? This kind of thing is something that everyone will find wrong.

Lu Chuanwu approached furtively, circled around the bird, looked up and down the bird curiously while circling, and finally shook her head in disappointment: "What, it's so disappointing."

"What's wrong? Xiao Wu, why did I let you down?" Asuka was a little confused.

Xiao Wu sat back in front of the computer again, resting her chin with her hands, and said sullenly: "I got the name Dyna, it doesn't deserve you at all."

"Oh? Why?" Asuka asked subconsciously, and then realized something was wrong, looked around at the eyes of everyone, and finally figured it out. After hesitating for a while, he asked hesitantly, "Did you find out?"

"Asuka, you are a single-celled creature who likes to attract attention, but why have you kept silent about this matter?" Captain Xibi stood up, put his hands on Asuka's shoulders, and looked straight at Asuka's eyes: "Why do you have to bear such a heavy responsibility alone?"

"Actually, I wanted to say it a long time ago," Asuka scratched his head and said awkwardly: "At that time, I wanted to transform in front of you, but I failed, and you were injured, Captain. At that time, I thought Dyna might not I wanted to do that, so that’s how it has been.”

"I remembered, it was that time." Nakajima nodded suddenly, "No wonder Asuka was acting weird at that time."

Captain Xibi also remembered, and really wanted to stuff what he just said back into his mouth. It's not that Asuka didn't say it but he couldn't help it.

"You bastard!" Captain Xibi shook his head with a wry smile. Sure enough, he shouldn't have too much hope for Asuka, but he still likes to surprise you so suddenly, and the good atmosphere suddenly changed.

"Drip! Drip!" The communicator rang, Lu Chuanwu hurriedly put on the headset and connected the communication, her face suddenly became ugly, she raised her head and looked sadly at Captain Xibi: "Captain, Jupiter... Disappeared too!"

"..." The joyful atmosphere in the control room just because of Asuka disappeared suddenly. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the big screen. On the screen sent back by the monitoring satellite, the largest gas giant planet in the solar system It was covered by a huge darkness and disappeared.

"We have lost another planet, do human beings have a future?" Nakajima murmured extremely heavily, and it is also Jupiter, which has a huge gravitational force. After losing Jupiter, the gravitational balance inside the solar system will be completely broken, even if it is This sphia black hole does nothing, just the gravitational rebalancing of the solar system itself is enough to destroy the earth.

Lu Chuanwu hesitated for a moment before raising her head to report: "Captain, the earth has sent an emergency communication. Just now, the phantom of Sfia appeared all over the world, and... also spoke."

"Talk?" Everyone was taken aback. This was an unprecedented situation. In the past, Sfia would just come up and do it, and never made any noise. Why did she talk this time.

As soon as the screen turned on the big screen, the image data from the earth began to play. In the blue sky, there was a phantom image of a huge Sfia sphere, and at the same time, a voice came from the sphere: "Humans on the earth, and Let them assimilate, they used to be life forms just like you. But organic life forms have too many defects, limited life, fighting with each other, and finally put their own planet into a crisis of extinction. But they have overcome it now Its own shortcomings, together with all organic and inorganic substances, are integrated into this planet itself, becoming a perfect life form, no more fighting, death, and all being equal. Before the earth perishes, let me Come to welcome you. Integrating into the darkness is the correct evolution direction of this universe, and I am the future of the universe."

Koda snorted after listening to this recording: "Hmph, what nonsense, how could there be such a perfect world?"

"If technology develops to the extreme, this can be done. Biotechnology can make human beings no longer have to worry about longevity. If the ecological environment of any planet can be transformed to meet the living standard, it will not happen due to the struggle for limited resources. There's a fight."

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