Chapter 919 Pumpkin?

"I saw it..." Yuan Xiang said slowly in a sleepy voice: "A big, big pumpkin, so big... so big..." Yuan Xiang suddenly screamed loudly, holding her hands in pain. With his head scratched, Captain Xibi hurried over to support Yuan Xiang who almost fell to the ground, and looked at Xingye with some reproach.

Xingye stood up and looked at the worried Captain Xibi and said, "Yuan Xiang is fine, just rest for a while and she will be fine."

Xingye looked up and saw Liang staring at him, smiled at Liang, Liang turned his head unnaturally, the fact that Ultraman Xersus is actually human made Liang really hard to accept. Ultraman suddenly changed from an omnipotent god to a person who meets every day. Liang would rather believe that what he saw and heard that day was just a dream.

Captain Xibi finally felt relieved when he saw that Yuanxiang was safe, and looked at Xingye a little bit: "I didn't expect you to be hypnotized?"

Xingye shook her head, and said very seriously: "No, this is just a small trick of psychological suggestion, not enough to hypnotize a normal person, but Yuan Xiang was easily hypnotized, which shows that her self-awareness is already a little bit. Weak, it will be bad if it goes on like this.”

"What will happen?" Captain Xibi asked impatiently.

"The most serious situation is to completely lose self-awareness, like a robot, losing the ability to think, and will only act according to other people's orders." Xingye's words made Captain Xibi clenched his fists tightly, and his nails pierced into the flesh. Unconsciously.

Xingye looked at the members of the Super Victory Team: "We need more people like Yuan Xiang, we must know who the opponent is as soon as possible."

"No, I have been to the homes of those young people. Their relatives think that there is nothing abnormal about these young people. This kind of change is a good thing. I don't want these young people to change back to their original appearance." Koda shook in great distress. Shaking his head, for the parents of those young people, the children who have been "doing nothing" suddenly become good children, start to study seriously, and can be admitted to a good university and find a good job in the future... This is for these hopeful children. For the parents of Nv Chengfeng, the changes in the children are simply good news, and they will never believe what outsiders say.

"Well, in this case, we can only look for this abnormal point." Xingye clicked on the red-painted area on the big map on the screen: "The thing that made these young people change like this must be hidden in it , as long as you find it."

"Super Victory Team, let's go!" Captain Xibi shouted loudly, all the team members stood up and fought, raised their right thumbs, and shouted loudly: "Understood!"

Alpha Paisley, Beta Machines, and Gamma Machines were all dispatched, patrolling back and forth in this red area with a diameter of 20 to 30 kilometers, and all the radars were turned on to search for clues in the area.

Asuka, Captain Xibi and Kariya drove the patrol car through the streets and alleys, looking for unusual places.

All fighter jets and ground patrol vehicles are equipped with powerful radars, and satellites in the sky are also aimed at this area to try to find unusual places.

Captain Xibi increased the speed of the patrol car as much as possible, and wanted to find the unknown enemy as soon as possible, so that his daughter could return to normal. the real her.

While driving the car, Captain Xibi glanced at the radar screen in the middle from time to time, but there was no response from the radar screen, which made Captain Xibi very anxious.

Just as Captain Xibi was slowing down and turning, a middle-aged man suddenly rushed out of the side alley, waving his arms at the patrol car. Captain Xibi hurriedly stopped the car, rolled down the window and was surprised to find that this person turned out to be the reporter Hasumi who asked sharp questions at the press conference a few days ago.

"It's you! What's the matter? I have urgent matters to deal with now, so if it's an interview, I'm afraid I'll make you wait." Captain Xibi said as if he had seen the reporter before starting the car and leaving.

"Wait a minute, please take a look at this." Yusumi said, took out a photo from the camera bag she was wearing, and handed it to Captain Xibi.

Captain Xibi took the photo with a puzzled face and widened his eyes immediately after seeing it. The photo showed a large warehouse, but he could vaguely see a huge orange-yellow pumpkin phantom, which seemed to be covered by layers of clouds and mist. It's so blurry that you can't spot it unless you look closely.

"This is..." Captain Xibi suddenly remembered the big, big pumpkin that Yuan Xiang had mentioned.

"It was taken by a photographer I know by accident. The time was four days ago. I overheard him talking about it and asked for the photo and the negative. There is no trace of artificial processing. It is indeed the exposure of the negative. It was captured." Yu Xumei said and handed the negative to Captain Xibi: "Although I don't know what's going on, it might have something to do with monsters."

"Help us a lot, where is this photo taken?" Captain Xibi asked eagerly.

"I'll take you there, it's about three blocks away from here." Yu Xumei said and sat in the passenger seat: "But you want me to do an exclusive interview."

"No problem!" Captain Xibi kicked the accelerator, and the patrol car quickly drove towards the location on the photo. At the same time, Captain Xibi picked up the communicator and said: "The Super Victory Team assembled at K456A213, there is an abnormal situation there."

Yu Xumei looked at Captain Xibi in surprise: "Aren't you afraid that I did it on purpose?"

Captain Xibi chuckled: "Although you have some complaints about the development of TPC and the Super Victory Team, you are also thinking about human beings, and you are afraid that overly powerful weapons will harm human beings. I believe you will not create fake ones just for an exclusive interview." intelligence."

Yu Xumei was silent for a while and slowly said: "I think we may really need to have a good chat."

"After this thing is over, it will."

In just a few minutes, Captain Xibi stopped at the gate of the warehouse. The logistics warehouse covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters should have been busy, but it was quiet here. No one came in or out, let alone a truck. in and out.

"It's really weird." Captain Xibi said as he took out the Brest pistol, and was about to walk into this abnormal-looking warehouse.

"Are you planning to go in alone?" Yu Xumei looked at Captain Xibi in astonishment, never expecting him to venture into this dangerous area alone.

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