Chapter 898 Tiga Sky Shape

"Whoosh..." Dyna waved his right hand, and casually threw the trident aside. The trident rolled and disappeared into the sea in the distance. Swinging and waving his sharp claws, he grabbed Dyna.

Dyna raised his hands and grabbed the sea snake's claws. At this moment, the snake's long tail suddenly swung over, like a soft whip, and slammed heavily on Dyna's chest.

"Oh!" Dyna groaned, clutching his chest in pain, and took dozens of steps back to stabilize his figure. Only then did he strike the strange snake again in a fighting posture, looking at the snake vigilantly with his eyes, and quickly turned his brain to think about the next round of attacks.

And under the dark night sky, two behemoths were chasing at an extremely fast speed. The strange bird flapped its wings rapidly, allowing him to quickly shuttle through the clouds, while Di Jia followed closely behind and fired with both hands. Shoots out one after another air-type palm light arrows, attacking the monsters in front. And the monster was not to be outdone, and the sharp horns on the top of its head spit out lightning bolts from time to time.

The speed of both sides was more than Mach 10, and the loud sound of flying past awakened the people who were still sleeping on the ground. They looked at the lightning bolts and the bursting flames in the sky from time to time in amazement.

Dijia quickly shuttled through the flames, even if the trajectory was in the air. After the palm light arrow and the lightning shot out by the strange bird collided and burst into a violent flame, Dijia instantly changed direction and flew towards the sky. Let the lightning that the strange bird created next hit an empty space.

"Ha!" Di Jia jumped down from the air and rushed towards the strange bird that was still firing lightning. His palms passed across the colorful timer on his chest, and a blue crescent-shaped light blade cut at the Fierce sparks burst out from the strange bird's body.

"Hissing!" The strange bird cried out in pain, and fell crookedly to one side, falling hundreds of meters to the ground before stabilizing its body under desperately flapping its wings. The strange bird raised its head to look for Di Jia's figure, and a purple figure rapidly expanded in its pupils. Di Jia crossed his wrists and fired hundreds of small light bullets forward, hitting the strange bird densely. , the splashing sparks almost completely swallowed the strange bird.

Taking advantage of the fact that the strange bird was hit by countless light bullets and was unable to move, Di Jia clasped his hands together and emitted a bluish-white light bombardment on the back of the strange bird. The huge explosion force pushed the monster down from the sky, It hit the ground heavily.

There was a loud "bang", the ground trembled violently, and a dust column hundreds of meters high was splashed at the impact. The tens of thousands of tons of weight of the strange bird itself and the explosive power of Tiga's light attack made the falling force A deep hole was punched out in the ground at the point of impact, and the flying dust almost covered the sky.

Dijia's right foot landed lightly on the ground, and he made a fighting gesture at the strange bird that was planted in the impact crater. His glowing eyes watched the dust-covered bird through the dust. strange bird.

"Ah!" The strange bird roared high, its claws grabbed the ground vigorously, Pu flapped his wings and stood up, the big hole created by the impact was full of the feathers of the strange bird, wisps of purple liquid came from the strange bird It flowed down the back of the head, and a deep crack appeared on the sharp corner of the top of the head. The red eyes of the strange bird stared at Di Jia, and the eyes wished to tear Di Jia apart.

"Ha!" Dijia moved his feet on the ground, slowly turned his body, looking for an opportunity to attack, the strange bird's eyes were fixed on Dijia and he didn't care about other things at all.

"Hiss!" The sharp horns on the top of the strange bird's head shone with lightning and shot out a flash of lightning towards Di Jia. Di Jia lightly tapped his feet on the ground, and his body jumped up quickly. After avoiding the lightning, he immediately bent his left hand in the air. Stretching his right leg, he kicked hard with a fast flying kick on the horn where the monster bird fired lightning, splitting it in half.

"Ang!" The pain of the broken horn made the strange bird howl crazily. At the same time, it raised its right paw and grabbed the shoulder of Di Jia who passed by him, splashing violent sparks.

Dijia snorted, fell to the ground with his hands on his shoulders, and immediately stepped back more than ten steps to distance himself from the strange bird.

The strange bird's claws couldn't help flapping the broken horns on the top of its head. The bone marrow-like pain made the strange bird's eyes turn red, and it rushed towards Dijia recklessly. Dijia raised his arms, and after a few quick moves with both hands and the claws of the strange bird, he lifted his right leg like a soft whip like lightning, and slammed it on the abdomen of the strange bird, kicking the strange bird Kick and fly out.

But at the same time, the sharp beak of the strange bird also pecked Dijia's right arm fiercely. Both sides are speed players, and there is not much difference in speed.

"Huh! Huh!" The strange bird Pu flapped its wings, flew up from the ground, and quickly circled Dijia, trying to confuse Dijia's vision with this method.

Dijia raised his head and looked at the strange bird spinning rapidly in the air, so fast that he even pulled out a long black shadow whose head and tail almost connected into a line. Dijia stood there indifferent to this and let the strange bird circle around him.

The strange bird hovered rapidly, and the moment it flew behind Di Jia, it suddenly changed its direction and ran towards Di Jia. At this moment, Dijia turned around at a very fast speed, and the right hand was wrapped with a layer of dazzling energy light. At the same time, his left leg moved to the left, and his body moved to the left side at the same time, avoiding The high-speed impact of the strange bird and the blowing hurricane made Di Jia feel pain on the surface of his body.

At the moment when the strange bird and Dijia passed by, Dijia raised the knife in his right hand, which had gathered a lot of energy, and quickly slashed across the strange bird's back.

"嗤啦!" There was a violent rubbing sound, and the strange bird slammed into the ground heavily along the trajectory. Its body slid on the ground for more than a thousand meters before stopping, and rushed the ground out of a long and deep ravine. At this time, the left wing of the strange bird that was cut off by Di Jia fell to the ground, splashing a burst of smoke and dust.

Dijia turned around and crossed his arms in front of his chest, stretched them left and right, and at the same time put his arms together upwards, then placed his hands on his left waist to gather strong energy, and stretched out his right arm horizontally from his chest, pointing at the The strange bird that just got up fired a high-explosive arrow of light—Lampart Light Bullet.

"Boom" Lampart's light bullet hit the strange bird's chest heavily. The strange bird roared loudly, and with a loud 'boom', its body was blown to pieces and disappeared.

Dijia lowered his arms and looked up at the shimmering sky, raised his arms and rushed towards the direction he came from.

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