Ultraman Senki

Chapter 890 The Shadow of the Andes Mountains

"This is not a story, it's not a story!" Asuka desperately defended, but everyone's eyes were full of disbelief, which made Asuka somewhat understand Dr. Qiuyue's feelings all the time. After all, the original gods and monsters in the world are already mysterious enough. , As a result, you said that many monsters are actually aliens. It’s like talking about Star Wars in history class, and insisting that the laser sword is the light tube in the alien’s home. This is not only the style of painting is wrong, but also the logic is not smooth.

"Are you running to someone's house in the middle of the night to ask questions about aliens?" Liang looked at Asuka as if he was looking at a psychopath: "Asuka, I think you should go and check your head carefully."

"Uh, this..." Asuka opened his mouth, and found that he really couldn't explain why he went to other people's house in the middle of the night and asked such strange questions. No matter how you think about it, this kind of behavior is very strange. Now think about Dr. Qiuyue in the middle of the night. If he dared to come out, it was probably because he was wearing the Super Victory team uniform, otherwise he would have called the police.

Captain Xibi poked Asuka's chest vigorously with his right finger, and warned loudly: "Asuka, please be quiet. If one day I receive a call from the police station and ask me to pick you up, I will definitely not go." of. Did you know?"

"What, Captain, how could I be like this." Asuka muttered guiltily, thinking about her 'incredibly suspicious' behavior, and the voice of justification gradually decreased.

Kariya frowned and dug out a long memory from the depths of his mind: "I remember that Dr. Akizuki used to be a member of the Ancient Research Society, and he spent a lot of time studying the legendary sky city in the ancient Inca civilization. The city was built by the Zenaijindals who mysteriously disappeared long ago, and put forward the view that the Zenaijindals are actually alien visitors who descended on the earth in ancient times. Unfortunately, this view is not accepted by people in the society. .”

"This point of view is indeed shocking, and it is difficult for ordinary people to accept." Captain Xibi nodded understandingly.

Kariya said with some nostalgia: "Dr. Akizuki is my mentor, he let me appreciate a lot of brilliance that has long been buried in the dust of history. Unfortunately, the mentor disbanded the expedition team eight years ago and stopped exploring Zenaijin. The actions of the Dar people."

Koda asked a little strangely: "Why did you stop? Didn't you already find so many clues about this... person?"

Kariya smiled wryly and shook his head: "But the key piece of information proving that the Zenaijindals are indeed an extraterrestrial race, except for a sentence mentioned in an ancient Inca-era book, there is no other information at all. Legend has it that The city in the sky built by the Nakazawa Najindar people is also known as the ghost city, because this city is only a legend and no one has actually seen it."

"Hey, isn't there a photo taken by the expedition?" Asuka suddenly remembered the black and white photo that Dr. Qiuyue had shown him.

"The important evidence to prove that a race once existed is the relics of this race's past life, and the biological fossils of this race. The records in books alone cannot be regarded as key evidence at all. What's more, Dr. He Qiuyue What he wants to prove is that this ancient race is an alien visitor, so there must be more evidence. But... alas!" Kariya shook his head in great disappointment when he said this: "Master, they are in the jungle of South America. After searching for three years, I found nothing except the above-ground painting called Danke Shader by the locals. My mentor felt that the future of the students should not be delayed because of him alone, so he stopped exploring and disbanded the expedition team. I was in When I met my mentor at the university, he had stopped studying the Zenaijindar people and concentrated on teaching ancient history courses at the university."

"What a pity." Nakajima sighed endlessly. He is the scientist who can best understand the pain of giving up halfway. Due to various reasons, he was forced to give up the research he had devoted all his efforts to. The kind of sadness and pain are beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

"There is no way, the conflict between reality and dreams..." Captain Xibi, who has entered the age of forty, is deeply touched by this. Beautiful dreams are too weak in the face of cruel reality. In the end, it is often dreams that give way .

"Drip!" The originally dim screen suddenly lit up, and at the same time the virtual reality projectors around the room also lit up, and a figure of Xiaozao gathered around Luchuan Wu, followed by Xiaozao's cold voice: " The South American Division sent a message that a huge shadow suspected of a monster was found over the Andes Mountains region, and the fighter team of the South American Division has already attacked."

Lu Chuanwu stood next to Xiaozao with her hands behind her back and said with an excited smile, "How is it? Xiaozao can complete a lot of work at the same time, and there will never be mistakes."

"Yeah!" Captain Xibi nodded in satisfaction: "I think so too, so Wu, can you resign?"

"Crackling" Lu Chuanwu returned to her seat in an instant, her speed was like a whirlwind blowing from the flat ground, she looked at the small screen in front of her seat with a very serious face, and said without looking back: "I am currently paying attention to the South American branch News, can't hear anything, can't hear."


Everyone didn't care about this Xiao Wu who pretended to be "I'm very busy, I'm very important", and turned to look at the message transmitted by the radar on the big screen. The two Victory Blue Hurricanes rushed towards the clouds, passing through the white behind the clouds, and flew towards the huge shadow.

Just when the two fighter jets were about to catch up with the huge black shadow, the black shadow suddenly accelerated and rushed into a cloud of white clouds ahead, before disappearing on the radar screen.

"Be careful, be careful." The two fighters covered each other and charged into the clouds, but they didn't find any trace of the black figure until they got out of the cloud mountain.

There was a loud "boom", and a burst of flames burst out in the sky, which surprised the pilot of the other fighter plane. He hurriedly looked to the side, only to find that the fighter plane had exploded in the air, but the radar screen showed that there was nothing around the fighter plane. abnormal.

"What happened?" The pilot looked around in horror, a huge black shadow came into his eyes and then he didn't know anything.

"It's all gone?!" The Super Victory Team stared dumbfounded at the two fighter jets that exploded one after another in just ten seconds. They didn't see who the attacker was, and it was over.

"The picture taken by the fighter jet has been obtained," as the voice of Xiaolu sounded, a very blurred black shadow appeared on the screen, and it became clear at a speed visible to the naked eye until the specific image was fully revealed.

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