Ultraman Senki

Chapter 887: The Omen of the Dream

After tea and dinner, Dagu turned his head and said to Lina who was tidying up: "We went to Xingye's place, and we will be back later."

"Well! Go and come back quickly."

Asuka followed Dagu hesitantly and asked: "Senior Dagu, don't you ask me what's the matter?"

"Since you can wait until after dinner, it means it's not a big deal." Dagu said as he pushed open the door of Xingye's house next door, and saw Xingye and Mayumi sitting on the sofa, playing a game with each other It's playing games.

Xingye turned his head when he heard the doorbell, and Dagu was walking in, while Asuka stood there dumbfounded, looking at Xingye who was playing a game, and felt that the world was really crazy. If human beings knew that the savior they worshiped was this It looks like I've given up on treatment.

"It's Dagu and Asuka, what's the matter?" Xingye put down the handle and beckoned them to sit down, and Asuka sat down and told what he saw in his dream.

Xingye and Dagu couldn't help frowning after listening to Asuka's narration, and Dagu pondered for a while before saying: "The real Dijia left the earth 30 million years ago and left his body on the earth , During this long period of time, more than one person inherited Diga’s light and became Diga in times of crisis, saving human beings in danger of extinction. What you dreamed should be a piece of human history buried in the dust, that Diga Ka is supposed to be one of the successors of the Light."

"But why is this dream so real, I still feel pain, and why do I have this dream?" Asuka was puzzled.

Xingye pondered for a while and said: "It may be an omen. Dagudu and I once had such a dream with omens, although I don't know why it was in the form of a dream. However, I think it should be because we have light in our bodies, so we will treat some ordinary people. The undetectable features are analyzed in the deep consciousness and then fed back in the form of dreams."

"But I've never seen that strange bird, nor the city with the pyramids, and the battle between Tiga and the strange bird..." Asuka frowned feeling puzzled and doubtful.

Xingye shook his head: "I don't know, after all, we still know very little about light." Then Xingye stood up, took out a pencil and a stack of paper from the side drawer, and handed them to Asuka: "Dream Draw as many features of the city as you can remember.”

"Oh!" Asuka took the paper and pen and began to concentrate on drawing. The hall became silent for a while, only the sound of the pencil scratching across the paper. From time to time, Asuka put a piece of paper full of drawings on the table, or Throw the scrapped paper in the trash can aside.

Mayumi looked curiously at the black pictures drawn by Asuka. The lines are very simple or even abstract, and you can roughly see the outline of the drawn objects. After all, Asuka is not a professional painter and can roughly draw them. That's pretty good.

"That's all I can remember." Asuka slumped in the sofa, and on the table were more than a dozen crude pencil drawings.

Xingye and Dagu carefully looked at the pictures on the table, but didn't see why for a long time. Dagu shook his head lightly and put the picture on the table: "I don't have any memory about this monster or this city."

Mayumi saw that Dagu and Xingye no longer looked at it anymore, curiously picked up a few pencil drawings, looked at it, although Asuka's drawings were very rough, it can still be seen that the style of this city is different from any modern city, and it is more inclined to in ancient style.

"What are these?" Mayumi curiously pointed to four things that looked like patterned pipes on one of the pencil drawings.

"This is the costume I was wearing in my dream, but I can only draw the sleeves and the front of my body." Asuka looked at the messy costume he drew and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Xingye opened the tablet, flipped it over, and handed the screen to Asuka on the opposite side: "If this city ever existed in human history, you can ask Dr. Qiuyue, he specializes in the study of extinct races and Civilized, he should be able to answer questions in this regard."

Asuka wrote down the address on the paper, stood up and bowed: "Then I will take my leave."

Xingye stood up and asked: "Don't underestimate this dream, maybe it's really an omen, so you'd better figure it out as soon as possible."

"I see."

Xingye, Daiko and Mayumi stood at the door and waved goodbye to Asuka until the Seret patrol car disappeared into the night.

Dagu turned his head and sighed: "It seems that the earth is not peaceful anymore."

"Yeah, although I don't know what Asuka's dream foreshadows, but there is always a bad feeling." Xingye held Mayumi's hand, turned and walked back home: "Okay, since Dyna's light is shining Forewarning, then this matter will be handed over to Asuka."

Asuka didn't go back to the base at all, but kicked the accelerator and drove towards the house of Dr. Qiuyue who specialized in ancient history provided by Xingye. The uneasiness in his heart was getting stronger and stronger, making him want to figure out what was going on with this dream all night, and what Dyna wanted to tell him.

The moon has risen, covering everything on the earth with a layer of silver veil, the vehicles on the road are extremely rare, and the birds can only see a few vehicles along the way.

"It's already so late. Could it be that I'm already asleep? Isn't it good to disturb people now?" Asuka came all the way to Millennium Town and parked the patrol car in front of Dr. Qiuyue's house. He looked at his watch and found that it was almost midnight. It was twelve o'clock, and Asuka realized at this time that it was already late, and couldn't help hesitating.

Asuka walked around the door for a long time before deciding to come back tomorrow. After all, it was so late. Just when Asuka turned around and was about to leave, the iron door behind him opened with a 'creak'. In the middle of the night, the door behind him suddenly opened, scaring Asuka jumped so loudly that he almost didn't cry out.

An old man with glasses came out, leaning against the dim light from the lamp at the door, looked at the patrol car parked at the door strangely, then looked up and down at Asuka wearing the Super Victory team uniform and said: "You belong to the Super Victory Team. I see that you have walked around the door several times. What's the matter?"

"Uh, this..." Asuka scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment: "Actually, I really want to ask the doctor about something, but I thought it was so late, so I hesitated to disturb you. I'm really sorry, it's so late. I interrupted your rest."

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