Ultraman Senki

Chapter 882 Speed ​​of Life and Death

Outside the Antelope, Asuka turned the Alpha machine over and slowly approached the raised working platform in the middle of the Antelope. At the same time, a transparent rescue pipe protruded from the Alpha.

"The docking will start in eleven seconds." Xiao Zao's voice sounded in the communication channel of the Super Victory Team. The docking work does not allow the slightest error, so this work is handed over to Xiao Zao to complete.

"Start docking!" With the sound of Xiaozuo, several streams of white gas were ejected from the belly of the Alpha machine, and the Alpha machine was tightly pressed against the raised working platform of the Antelope.

"Crack!" The working platform clung tightly to the rescue channel temporarily installed on the Alpha aircraft.

"The docking is complete!" The moment Xiaozao's voice sounded, Kariya immediately opened the airtight door of the rescue passage, pulled a rope and slid down the rescue passage more than ten meters long.

"Boom" Kariya landed steadily on the workbench, opened the sealed door of the Antelope, and saw the children standing there waiting below, Kariya raised his legs and jumped in, entered the antelope in the cabin of the No.

"Children, don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." Kariya comforted the children to stand up, and pointed the laser gun in his hand at the sealed door in front, so that if the larva rushed over, it would be able to kill the larva immediately. open fire.

"Hurry up!" The captain immediately tied the rope around a child's waist, and the rope went up and led the child through the rescue channel into the Alpha machine.

"Great, hurry up, hurry up." Captain Xibi stood in the command room, clenched his fists tightly, and kept urging, wishing he could help them himself.

"The larva has broken through the fifth sealed door, and there is only the last sealed door left in the area where the children are." Xiao Zuo's cold voice sounded, but it made everyone's hearts tighten. Kariya on the Antelope immediately clenched the laser gun tightly in his hand, with his finger on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.

There was a loud "bang", and a bulge several centimeters long appeared on the 120mm thick alloy door, which shocked everyone.

"Hurry up!" Seeing this, the captain's face changed drastically, and he urged the remaining children to leave here quickly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" There were successive impacts, and bumps appeared one after another on the alloy door. From time to time, Kariya looked back at the children who left one after another, feeling his palms were sweating.

Xingye slowly slid his fingers on the cabin map of the Antelope, and tapped the airtight door that the larva was hitting with his right hand, and looked up at Xiaolu who was standing next to him: "If the air circulation system in area D and the antelope Is it possible to use the pressure difference to pump out the poisonous gas in the D area by connecting the damaged cabins at the rear of the No.

"It can be done, but it can't empty all the poisonous gas. The remaining poisonous gas can still be fatal when it spreads." Xiaozao quickly simulated and said.

"Suck as much as you can, at least it can slow down the spread and erosion of the poisonous gas." Xingye threw the cabin map in his hand on the table, sighed, that's all he can do, and the rest is up to humans. It's better to let humans do things for humans, after all, I can't stay here forever.

"Hmm!" Following Xiao Zuo's operation, a puff of white poisonous smoke spewed out from the tail compartment of the Antelope.

"Boom, scoff!" The overwhelmed airtight door tore a small opening, which surprised everyone. Kariya quickly looked back, and there were only two children left.

"Hurry up!" The oldest little girl hurriedly helped to tie her younger brother to the safety rope.

"Bang!" There was a louder impact sound, and the small hole instantly opened a gap about half a meter wide, and three balls of fluff rushed over quickly.

"Go to hell!" Kariya quickly pulled the trigger, firing laser beams at the fluff ball.

Several lasers hit a ball of fluff, burning it to ashes, but the other two balls had already rushed over.

"Danger!" The captain hurriedly threw the little girl to the ground, causing the ball of fluff to hit the steel wall next to it, creating a deep depression.

"Didi," the siren on Kariya's body rang, and Kariya looked down and his face changed drastically. He didn't care about the fluffy ball and picked up the little girl and ran to the other side: "Run, the poisonous gas has spread here, Asuka leaves immediately, hurry up!"

"What?" Asuka was startled, before he had time to do anything, Xiaozao's cold voice sounded in Asuka's headset: "The spread of poisonous gas has been detected, and the rescue mission cannot continue, and we are starting to leave the Antelope."

Afterwards, the Alpha machine started automatically, and the airtight door of the cabin was automatically sealed, disconnecting the connection with the Antelope. Asuka hurriedly pulled the joystick: "Go back quickly, Kariya is still on it."

"Asuka, don't be impulsive, get out of here." Kariya lowered the alloy airtight door and shouted into the headset: "There are still so many children on the Alpha plane, get out of the Antelope as soon as possible."


"If the Antelope is destroyed, you will also be involved. Do you want those children to die because of your recklessness?" Kariya roared angrily into the headset.

"Understood!" Asuka gritted his teeth and drove the Alpha plane away from the Antelope, looked at the armed satellite hanging alone in the sky in front of him, and directly drove the plane over.

"Asuka, this guy!" Captain Xibi sighed deeply when he saw the advance route of the Alpha Machine, and turned his head to look at Xiaoxiao next to him: "I'm sorry to trouble you, lock the attack system of the Alpha Machine."

"En! Completed the lock." Xiaozuo nodded. At this time, the Alpha machine had come to the front of the armed satellite. Asuka pressed the attack button forcefully, but there was no response at all. Asuka was stunned: "How could this happen?"

Captain Xibi's voice sounded in the headset: "The bird will return to Earth immediately."

"But the captain..."

"You can't attack with an Alpha machine," Captain Xibi said in a deep voice, "Your task is to bring these children back to Earth safely, don't be willful."

"Understood!" Asuka gritted his teeth and squeezed out two words, pulled the joystick to adjust the direction and flew to the earth.

"The Antelope will be within the attack range of the armed satellite in five minutes." Xiao Zuo's voice sounded in the communication channel, making Lianghe Koda lower his head and not look at the Antelope that was about to be destroyed.

Kariya and the captain took the last little girl and retreated to the control room of the Antelope. This is the last safe place, and there is no other place to retreat.

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