Chapter 874 Strange Tales from Mountains and Seas

"Senior Mayumi, don't scare me." Lu Chuanmai also had goosebumps all over her body, everything in front of her eyes was too weird, she could see but couldn't hit but the opponent could attack, isn't this just a ghost?

"Ghost?" Xingye paused for a moment, his heart skipped a beat. Indeed, this monster was very similar to the legendary ghost.

Xingye's eyes lit up: "I see, let's try it now." Xingye immediately began to tap, and at the same time ordered: "Xiao Zuo, point all the antenna arrays of the microwave power station at the monster I marked. On the trajectory of the bird's flight, and then convert the stored electricity into electromagnetic waves of full frequency and emit them all."

"I see."

Xiao Zuo immediately took over the receiving antenna matrix of the microwave power station. Amid the sound of mechanical gears, hundreds of antenna matrices all turned and turned, aiming the huge hemispherical reflector at the strange bird that was rushing towards it. .

Xingye contacted the Super Victory Team with Luchuan Wu's PDI: "Hurry up and get out of there, run as far as you can, I'm not responsible for running slowly."

"What?" Ryo, Koda and Kariya were taken aback for a moment. Although they didn't understand why, they quickly turned and flew away from the strange bird.

"Full-frequency electromagnetic waves, launch!" With the cold voice of Xiao Zuo, hundreds of antenna matrices released electromagnetic waves of different frequencies at the same time. A building close to the power plant was rubbed against by electromagnetic waves, and instantly shattered, and even the head-sized fragments were found.

"Buzz!" Under the cover of the electromagnetic wave, the strange bird's body instantly distorted out of shape. The sound of the strange bird changed, and it hurriedly changed direction and flew towards the high altitude, and disappeared the moment it broke out of the electromagnetic wave envelope.


"Great." The three members of the Super Victory Team finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the strange bird disappear. After all, the opponent was too weird, and it was impossible to carry out effective combat under such circumstances.

"Sure enough." Xingye stopped the electromagnetic waves and turned all the receiving radars back to their original angles.

Lu Chuanwu asked with a hint of fear and curiosity; "It can't really be a ghost, can it?"

"Almost," Xingye put away the tablet: "You just mentioned ghosts, I thought that this monster might be a plasma aggregate, so it couldn't be photographed by the instrument, so I heated it with full-frequency electromagnetic waves to make it It becomes a free electron and escapes. Unfortunately, I don’t know which frequency can deal with it, otherwise if I use that frequency intensively, that guy would have been wiped out long ago.”

Lu Chuanwu's eyes widened: "You mean it's not dead yet?"

"Of course not, so stop chasing your idol, and hurry back to the base to discuss countermeasures, otherwise next time we won't have so many antenna matrices for us to cover all frequency electromagnetic waves." Xingye said as he walked towards the car that was still parked at the racetrack .

Lu Chuanwu looked at the empty racing track unwillingly: 'Really, I finally took a vacation, and now it's all wasted. '

But then Lu Chuanwu happily ran all the way to Xingye's side, with a flattering look on his face, like a kitten begging for food: "Senior Xingye, what you said before...Xiaozao will let me Is it true to see enough?"

"Your command room doesn't have a virtual reality projector, what do you think?" Xingye glanced at the excited Lu Chuan Wu, mercilessly breaking Lu Chuan Wu's fantasy.

"Then what if there is?" Lu Chuanwu pouted with displeasure on her face.

"Then it's up to you, as long as Xiaozao agrees." Xingye opened the car door casually and sat in.

"Hmph, that's what you said, you can't go back on your word."

"Don't go back on your word." Xingye said weakly, and started the car.

"Crack" the door of the command room opened, and Xingye walked in wearing a white study uniform with a thick ancient book. Staff Miyamoto and Director Fukami also followed to the command room of the Super Victory Team.

Seeing this, Captain Xibi hastily greeted him: "Dr. Xingye, do you have any countermeasures?"

Xingye opened the thick ancient book in his hand, and then projected it on the big screen. A half-human, half-bird monster was outlined with a few strokes on the scorched paper.

"This is the record I found in the "Shan Hai Jing". This bird is called the Guhuo Bird. It is a strange bird that can bring disasters in ancient Chinese myths and legends.

"How can things from myths and legends appear in the real world? Could it be that they are just similar in appearance?" Nakajima couldn't believe it. After all, myths and legends are unscientific.

Xingye glanced at him: "Don't underestimate these myths and legends, some of them may be true. Ten years ago, the Victory Team dealt with a monster in myths and legends - Su Nagui, and also saw a demon slayer from the Warring States Period. What about the soul of Ida Jinglong. Some myths and legends are actually true, but because the time from modern times is too long, the facts at that time were buried in these legends.”

Asuka's eyes widened in astonishment: "Could it be that those gods, ghosts, and monsters really appeared on Earth before?"

"Who knows?" Xingye folded the ancient books together: "The earth has existed for 4.6 billion years, but human beings have written history. Even the oldest legendary story on earth, "Shan Hai Jing" is only a few years old. It's just a thousand years. Compared with the infinite time and space of the earth, what we humans understand is really pitiful."

Lu Chuanwu's eyes lit up, and she asked excitedly, "So, angels do exist, too."

"..." There was a rare silence in the command room, and Xingye couldn't understand why Lu Chuanwu could think of something as mysterious as an angel when discussing such a serious matter.

"This...probably!" Xingye responded perfunctorily and immediately changed the subject: "By the way, I discovered something very special today, take a look."

As he said that, the screen on the big screen turned into a map of East Asia, and there was a straight red line on the map.

Xingye pointed at the red line with his right hand and said: "Last night, many power plants in East Asia were destroyed, and all of them were located on this red line, and the end of the red line is the microwave power station that the strange bird is going to attack today, but if If you extend this red line in the opposite direction..."

Everyone looked along Xingye's right index finger, and the red line began to extend until it stopped in a continuous mountain range.

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