Chapter 853 Human Clearance Plan

The director of the South Asia Branch said with some complaints: "The construction of such a powerful space battleship should have been voted at the staff meeting. How can such a dangerous thing be built privately. I think a large-scale investigation should be carried out. Find out all the alien spies hidden inside human beings, and the Prometheus incident cannot be allowed to happen again."

"That's right, the TPC must be cleaned up and those alien spies must not be spared." The meeting room was full of anger, and many people expressed their opinions, but they all wanted to conduct an investigation inside the TPC to find out what the aliens were hiding. Spy inside TPC.

"Crack!" Xingye placed the teacup heavily on the table, the sound of the cup lid colliding with the quilt was so clear that the sound in the conference room came to an abrupt end.

Xingye stood up and glanced around: "Investigate? How to investigate? First investigate those who do not deal with you? Ten years ago, HUNTER was in charge of the security of the entire TPC. For ten years, no alien was able to infiltrate The base of TPC. The number of aliens who died in their hands is four figures. By the way, they are now the space expedition team, responsible for the safety of the frontier positions of human beings such as Mars City and Jupiter Base."

Xingye's words made many people bow their heads and drink tea pretending to be calm. At the beginning, most of the people present who proposed to disarm the scientific research department voted for it, and they heard that the scientific research department was going to open the science and technology library. Now It would be unwise to offend the scientific research department.

"I'm not saying this to turn over old scores, let alone bring the hunter army back under the command of the scientific research department. I just remind you that the internal friction of human beings can be stopped. Now is not the time to shirk responsibility and blame anyone, but how to defeat them. Obviously malicious Monera star." Xingye's voice echoed in the silent conference room, and Staff Officer Quan Teng raised his head in surprise, looking at Xingye with incredible eyes.

He has an unshirkable responsibility for the Prometheus incident this time, and it is already rare to not make trouble, but listening to Xingye seems to be telling him clearly.

"That's right, now when human beings should unite and work together, we must find out the position of the other party and the purpose of the Monera Stars as soon as possible." Director Shen Jian, who was sitting on the rostrum, spoke, categorizing the matter down.

Staff Officer Miyata turned his head to Staff Officer Quan Teng next to him, and asked with some doubts: "Prometheus is a battleship made by humans, so can't it lock its position? There are hundreds of thousands of ships on it that can send out electrical signals." Parts, didn't you find one?"

Staff Officer Quan Teng gave a wry smile, and shook his head helplessly: "I tried everything, but I couldn't even find a single identification signal. The person in charge of the core development is the enemy. Prometheus and the others know it clearly. It's all under their control."

Director Shiina of the intelligence agency turned his attention to Xingye: "Dr. Xingye, Prometheus is based on the blueprint of Helios. Is there a way to find out the weakness of Prometheus?"

"The design of the Helios is based on the Atdis, and the problems exposed during the construction and use of the Atdis have been redesigned, so the Helios is almost perfect, Not to mention the Prometheus designed based on the Helios," Xingye said softly, rubbing his forehead, "What's more, Prometheus has been modified by the Monera star, and the design drawing can only be used for reference. Reference."

"Buzzing buzzing buzzing buzz!" Immediately there was a whisper of discussion in the conference room, everyone looked worried, and they were helpless in the face of finding an enemy they didn't understand.

"The people of Monera have technology far superior to ours. They can obviously build more powerful warships. Why do they want to transform Prometheus?" The representative of the United Nations sitting on the rostrum said very puzzled: "The most important thing now is Only by clarifying the purpose of the other party can we formulate the next move, whether to negotiate or to carry out an armed attack."

"The Moneras have already said when they were in the Cremos Islands that the purpose of transforming Prometheus is to use weapons made by humans to defeat Ultraman who protects humans. They didn't take humans seriously at all. I think human beings are stupid and have no meaning of existence at all." Captain Xibi said in a deep voice: "So I think the purpose of the other party is not aggression at all, but to completely exterminate human beings." |

"You're right," a gloomy voice sounded in the middle of the conference room, and the projector in the middle of the conference room lit up, and the figure of 'Dr. The vines shook gently like tentacles.

"It's you!" Staff Officer Quan Teng clenched his fists violently, gritted his teeth with a 'click' sound, and his eyes burst into flames.

"We will execute the plan to obliterate stupid humans starting at twelve noon tomorrow," Dr. Kisaragi said with a hint of arrogance on his bark-like face, and his tone was full of contempt: "We will use the machine demon Desfasa from The K3 area began to wipe out human beings little by little, the only thing you can do is to see how your world is destroyed with your own eyes.”

"Why do you do this?" Staff Officer Quan Teng roared loudly, suppressing his anger.

Dr. Kisaragi said in a very indifferent tone: "Stupid and humble human beings living in this universe will only waste the precious resources of the universe. Creatures like you have no value at all."

"It seems that you are also a traitor." Xingye squinted at the Monera star and said suddenly.

"Huh?" 'Dr. Kisaragi' turned his gaze to Xingye: "I didn't expect that you, a group of humble creatures, would know our existence. Yes, we are soldiers under the command of the great god Sfia. You low creatures."

"You should be thankful that we are very interested in the toys you made, so we spent a week slowly clearing you with the toys you made, and enjoy your last twenty hours of peace."

"How dare you look down on us?" Staff Officer Quan Teng could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and stood up abruptly.

"Notifying you is to give you time to pass this news to Ultraman Nexus. If he wants to protect human beings, he can defeat our toys in twelve pairs at noon tomorrow, otherwise we will slowly kill human beings one by one. Wipe it out." After Dr. Kisaragi finished speaking, the projector dimmed and disappeared.

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