Ultraman Senki

Chapter 843 Human Space Fleet Construction Plan

"Humanity has now entered the era of a new field. What we come into contact with is no longer our compatriots living on the same planet, but strange lives and civilizations in the universe. In the universe, there are friends who come with peace, and even more Malicious invaders," Xingye said lightly: "Humanity's current space fleet is really not enough to look at the door, and most of them were transformed from cargo spaceships before the explosion of technology. So I think that human beings should start to build a new universe. At the same time, the old spaceships will also be transformed in batches.”

Staff Officer Quan Teng's face suddenly darkened when he heard the words. Xingye didn't talk about the development of military power, but talked about the space fleet. It was obviously to attract the attention of his newly built space battleship, but he still had no way to refute and talk about it. reject.

A smile appeared on Xingye's face: "The scientific research department has completed the experimental work of the V1 Neomax cannon, and it has entered the practical stage. The old ship Artdis has already started to renovate in the space dock on Mars orbit. , the main gun will also be replaced with a Neomax gun.”

Xingye's plain words made Quan Teng's staff clenched his fists, and his face became even more cloudy. He spent a huge price and exposed several people in the scientific research department to get the Neomax cannon. But now the other party tells you that we are ready to apply this thing on a large scale, and now Staff Quan Teng really wants to scold her.

"Dr. Xingye, is this the latest weapon?" Staff Officer Quan Teng asked in a toneless tone.

"It's the safest and most mature." Xingye smiled brightly, but didn't answer whether it was the latest weapon.

Staff Officer Quan Teng really wanted to punch this smiling face, and what he got after paying a huge price became a big deal in a blink of an eye. It's like you have worked so hard to get the latest fruit machine from abroad and returned home satisfied, and found that everyone has the same mobile phone after getting off the plane.

"But isn't it too early to develop a space fleet? Humans don't yet have the ability to go to other galaxies on a large scale." Staff officer Miyata frowned, "And if we build a space fleet on a large scale, it would be unbearable based on the current productivity of human beings." .”

"Advisor Quan Teng is quite right in one point. We can't wait until the enemy hits the door to attack. We must know that both the Mars base and the Jupiter base were built successfully by human beings. Destroying them is only a matter of time." It’s necessary, one shot at a time. It’s true that the alien invaders who come to Earth now are all alone, at most they bring a monster, but what if the other party is a large-scale space fleet.” Xingye said in a deep voice: “At that time What should we do? It is very necessary to transform the old space battleships and build the latest space battleships."

Staff Officer Quan Teng also grew his mouth. He just wanted to build more missiles, planes, etc., and at most he was secretly building a space battleship. He didn't expect that Xingye would build a space fleet as soon as he opened his mouth. This...span It's too big.

"Everyone should go back and think about this matter. A meeting will be held again in three weeks to vote on whether to build a space fleet." Director Fukami said to end the meeting.

The staff dispersed one after another, Xingye sat in the director's room opposite Director Fukami, and Director Fukami rubbed his temples, his face full of exhaustion.

"I'm getting older, and my energy is not good," Director Fukami said with a smile, "It's time to make way for the young people."

Xingye smiled. The things discussed in this meeting had actually been discussed long ago. After Staff Officer Quan Teng proposed the development of military force, the construction plan of spaceships proposed by Xingye immediately focused everyone's attention on it, thus Ignoring the proposal made by the staff of Kwon Teng just now, there is a buffer for TPC to change from the peaceful development route to the military development route, at least it will not make the reaction of those peaceful factions too violent.

"Actually, the proposal I just made is serious," Xingye said in a flat tone, "Even if we don't start construction for the time being, we must start to transform the old space battleships. It is always good to increase human force. The V1 Neomax gun has matured." Now, it can be applied on a large scale.”

"Associate Quan Teng is actually... also for human beings." Director Shen Jian was silent for a moment before he said: "Although sometimes the method is a bit radical, but..."

"You mean Prometheus, isn't it just an imitation of the Helios? The transformation of the Helios has come to an end. In fact, Prometheus has been outdated since its design." Xingye chuckled With a sound, I poured a cup of tea for myself and director Shenjian: "The scientific research department has mature design experience and construction experience. Apart from the fact that we build space battleships, many technologies are not up-to-date."

Director Shenjian didn't speak, but took a sip of his tea. He knew about Prometheus, so he couldn't say anything about it.

Xingye stood up and said, "The Scientific Research Department will open the database next step. Except for those very dangerous weapons, all other scientific and technological departments can call them at will."

Director Shen Jian raised his head and looked at Xingye with astonishment. The scientific research department has always been independent from other departments, and is only responsible to the director. The scientific and technological information is a secret of the scientific research department. Even as the director, he only knows the technologies reported by the scientific research department, and it is not known whether they are the latest technologies. But now they want to develop a scientific and technological database, which... is simply not in line with the usual style of the scientific research department.

"The Scientific Research Department exists for the advancement of human science and technology. Concealing some new technologies is also for the safety of human beings. After all, some technologies are too advanced. They are very dangerous but poor in stability. They are not self-preserving." Xingye said softly: "And now human beings are once again faced with a choice, a huge danger is approaching the earth, and there is no time to think about other issues."

"Great danger?" Director Shen Jian's face suddenly became serious, he knew Xingye's true identity, since he said so, it was really dangerous.

"Yes, it is very likely that we will encounter fleets from other high-tech civilizations," Xingye sighed deeply. If the fleets of those traitors come to Earth, Xingye and Dyna will only be in charge of two fleets Forget it, the only thing left is to hope that human beings can persist until they solve the responsible fleet, then the power of human beings must be strengthened, otherwise Xingye will not release those double-edged sword technologies.

A trace of worry flashed across Director Shenjian's face: "Is this information reliable?"

"It's probably hard to avoid." Xingye shook his head, shattering Director Fukami's last hope. Director Fukami took a deep breath and nodded vigorously: "I see, the renovation plan will start immediately, and the construction plan will be voted on at the meeting three weeks later."

"Yeah!" Xingye turned his head to look at the virtual scenery outside, and really hoped for more time, not only the strength of human beings but also Dyna, this crisis is more dangerous than the Dark Dominator.

The ruler of darkness only destroys human beings, and new humans will appear after tens of millions of years, but if this battle is lost, the entire earth will be over, and all hope and life will become the universe along with the earth. dust.

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