Ultraman Senki

Chapter 826: The Man Who Stole Dusk

"Director, Miyamoto staff!" Captain Xibi greeted him.

Director Shen Jian hurriedly asked, "How is the situation now?"

Xing Tianhui reported on the big screen: "We have arrived in the K2V2 area. Everything in the town is normal, and no abnormalities have been found. Now we are conducting air alert to guard against possible accidents."

Director Shen Jian frowned: "Captain Xibi, do you think what the other party said is true?"

Captain Xibi pursed his lips and bumped his hands subconsciously: "My common sense tells me that it is impossible to steal the dusk, but the things that the beings from extraterrestrials do have never complied with human common sense, I think it would be better Believe it or not, it is necessary to guard the K2V2 area, and of course other areas should not be relaxed to prevent the enemy from attacking from east to west."

"Yeah!" Director Shenjian nodded in satisfaction: "Then everything is up to you, and the enemy's conspiracy must not be allowed to succeed."

"Yes, Director!"

"Ka" the automatic door opened, Xingye and Nakajima walked in one after the other, Xingye handed the report paper in his hand to Director Fukami: "The test result came out, the composition of that paper is exactly the same as ordinary paper , and nothing special."

Lu Chuanwu walked over, and said in a very tangled manner: "But our printer doesn't have such a long paper in it. This thing seems to have appeared out of thin air."

"Director, it looks like it might be the work of an alien life form," Staff Officer Miyamoto said very worriedly: "And our security system didn't send out an alarm at all, if the main control computer of this base is controlled... .”

Director Fukami didn't speak, but cast his eyes on Xingye who was standing aside, Xingye nodded: "The new defense system 'Noah' is already in the test, once the TPC is completed, all bases will be replaced with a new defense system, Compared with the previous defense system, it is several times stronger, and the ability to defend against viruses will also be greatly improved."

"Noah—the Ark?"

"That's right, isn't this how human beings are navigating in the vast ocean of space now, and the earth is the only safe place - Noah's Ark." Xingye said with a smile.

Staff officer Fukami said firmly: "Yes, so we must protect the safety of the earth and never let invaders harm our homeland."

Night fell, but the K2V2 area was brightly lit, and the residents of the town had been evacuated to other places. Hundreds of chariots marked with the TPC logo rumbled into the town, and many tents were set up around the town, and high-power lines were built here from various power stations to provide energy for the searchlights and instruments here.

The Victory Condor landed in the fields of the town. Ryo, Asuka, Kariya, and Xingda stood on the road at the entrance of the town, watching the trucks full of town residents head to a temporary building in the distance. The refuge camp, the town suddenly became empty, and there was no popularity at all.

"Hey, who are you talking about stealing the town's dusk?" Kariya is still entangled: "How could the dusk be stolen?"

Asuka casually turned the helmet in his hand and glanced at his beak: "I think it must be someone's prank. How could Dusk steal it? Wouldn't it be embarrassing for us to spend so much time if nothing happened?"

Liang glared at Asuka angrily: "I would rather nothing happen and let everyone work for nothing. This proves that the earth is peaceful and no invaders are coming. This is a good thing. Do you understand?"

"I know, I don't need you to educate me." Asuka pouted dissatisfiedly.

Koda was very worried. The other party broke through TPC's network defense system without a sound, and he didn't know when he added such a long piece of printing paper, and then printed out such a notice letter. Very weird.

"I hope nothing will happen tomorrow." Koda sighed deeply.

The actions of the TPC could not be hidden from the journalists with sensitive noses. A large group of reporters flocked to the town, standing outside the TPC cordon and taking pictures in the town. Many of them came with interview vehicles, obviously planning to come. live connection.

Early the next morning, the citizens just woke up and were overwhelmed by TPC news. Newspapers, TV news, and mobile phones were all about the actions of TPC last night. And it was broadcast live on TV, TPC's actions, tanks parked neatly, fighter planes cruising back and forth in the sky, and soldiers with big waists and round waists on the ground were fully armed to guard and patrol, as if they were facing an enemy.

"The TPC evacuated the residents of this small town overnight last night, and then brought in ground troops and air troops. It is speculated that aliens may launch an attack on this small town. However, such a large-scale military mobilization should be done as soon as possible. Let the aliens notice it, but why is TPC still sticking here? So far, TPC has not given any specific reasons for this operation, and our station will continue to follow up and report..."

"Crack!" Xingye turned off the TV casually, causing Mayumi next to her to turn her head in surprise: "Why didn't you watch it?"

"It's nothing to look at. I don't know if the aliens deliberately tricked us. I have never seen an alien invader who released information about the invasion in advance, let alone stealing the twilight of the earth. This..." Xingye kept shaking his head, always thinking that he had seen a lot of aliens, but he had never seen such a weird one.

"Steal the dusk?" Mayumi raised her head and tried hard to imagine stealing the dusk in her mind, but racking her brains, she couldn't imagine that scene, how the dusk was stolen.

"Since the other party said it's five o'clock, let's wait until five o'clock." Xingye shrugged. He didn't even know who the enemy was, so he could only wait passively, and couldn't do anything else.

"Da! Da!" The crisp sound of crutches colliding with the concrete road sounded. Under the brim of the black hat was the face of an ordinary earthling. The town is already filled with TPC's armed forces.

"Let's have fun," Pandora said with a smile: "I want to steal all the beautiful things on this planet, so that my collection can be much more, and I, Pandora, will become the most famous space thief of."

"Huh?" Asuka sitting on Seret was moved, and suddenly raised his head, but saw a man wearing a suit from the last century behind a house in the small town, looking at the dusk sky Preoccupied. There was an aura of "I have a problem" in the whole person, which made people have to pay attention to him.

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