Chapter 802: Sero's Hard Training

Even if you know the answer, everything has become a foregone conclusion. I can't escape Noah's mission at all, and my father and mother can't come back. So what if you don't know the answer?

The King of Ultra looked at Nexus and couldn't help but shook his head: "The original Noah shuttled through time and space, wiped out countless dark forces in each time and space, and sealed countless powerful dark rulers by you. But that So what, after you disappeared, these guys returned from the darkness and reoccupied those time and space, so some things cannot be accomplished by one person. Therefore, after I discovered the Kingdom of Light, I began to guard this light Star."

"I see."

With a loud bang, a swiftly passing figure hit a nearby small mountain. The huge impact caused the small mountain to shatter in an instant, and the boulder quickly fell into the magma river below. The bubble disappears.

"Huh?" Nexus turned his head to look there, and protruded a blue hand from the small hillside piled up with gravel, and pulled the gravel aside vigorously, a red and blue Ultraman tried hard Standing up, shaking his dizzy head.

There are two sharp ice axes on the top of the head, and the emerald beam light on the forehead. This familiar figure made Nexus stunned, unexpectedly meeting this guy Sai Luo here.

"Sero? He's here." Mayumi said in surprise, Astra was taken aback by her words, and looked at Mayumi in amazement.

"Ugh!" Sai Luo kicked the ground vigorously with both legs, soared into the air and kicked to the bottom of the mountain. Nexus took two steps forward, and saw standing on the ground in the magma river Leo on a lone rock.

"Sai Luo is still in such a mess." Nexus was a little amused, and really wanted to take a photo of Sai Luo's current appearance. The Sai Luo I saw in Xiao Mian's world is really cool, not so powerful. And Sai Luo, who was seen in that small universe, was still so arrogant, even though he was besieged by several mechanical Ultramen, he still maintained a proud attitude.

But now, he looks desperate, and his flying kick is very similar to the Leo flying kick he saw last time on Earth, but it's just a resemblance, and it's far from the real Leo flying kick thousands of miles.

Sure enough, Leo easily blocked Sai Luo's nondescript flying kick with both hands, and then his arms turned from blocking to grabbing, grabbed Sai Luo's ankles, and threw Sai Luo out. Sai Luo barely adjusted his body in the air. Zi Zi fell to the ground in embarrassment, and slid backwards for several thousand meters before stopping, almost falling into the lava river behind.

"Damn it, you bastard." Sai Luo gritted his teeth and looked at Leo. He knew that this guy still retained his strength, otherwise he wouldn't have thrown himself to the edge of the lava river so well.

"Do you know Sai Luo?" Astra hesitated and asked again. You must know that Sai Luo has never been active in the Land of Light, so why did he recognize it at the first sight.

"Well, but his strength seems to have regressed." Mayumi nodded, laying on the wall of the light ball and looking towards Sai Luo's direction: "Xingye, raise me higher, I can't see it anymore."

"Hehe!" Otto King stroked his beard and smiled, a finger of his right hand emitted light from his palm, covering the ball of light in Nexus' hand, and the ball of light shrank back and disappeared quickly.

"Alas!" Mayumi was taken aback by this situation, but later found that neither the scorching temperature nor the bad gas composition felt the slightest, as if she was living on the earth.

Nexus was also taken aback, but he was relieved when he saw that Mayumi had no problems. He looked at the King of Ultra suspiciously, and the King of Ultra stroked his beard and said with a smile: "My power is Guardian, this is guardianship, unless it is the surface of a star, neutron star or black hole, otherwise this little girl can survive on any planet, of course it is limited to survival."

"Uh, although I don't understand, it seems to be much more convenient, thank you!" Mayumi said with some joy while holding Nexus' thumb. , and the range of activities was limited to a little space within the diameter of two meters, now it suddenly expanded to Nexus' hands.

The King of Ultra looked at Sai Luo in the distance and said: "Among the four of us, you are the only one who has the power to span the past and the future. Knowing that Sai Luo can return to his original heart, I am relieved. "

Although Astra still didn't understand, she closed her mouth wisely and didn't ask any more.

Just as he was talking, Leo flew up with Sai Luo, who was full of displeasure, and it seemed that the training was over.

"King!" Leo bowed slightly towards the King of Ultra, but Sai Luo gave a disdainful 'cut' and stood aside with his arms crossed, looking sideways at the 'newcomer' Nexus Si: "What? This guy was kicked out by you too. Hey, newcomer, do you want to compare with this young master to see what you have to touch that thing."

"Get out?" Nexus was taken aback, turned his head to look at King Ultra in surprise, and there was still such a paragraph with Zero.

"He is not satisfied with the slow-growing power, and wants to use the plasma spark tower to enhance his power." King Ultra said lightly: "He made a big mistake."

"Oh!" Nexus nodded knowingly. He didn't expect that Sai Luo, who has always been so aggressive and cool, has such a dark history. The current Sai Luo is still at the age of a child, but his strength has already passed. It's no less than Yumebius, who just came to Earth, and has even greater potential than Yumebius.

Although I don't know how many years later the Sai Luo I saw in Xiao Mian's world, but the strength of Sai Luo at that time was already extremely strong. Shiro who put on that armor in the world.

"No need, if you want to fight with me, wait for you to become a teacher." Nexus waved his hand, isn't he bullying the children by fighting now?

"Cut, coward!" Sai Luo muttered, walked to the side of a boulder and sat down, began to rest, the battle with Leo just now made him very tired, and the environment here is so harsh, and it is still high temperature High pressure, even a little movement will take a lot of effort, not to mention the high physical strength of fighting training.

Soon Leo and Sai Luo flew into the distance again, and continued to fight. Although Sai Luo had an ice ax, he was still not Leo's opponent. He was at a disadvantage from the beginning to the end and was completely suppressed.

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