Ultraman Senki

Chapter 80 The Flame Blooming in Space

"Very good." Zong Fang nodded, and glanced at Ultraman who was entangled with the two robots on the screen: "We're here."

Dijia's current situation is very bad. The opponent not only has a defense like a copper wall, but also has a powerful body. Even the powerful type can't fight against it. In addition, the electric light emitted from the head of Gobuniu from time to time made Dijia tremble and it was difficult to control his body. For a while, Dijia was crushed and beaten by the robot Gobunuo, and he could only parry but could not fight back.

The timing device of an instrument on the Snow White pointed to zero, and then the ordinary engine of the Snow White was slowly turned on, and the powerful jet engine drove the Snow White up, and after rising to tens of meters, the jet engine at the tail turned on, and the Snow White followed The scheduled program rushed to the earth at high speed.

Gobuniu released a flash of lightning like an electric whip on Di Jia's body, and the strong current made Di Jia weakly half-kneel on the ground and moan in pain. Gobuniu lowered his head and ran towards Tiga. Just as he was about to hit Tiga, Nexus kicked Gobuniu obliquely and hit a mountain next to Tiga. It was smashed into pieces, and some of the gravel splashed and hit Di Jia's body.

Dijia turned his head and looked at the Impreza in the distance who was walking very clumsily, not as sensitive as when he appeared last time, and now the Impreza moves slowly like an old lady with small feet of.

The lightsaber in Xingye's right hand slashed Goblinu several times fiercely, leaving no trace except for the slightest sparks, which made Xingye have a deeper understanding of its hardness, even though it was just an ordinary slash He didn't gather energy, but the hardness of his armor was absolutely abnormal.

Gobnew rushed forward, Nexus and Dijia dodged, and then each of them grabbed Gobnew's arm and twisted back forcefully. Although Gobnew was extremely powerful, he couldn't break free for a while.

Tiga and Nexus looked at each other and at the same time threw Gobnew forward forcefully. Gobnew couldn't help but took a few steps forward and bumped into Impreza who was walking towards him. The robots collided together, making violent sparks and deafening noises, and then rolled into a ball.

The two Ultraman acted at the same time and began to gather the energy in their bodies, and then released their own tricks. The cross storm and Zapelio's light hit Impreza's body at the same time.

Impreza was hit by two rays of light, especially the joints, and violent sparks erupted instantly, and then exploded. And the Goblinu behind him was blown back several times by the power of the explosion.

When he stood up, there were many clear scratches on the place where Gobuniu had just suffered the explosion, some of which were several meters deep. It became like a liquid and quickly rushed to Gobnu's feet. The clear scratches on Gobnew's body quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Xingye flew up into the sky and flew hundreds of meters above the mechanical island, then turned around and rushed towards the mechanical island head first. A silver-white light flooded out of his body, and Nexus quickly turned into a ray of light and slammed into Gobnew.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the flames shot straight into the sky. A ring-shaped shock wave The shock wave swept through the dust in the surrounding area of ​​several thousand meters, forming a ring-shaped dust belt and roaring into the distance.

"Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong!" The indicator light on Nexus's chest flickered more and more frequently, and Xingye clearly felt that the energy value in his body had dropped to an extremely dangerous level.

"The Atdis has arrived at the designated location and can launch an attack." After leaving the mechanical island, the Atdis quickly adjusted its position and opened a safe distance from the mechanical island to fire the Max cannon.

"The Drake cannon is aimed at the robot!" Zong Fang ordered.

"Understood! The Drake cannon fires." Lina pressed the button forcefully, and the Drake cannon gathered powerful energy to launch a beam of light across the long void in an instant.

The smoke and dust on the mechanical island dissipated, revealing the figure of Gobuniu inside. There were cracks all over his indestructible body, and a crack almost divided Gobuniu into two halves.

The ground under Gobuniu's feet turned into metal liquid again, Gobuniu's body quickly merged into it, and the metal liquid flowed upstream and quickly covered Gobuniu's body, filling the cracks on his body.

At this moment, a beam of light crossed the distant void and hit Gobnew's body, and the flames exploded into the sky and swept upwards with smoke.

Tiga and Nexus turned their heads and saw that the Artdis had moved away from here and reached a safe position. Looking at each other, the two giants raised their hands and flew into the sky, came to the opposite side of the mechanical island, and formed a triangle formation with the Atdis.

"Max cannon ready!" Zong Fang ordered seeing this.

"The Max power system is running, and the Drake cannon has been connected to the Max power system." Dr. Yatsuo turned on the lock switch in the command room.

The two giants shot out strong rays of light from their bodies almost at the same time to cover their bodies, turning into two sharp rays of light and crashing into the shell of the mechanical island at the same time.

"The Max cannon is fired." Zong Fang shouted loudly, and Lina pressed the launch switch.

The Max power system is running. The protons and antiprotons collide at high speed to burst out intense energy and photons, and then enter the firing hole of the Drake cannon. A colorful beam of dazzling light is launched from the Drake cannon and crashes into the mechanical island. On the outer shell, the indestructible outside world was directly penetrated by the Max cannon and blasted out a huge hole.

The rays of light transformed by the two giants hit the shell of the mechanical island fiercely, and a huge hole appeared at the point of impact. On both sides, huge cracks like spider webs appeared and extended to the distance.

The two rays of light condensed the figures of two giants not far from the mechanical island. The outer shell of the mechanical island had already begun to explode with violent sparks. Xingye gathered the energy that was not much in his body, and combined his hands into an L shape to release a cross storm.

Three rays of light hit the crumbling mechanical island from three directions, passed through the outer shell of the mechanical island and exploded inside the mechanical island.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Flames burst into the sky everywhere on the mechanical island, blasting a pile of dust that had accumulated for countless years into the sky.

"Stay away immediately!" The huge body of the Artdis began to adjust its angle, slowly aimed at the earth, and then quickly turned on the engine and accelerated towards the earth.

"Boom" A shocking explosion exploded in the universe, and the mechanical island was directly blown into fragments. The flames spread thousands of kilometers away, and the flames of the explosion reflected half of the earth's sky red, with a brightness hundreds of times higher than that of the sun. many.

After Xingye emitted the light, Nexus turned into a ray of light and caught up with the Snow White that had entered the atmosphere. The light condensed into Xingye's figure and appeared on the driver's seat. Xingye slumped weakly on the driver's seat, picked up the oxygen mask and took a few deep breaths. The autopilot system on the Baixue drove the Baixue slowly to the base, Xingye leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the sky outside, white clouds drifted past the Baixue, and the endless blue sea below.

Looking at the scene of water and sky in front of him, Xingye's worries dissipated: "It's really beautiful! It's been a long time since I had a good rest, so let's take a good rest tomorrow. It's such a happy decision!"

The Snow White slowly drove into the base, and the Artdis had already returned, but because the F4 hangar was flooded by sea water, the maintenance robots were still repairing the damaged outer wall, so the Artdis was temporarily docked The spare G3 hangar was attacked by self-explosive robots before, so that many parts of the Atdis, especially the shell, were covered with scratches and dents. Some serious shells were damaged and the lines below were completely destroyed.

However, the GoMax power system has not been fully completed, and final assembly is still needed. Therefore, the current G3 hangar is like a large construction site, with lines, pipes, and other miscellaneous things piled up everywhere. Moving back and forth, ants-like personnel are busy on and off the Artdis, performing inspections, installations, and maintenance...

These have nothing to do with Starry Night, and now he is in the command room together with Dr. Yatsuo to communicate with the members of the Victory Team about the problems that were exposed during the emergency attack of the Artdis.

"After the Artdis is launched with full firepower, if the Max power system is not fully charged, the Artdis can only stay there and cannot move. Therefore, I think the power system and fire system of the Artdis should be Separate." Hori made his own suggestion.

"Actually, the power system and the firepower system were separated by a separate Max system, but this time the attack was too urgent. The Max power system was only half-completed and could not support the power of the Artdis, so only It can be integrated together." Dr. Yao said regretfully: "But this time we have enough time to complete the Max power system, so that this defect can be made up."

"Although the Drake Cannon performed very well this time, the damage caused by the other weapons on the Artdis to the enemy is very limited and the total energy they occupy is also quite a lot." Lina thought for a while and said: "I I think the power of these weapons should be increased."

"Because of the limitation of the caliber, even if the power is increased, the gain is not worth the loss." Xingye thought for a while and shook his head and said: "You can consider replacing it with a missile system, so that the Artdis will no longer rely on The escort aircraft is protected, and the space saved can be used for other facilities.”

"But if this is the case, will Artdis's attack be too weak?" Dagu was a little worried.

"Ordinary enemies don't need to dispatch the Artdis. The Drake and Max cannons can fully meet the combat needs. Anyway, the Artdis was originally designed to be used as a weapon of last resort." Xingye explained. (Today’s third update, I did what I said. The manuscript depositor left me. I said that I saved 10 chapters and started uploading this novel. I persisted in saving the manuscript for a month before it disappeared. I’m a little proud! There are also recommendation tickets, Recommended votes, vote for three chapters at once, the author will add more votes as soon as he is happy.)

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