Ultraman Senki

Chapter 771 Dark Demon Armor

The Ampera star looked at the images of Nexus and Mebius fighting on the giant screen around him, and finally his eyes focused on Nexus, who was emitting golden light all over his body, and Mebius, who was burning with flames. Adams.

"Moreover, the so-called ultimate life form - what was left by the Reyblad star was discovered on the earth. I suspect that Ultraman's strength on the earth has increased so quickly and this has something to do with it." The Mephilas star said made his own inference.

"You are the only one left among the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness that spans the universe. It seems that this small earth does have something incredible. Father of Ultra, you are indeed very forward-looking and took the lead in occupying this planet, but he is going to be mine. , and this planet will personally drive out the fighters you sent out." The Ampera star stood up and waved the cloak behind his back: "Dark Realm, activate!"

Following the orders of the Ambella Stars, the extremely huge palace group began to collapse towards the middle rapidly, and countless dense dark mist gathered. In just a few seconds, this huge palace that spanned several light years shrank into a dark flame no more than a kilometer in size.

The Ampera star sat on the throne and raised his finger to the direction of the earth: "Mephilas, you will lead the Impreza Legion to attack the Kingdom of Light. What the Father calls 'Irreplaceable Planet' really looks like."

"Follow your instructions, Your Majesty the Emperor." Mephilas lowered his head deeply, hiding a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

The Mephilas star stood on the edge of a huge steel fortress, seeing the incomparably black flame - the dark field disappeared at the end of the universe, the Mephilas star turned around and said with a smile : "Your Majesty, I will help you do everything, including putting on that dark armor and you can go to Earth with peace of mind.\

,"The Mephilas star turned his head and looked at the boundless steel fortress army around him, and couldn't help frowning, touching his sharp chin, the Mephilas star couldn't help thinking: "I don't know the effect of the dark magic armor yet. How much can I play, if I am noticed by the Ambella star, I am afraid that these legions will hunt me down in the universe. Well, these things must not be allowed to exist."

The Mephilas star spoke and began to issue orders, and he quickly entered the command while smiling triumphantly: "Ampera star, if I successfully put on the dark armor, these legions will become my army to fight the universe. I failed, and I will never leave you a screw. The self-destruct command is activated!"

After finishing everything, the Mephilas star jumped on his spaceship without hesitation, and rushed to the center of the galaxy at full speed. Huge steel fortresses passed by the window of the ship, and the surroundings gradually became brighter. In front of the spaceship was a sea of ​​light. Thousands of extremely dim stars gathered within a radius of less than one light-year. Crowded couldn't be more crowded.

And at the center of all the stars is a black armor that is no more than 60 to 70 meters high. The light of thousands of stars turns into streamlines of flames and is sucked in by this armor. This spectacular sight is like ants devouring an elephant.

"It's the final forging stage. After forging with the flames of thousands of stars, the dark armor will be completely completed. I will wear it for you, His Majesty the Emperor." The most heavily guarded place under the command of the entire Ampera star, if he hadn't obtained the command and the Ampera star had left, he would not have dared to approach it.

I don't know how long the torrent of flames has lasted, but from the extremely dim appearance of the thousands of nearby stars, it can be seen that the forging is coming to an end.

The Mephilasians have been standing here waiting for the forging to end. I don't know how long it took before a thousand stars were pulled out of the last torrent of flames and poured into the body of the dark magic armor.

"It's finally finished." The Mephilas star clenched his fists with great excitement, and drove the spaceship to slowly approach the dark armor. The dark armor has absorbed the energy of thousands of stars, but the surface is still very cold. That layer of pure darkness is daunting, and I feel like my mind will be sucked in.

"My... my... dark armor." The Mephilas star yelled, and touched the chest of the armor with his right hand. The Mephilas star felt an extremely cold and even chilly energy Climbing up the arm.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The dark armor made the sound of metal collisions, and the dark armor immediately fell into pieces and was reassembled on the Mephilas star in a short time.

"The dark armor show me your strength." The Mephilas star yelled, pulled up a black stick at his waist, and gripped it hard with a 'click' sound, and the two sharp blades Unfolded, it became a dark trident.

The dark demon armor waved the dark trident in its hand and pointed it at the nearest extinguished star. An extremely thick black light gathered by black lightning—Gigazorum light shot out from it, bombarding the extinguished star. superior.

With a loud "boom", a terrifying explosion occurred inside the entire star, and the star that had been extinguished suddenly burst into dazzling light, and the brightness of its bloom was equivalent to 500 billion suns. This is the most dazzling last light released by a star at the moment of death, which can be seen by the whole universe, as if telling the whole universe about its last glory.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Mephilas, dressed in dark armor, held up the dark trident in his hand and laughed, surrounded by countless particle streams and high-energy radiation pulse waves from supernova explosions. If the Rath star didn't wear this dark armor, he might be wiped out in the high-energy radiation at the moment of the supernova explosion, but now these terrifying particle streams can't hurt Mephilas in the slightest.

"Ha, ha, uh... ah!" The Mephilas star was laughing, and the laughter suddenly stopped, as if being strangled by the neck. The dark demon armor let go of the dark trident, and suddenly began to tear the armor on his body frantically, but before his movement lasted for two seconds, he suddenly stopped, raised his head stiffly, and two dots appeared from the black helmet. With a bright red light, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the dark trident next to him. The dark magic armor turned around slowly, and rushed towards the spaceship of the Ampera star - the direction where the dark domain disappeared.

PS: If you have a monthly ticket this month, let’s vote. There is an annual ranking. I am now ranked 11th in the second dimension, which is less than 100 votes away from the 10th, and the other party has paid off. Let's go for it, somehow get into the top ten, which proves that I am also self-motivated.

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